RTD Sensors
In Multiples
of 100 Pieces
U Available in Various
Sizes, Resistances,
and Accuracies
U Single and Dual Element
U Flat or Cylindrical
U Response Times
Equivalent or Better
Than Wire Wound
elements are manufactured using
materials and processes similar
to those employed in the
manufacture of integrated circuits.
This results in a rugged, reliable
sensing element that can be
produced in a wide range of sizes,
resistances, and accuracies to
meet even the most demanding of
The resistance vs. temperature
relationship of OMEGAFILM RTDs
conform to the internationally
accepted IEC60751 standard.
RTDs conforming to this standard
have a temperature coefficient
of resistance (also known as
Alpha) of 0.00385Ω/Ω/°C between
0 and 100°C.
elements can be used worldwide
with a multitude of controllers and
instruments designed to function
within these requirements.
OMEGAFILM RTDs are available
in flat, round, and specialty shapes
for maximum flexibility. They are
also available in resistances at 0°C
that include 100, 500, and 1000 Ω
depending on the element style (the
resistances available for each style
will be shown on their individual
Glass coating over
wire bonds pattern
Platinum thin
film layer
Connection pad
Ceramic base
Can Be Used As-Is, or Packaged
in a Wide Variety of Sensor Styles. Custom
Packaging Options Are Also Available,
Contact Omega’s Applications
Engineering Department to Discuss
Your Specific Needs.
Sensing Elements

Thin Film Interchangeability in °C
Temp °C Class B Class A 1⁄3 DIN (AA)
-50 0.55 — —
-30 0.45 0.21 —
elements are manufactured to meet
the requirements of IEC Standard 60751. This
standard uses “Classes” to define the accuracy
and interchangeability for the elements, the
basic resistance vs. temperature characterisitcs,
temperature ranges and other technical
information relating to the OMEGAFILM RTD
elements. Key portions of these requirements
are summarized below.
0 0.30 0.15 0.10
100 0.80 0.35 0.27
150 1.05 0.45 0.36
200 1.30 0.55 —
300 1.80 0.75 —
400 2.30 — —
500 2.80 — —
Accuracy Classes
There are three accuracy “Classes” defined in IEC60751 for film type RTDs, they are: “Class A”, “Class B”,
⁄3 DIN (also known as AA).
These “Classes” are defined as follows:
Tolerance (°C)
Class A = ±(0.15 + 0.002t)
Class B = ±(0.30 + 0.005t)
Class AA (was
⁄3 DIN) = ±(0.1 + 0.0017t)
Temperature Range*
(-30 to 300°C)
(-50 to 500°C)
(0 to 150°C)
t = Temperature °C
Note: There is also an industry standard
* Note: The temperature ranges shown are not the temperature ratings for the sensors. Temperature ranges for each product have been
provided, please see the applicable page.
⁄10 DIN accuracy not available in film style RTDs.
Platinum RTD resistance can be calculated using the Callendar-Van Dusen Equation as follows:
For temperatures below 0°C:
Rt = R0 [1 + At + Bt2 + C(t-100)t3]
For temperatures above 0°C, this simplifies to:
Rt = R0 (1 + At + Bt
where: A = 3.9083 x10-3 (C-1)
B = -5.775 x10-7 (C-2)
C = -4.183 x10
R0 = Resistance at 0°C
t = Temperature in degrees celsius
Maximum Operating Current
The maximum operating current is determined by the amount of electrical current that can be passed through
the element without significant self heating occuring. OMEGA recommends a maximum operating current of 1
milliamp for all of the 100 ohm elements and sensors we supply. Higher or lower currents may be suitable for other
resistances or sensor products, OMEGA recommends testing, for self heating effects before use.
Resistance vs. Temperature Values per IEC60751
Temp Resistance Temp Resistance Temp Resistance
(°C) (Ω) (°C) (Ω) (°C) (Ω)
-200 18.52 150 157.33 450 264.18
-150 39.72 200 175.86 500 280.98
-50 80.31 250 194.10 550 297.49
0 100.00 300 212.05 600 313.71
50 119.40 350 229.72 650 329.64
100 138.50 400 247.09 700 345.28