Grounded Exposed Ungrounded
Transition Junction Style Probes
With High Temperature Molded Construction
Standard Dimensions
U 6 and 12" Lengths in Stock
U Sheath Diameters from 0.010 to 0.125"
U 304SS, 310SS, 316SS, 321SS, Inconel®
or Super OMEGACLAD® XL Sheath
U Grounded, Ungrounded or Exposed Junction
U 40" PTFE-Coated Lead Wires Standard
U Environmentally Friendly Cadmium-Free
Liquid Crystal Polymer
U Molded Transition Junction Rated to 260°C (500°F)
Junction Types
0.38" O.D.
0.25" O.D.
To order
IEC color
code visit
See omega.com
Discount Schedule
1–10 Units.............................. Net
11–24 Units...........................10%
25-49 Units............................20%
50 and Up...............Consult Sales
Now available in Type N, Inconel N or K High Performance XL material.
See omega.com
Shown smaller than actual size.
Available as
in Type N
in Type N
To Order Visit omega.com/jmtss for Pricing and Details
ANSI Color Code/Alloy Sheath Dia. in. Model No. 6" Length Model No. 12" Length
0.010" JMTSS-010(*)-6 JMTSS-010(*)-12
0.020" JMTSS-020(*)-6 JMTSS-020(*)-12
Iron-Constantan 0.032" JMTSS-032(*)-6 JMTSS-032(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.040" JMTSS-040(*)-6 JMTSS-040(*)-12
0.062" JMTSS-062(*)-6 JMTSS-062(*)-12
0.125" JMTSS-125(*)-6 JMTSS-125(*)-12
0.010" KMTSS-010(*)-60 KMTSS-010(*)-12
0.020" KMTSS-020(*)-6 KMTSS-020(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.040" KMTSS-040(*)-6 KMTSS-040(*)-12
0.062" KMTSS-062(*)-6 KMTSS-062(*)-12
0.125" KMTSS-125(*)-6 KMTSS-125(*)-12
0.010" EMTSS-010(*)-6 EMTSS-010(*)-12
0.020" EMTSS-020(*)-6 EMTSS-020(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.040" EMTSS-040(*)-6 EMTSS-040(*)-12
0.062" EMTSS-062(*)-6 EMTSS-062(*)-12
0.125" EMTSS-125(*)-6 EMTSS-125(*)-12
0.020" TMTSS-020(*)-6 TMTSS-020(*)-12
Copper-Constantan 0.032" TMTSS-032(*)-6 TMTSS-032(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.040" TMTSS-040(*)-6 TMTSS-040(*)-12
0.062" TMTSS-062(*)-6 TMTSS-062(*)-12
0.125" TMTSS-125(*)-6 TMTSS-125(*)-12
Note: Probes with 0.040" diameter and larger supplied with molded transition joints. Smaller-size probes supplied with stainless steel transition
joints. All Type N probes supplied with stainless steel transition joints; see omega.com for Type N probe pricing and information.
*Specify junction type: E (exposed), G (grounded) or U (ungrounded). †Other lengths available, please consult Sales Department.
To order with 304, 310, 316 or 321 SS sheath, change “SS” in model number to “304SS”,“310SS”, “316SS” or “321SS” respectively, no additional
charge. Consult Sales for lengths between 2 to 12", or for lengths over 24". Type N Inconel Sheathing is available, Contact Sales for model numbers.
**For Super OMEGACLAD® XL, change “SS” to “XL” and add additional cost to the price.
Ordering Example: KMTSS-125U-6, subminiature transition joint probe, Type K, 0.125" O.D. 304 stainless steel sheath, 6" length,
ungrounded junction.
