Dimensions show flowmeter
side view. Face width (not
shown) is 32 mm (1-1/4"). Use
center line dimensions for
drilling panel.
Drill two 15 mm (0.59'') holes
to fit inlet and outlet. Maximum
panel thickness is 9.5 mm (3/8").
Use the two retaining nuts supplied
to secure flowmeter.
150 mm size
65 mm size
(3/8) maximum
panel thickness
(0.59) open
(0.59) open
Featuring New Design with Easy Tube
Replacement and Superior Readability
U Up to ±2% Full Scale Accuracy
U Non-Rotating Seal Spindle
U Easy-to-Read Scale Design
U Special Locknut Design for Easy
Tube Replacement
The OMEGA® precision variable-area rotameters for air,
water, and gases have up to ±2% of full scale accuracy
and 0.25% of full scale repeatability. These units feature
an easy-to-read millimeter scale and are supplied with
correlation charts for air and water. For correlation
data for nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, helium, argon,
and carbon dioxide, please consult the Engineering
Department for details. The scale is fused on the
metering tube in 1 mm (³⁄₃₂") increments, which enables a
user to read the flow rate with the highest accuracy.
The special scale design, where a vertical line runs
through the length of the scale and intersects the
horizontal scale divisions, reduces parallax and eye
fatigue, thus insuring high-accuracy readings (see inset,
next page). The front polycarbonate shield is also curved
to act as a magnifying glass, all of which yields superior
performance over other rotameters with standard design.
Easy Flow Tube Replacement
The important advantage of the FL-3600 through the
FL-3900 rotameters is their special locknut design,
which facilitates the installation and replacement of
flow tubes in the field for easy flow range change. The
knurled locking nut on top of the tube is backed off with
a small Allen wrench or a 1 mm (³⁄₃₂") diameter rod,
thereby releasing the tube for replacement. The system
is designed so that the tube does not rotate while it is
tightened into place. Only 2 different standard valves are
used: one for flows up to 7000 cc/min of air, the other
for higher flow rates. Six different high-resolution valves
are used; consult Engineering for details when changing
FL-3600 Series
Scales: 65 or 150 mm
arbitrary scale
Accuracy: ±2% full scale
(±5% FS on * models)
Repeatability: ±0.25% full scale
Connections: ¹⁄₈ FNPT,
Flow Tube: Borosilicate glass
End Fittings: Anodized
aluminum or 316 SS
Side Panels: Aluminum
Valve Orifice: Polyacetal for
aluminum models, Kel-F in
316 SS models
O-Rings and Packings:
Buna in aluminum models,
FKM in 316 SS models
Packings: FKM
Float Stops: PTFE
Maximum Temperature:
Air: 121°C (250°F)
Water: 82°C (180°F)
Maximum Pressure: 200 psig
(13.8 bar)
Dimensions: mm (in)
FL-3607G, shown
close to actual size.
Shielded for Pressurized Systems
These rotameters, with precision-bored borosilicate glass
metering tubes, are fully shielded against breakage. A
white opaque rear shield provides a background to aid in
discerning the float position for accurate readings.
Panel Mounting Design
These rotameters are equipped
with horizontal ports and
NPT threads for easy panel
mounting. The ports have
external threads and are
equipped with panel retaining
nuts. No additional mounting
hardware is required. Simply
drill two holes 131 mm (5.156")
apart (center to center) for 65
mm units, 240 mm (9.469")
apart (center to center) for
150 mm units. Each hole
should be 16 mm (⁵⁄₈") in dia.

Polycarbonate shield acts
as a magnifier to insure
high accuracy reading with
less eye fatigue.
Rotameters with 65 mm Flowtubes
To Order Visit omega.com/fl3600_fl3800 for Pricing and Details
Model No. Model No.
Aluminum Frame 316 SS Frame Air Water
FL-3607G* FL-3707G* 5.77 0.07
FL-3607ST* FL-3707ST* 16.77 0.28
FL-3607C* FL-3707C* 32.99 0.62
FL-3635G FL-3735G 48.7 0.59
FL-3635ST FL-3735ST 214.5 2.38
FL-3613G FL-3713G 104 1.75
FL-3613ST FL-3713ST 298 5.78
FL-3610G FL-3710G 202 2.64
FL-3610ST FL-3710ST 522 12.0
FL-3610C FL-3710C 818 20.8
FL-3651G FL-3751G 986 20.5
FL-3651ST FL-3751ST 1946 55.6
FL-3692G FL-3792G 1249 26.97
FL-3692ST FL-3792ST 2520 70.67
FL-3692C FL-3792C 3680 103.5
FL-3688G FL-3788G 2040 39.7
FL-3688ST FL-3788ST 3980 108.3
FL-3688C FL-3788C 5739 169.8
FL-3665G FL-3765G 2678 52.0
FL-3665ST FL-3765ST 4922 150.0
FL-3696ST FL-3796ST 12,058 364.0
FL-3617ST FL-3717ST 24,680 745.0
FL-3663ST FL-3763ST 42,094 1261.0
FL-3663C FL-3763C 58,500 1866.0
Maximum Flow Rate† (cc/min)
Comes complete with correlation
sheets for air and water with
instructions printed is on the back.
“G” suffix denotes glass float,
“ST” suffix denotes 316 SS float,
“C” suffix denotes carboloy float,
“SA” denotes sapphire float.
For units without valve, add
suffix “-NV” to model number.
Minimum flow rate is 10% of the
maximum rate shown.
For 16-turn, high-resolution,
non-rising stem valve for
150 mm rotameters, add suffix
“-HRV” to model number, for
additional cost.
For NIST calibration, add suffix
“-NIST AIR” to model number for
additional cost. Add suffix “-NIST
WATER” to model number for
additional cost.
For oxygen cleaning add
“-02CLEAN” to model number for
additional cost.
Ordering Examples:
FL-3940ST, 150 mm rotameter,
16-turn, high-resolution, non-rising
stem valve stainless steel unit,
with 316 SS float, range of 41.5
LPM/air, 1.28 LPM water.
FL-3802C, 150 mm rotameter,
non-rising stem valve aluminum
unit, with carboloy float, range
of 1222 cc/min air, 33.7 cc/min
Rotameters with 150 mm Flowtubes
Model No. Model No.
Aluminum Frame 316 SS Frame Air Water
FL-3845G* FL-3945G* 18.6 0.196
FL-3845ST* FL-3945ST* 61.8 0.956
FL-3845C* FL-3945C* 110 1.92
FL-3841G FL-3941G 48.5 0.53
FL-3841ST FL-3941ST 141.5 2.45
FL-3861G FL-3961G 92 0.85
FL-3861SA FL-3961SA 140 1.92
FL-3861ST FL-3961ST 263 4.7
FL-3861C FL-3961C 454 8.5
FL-3802G FL-3902G 374 5.5
FL-3802ST FL-3902ST 814 20.4
FL-3802C FL-3902C 1222 33.7
FL-3803G FL-3903G 825 16.5
FL-3803ST FL-3903ST 1682 46.0
FL-3804G FL-3904G 2313 53.5
FL-3804ST FL-3904ST 4562 130.4
FL-3805G FL-3905G 3807 84.3
FL-3805ST FL-3905ST 7590 216.6
FL-3839G FL-3939G 8678 210.0
FL-3839ST FL-3939ST 16,737 506.0
FL-3840G FL-3940G 22,536 54.0
FL-3840ST FL-3940ST 41,512 1288.0
FL-3840C FL-3940C 59,494 1881.0
Minimum flow rate is 10% of maximum.
* Accuracy ±5% FS on these models.
Maximum Flow Rate† (cc/min)