in-Line FLowmeters
FL45200A Series
U Direct Reading Scales
U One-Piece Molded
U Floats Available
in 316 SS or TFE
U 316 SS Float Guide
Reduces Float Oscillation
U Low Pressure Drop
FL45200A Series flowmeters have a
rugged, one-piece body of heat- and
chemical-resistant injection-molded
polysulfone. Half union connectors
join the meter body to 2 FPT
polysulfone adaptors at each end.
The meters feature FKM O-ring
seals and 316 SS or TFE
(depending on calibration) floats.
Permanent, screen-printed scales
are positioned directly in front of the
float for easy reading. The 316 SS
float guide reduces float oscillation
and protects critical float surfaces.
FL45200A Series flowmeters may
be ordered with Hastelloy
and Hastelloy or TFE material float
guides (depending on calibration),
for use in harsh environments.
These high-quality materials make
the FL45200A Series suitable for
applications that would normally
require glass or metal flowmeters.
C floats
Accuracy: ±2%
Meter Body: Molded polysulfone
Union Nuts: Glass fiber–reinforced nylon
O-Ring Material: FKM
Float: 316 SS
Temperature Limit: 93°C (200°F) at 0 psi
Pressure Limit: 10.3 bar (150 psi)
at 21°C (70°F)
Pressure Drop: 2 psi max
Adaptor Size: 2 FNPT
479 H x 118 mm W (18
Weight: 2.25 kg (5 lb)
Caution: Polysulfone should not be used
in direct sunlight or any other significant
sources of ultraviolet light.
FL45204A shown
smaller than actual size.
⁄8 x 45⁄8")
To Order
316 SS Float Hastelloy C Float
Model No. Model No. GPM LPM SCFM
FL45201A* – 2 to 20 8 to 78 –
FL45202A FL45202-HL 6 to 60 30 to 230 –
FL45203A FL45203-HL 8 to 80 40 to 300 –
FL45204A FL45204-HL 6 to 100 20 to 380 –
FL45205A FL45205-HL 20 to 130 80 to 500 –
FL45206A FL45206-HL 25 to 175 100 to 675 –
FL45230A – – – 40 to 240
Equipped with TFE float.
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
For 5-point NIST calibration, add suffix “-NIST” to model number for additional cost.
Ordering Examples: FL45202A, meter with 6 to 60 GPM (30 to 230 LPM) ranges.
FL45230A, meter for air, 40 to 240 SCFM.
Visit omega.com/fl45200 for Pricing and Details