CAPACITIES: 0.055 to 6.28 GPM of Water,
0.22 to 25.76 SCFM of Air
FL-1600A Series
U ±2% Full Scale Accuracy
U ±1⁄2% Full Scale
U Dowel-Pin, Side-Plate
U 10 to 100% of Flow Scale
U Correlation Equations
Permit Use with
Any Fluid
U Packing Glands for
Industrial Installations
U Shielded for Use in
Pressurized Systems
U Horizontal Ports for
Panel Mounting
OMEGA® FL-1600 industrial
flowmeters are designed for
high-accuracy industrial uses.
They feature dowel-pin, sideplate construction and externally
adjustable packing glands for
use in industrial piping systems.
Metering Tube: Borosilicate glass
Floats: 316 SS
End Fittings: 316 SS standard
Packing Material:
316 SS Meters: PTFA
O-Rings: PTFA
Side Plates: Aluminum
Gland Rings: Steel
Safety Glass Windows:
Aluminum frames
Gland Followers: Aluminum
Scale: 250 mm (9.8"),
detachable metal plate
Accuracy: ±2% full scale
Repeatability: ±0.5% full scale
Max Temp: 121°C (250°F)
For correlation
with other fluids,
visit omega.com/
shown much
smaller than
actual size.
Dimensions: mm (inch)
Model No. A B D
FL-1601A, 1602A 518 (20.4) 419 (16.5) 83 (3.3)
FL-1603A 559 (22) 445 (17.5) 95 (3.8)
FL-1604A,1605A 581 (22.9) 445 (17.5) 108 (4.3)
To Order
Range Range Pressure Drop Maximum Pressure
Model No. Air (SCFM) Water (GPM) (H2O) (psig) Ports FNPT
FL-1601A 0.22 to 2.22 0.055 to 0.55 3" 300 ¹⁄₂
FL-1602A 0.428 to 4.28 0.10 to 1.04 9" 300 ¹⁄₂
FL-1603A 0.796 to 7.96 0.19 to 1.90 6" 175 ³⁄₄
FL-1604A 1.80 to 18.05 0.45 to 4.54 9" 100 ³⁄₄
FL-1605A 2.5 to 25.76 0.63 to 6.28 13" 100 ³⁄₄
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Ordering Examples: FL-1602A, rotameter, 0.428 to 4.28 SCFM air and 0.10 to 1.04 GPM water.
FL-1603A, rotameter, 0.796 to 7.96 SCFM air and 0.19 to 1.90 GPM water.
Visit omega.com/fl1600 for Pricing and Details