-ALOMEGA® 0.032" KMTSS-032(*)-6 KMTSS-032(*)-12
-Constantan 0.032" EMTSS-032(*)-6 EMTSS-032(*)-12

Transition Junction Style Probes
Grounded Exposed Ungrounded
With High Temperature Molded Construction
Metric Dimensions
U 150 mm and 300 mm Lengths in Stock
U 1 m PTFE-Coated Lead Wires Standard
U Sheath Diameters from 0.25 mm to 3.0 mm
U 304SS, 310SS, 316SS, 321SS, Inconel
or Super OMEGACLAD® XL Sheath
U Grounded, Ungrounded or Exposed Junction
U Environmentally Friendly Cadmium-Free
Liquid Crystal Polymer
U Molded Transition Junction Rated to 260°C (500°F)
Junction Types
Available as
To order
IEC color
code visit
See omega.com
Discount Schedule
1–10 Units.............................. Net
11–24 Units...........................10%
25-49 Units............................20%
50 and Up...............Consult Sales
in Type N
in Type N
25.4 mm
9.7 mm O.D.
6.4 mm O.D.
28.7 mm
Now available in Type N, Inconel N or K High Performance XL material. See omega.com.
150 mm
Shown smaller than actual size.
150 mm
To Order Visit omega.com/jmtss for Pricing and Details
ANSI Color Code/Alloy Sheath Dia. mm Model No. 150 mm Length Model No. 300 mm Length
0.25 JMTSS-M025(*)-150 JMTSS-M025(*)-300
0.50 JMTSS-M050(*)-150 JMTSS-M050(*)-300
Iron-Constantan 0.75 JMTSS-M075(*)-150 JMTSS-M075(*)-300
304 SS Sheath 1.0 JMTSS-M100(*)-150 JMTSS-M100(*)-300
1.5 JMTSS-M150(*)-150 JMTSS-M150(*)-300
3.0 JMTSS-M300(*)-150 JMTSS-M300(*)-300
0.25 KMTSS-M025(*)-150 KMTSS-M025(*)-300
0.50 KMTSS-M050(*)-150 KMTSS-M050(*)-300
304 SS Sheath 1.0 KMTSS-M100(*)-150 KMTSS-M100(*)-300
1.5 KMTSS-M150(*)-150 KMTSS-M150(*)-300
3.0 KMTSS-M300(*)-150 KMTSS-M300(*)-300
0.25 EMTSS-M025(*)-150 EMTSS-M025(*)-300
0.50 EMTSS-M050(*)-150 EMTSS-M050(*)-300
304 SS Sheath 1.0 EMTSS-M100(*)-150 EMTSS-M100(*)-300
1.5 EMTSS-M150(*)-150 EMTSS-M150(*)-300
3.0 EMTSS-M300(*)-150 EMTSS-M300(*)-300
0.50 TMTSS-M050(*)-150 TMTSS-M050(*)-300
Copper-Constantan 0.75 TMTSS-M075(*)-150 TMTSS-M075(*)-300
304 SS Sheath 1.0 TMTSS-M100(*)-150 TMTSS-M100(*)-300
1.5 TMTSS-M150(*)-150 TMTSS-M150(*)-300
3.0 TMTSS-M300(*)-150 TMTSS-M300(*)-300
Note: Probes with 1.0 mm diameter and larger supplied with molded transition joints. Smaller-size probes supplied with stainless steel transition
joints. All Type N probes supplied with stainless steel transition joints; see omega.com for Type N probe pricing and information.
*Specify junction type: E (exposed), G (grounded) or U (ungrounded)
To order with 304, 310, 316 or 321 SS sheath, change “SS” in model number to “304SS”,“310SS”, “316SS” or “321SS” respectively; no additional
charge. Consult Sales for lengths between 2 to 12" or for lengths over 24" Type N Inconel Sheathing is available, Contact Sales for model numbers.
**For Super OMEGACLAD® XL, change “SS” to “XL” and add additional cost to the price.
Ordering Example: KMTSS-M150G-150, subminiature transition joint probe, Type K, 1.5 mm O.D. stainless steel sheath, 150 mm length,
grounded junction.
-ALOMEGA® 0.75 KMTSS-M075(*)-150 KMTSS-M075(*)-300
Constantan 0.75 EMTSS-M075(*)-150 EMTSS-M075(*)-300
Other lengths available, consult Sales Department