Quick Disconnect Thermocouples
with Miniature Connectors
Standard and Metric
U Glass Filled Nylon Connector Body
Rated to 220°C (425°F)
304, 310, 316, 321 SS, Inconel,
or Super OMEGACLAD® XL Sheath
U Standard 6 and 12" Lengths Available
U Sheath Diameters from 0.010 to 0.125"
U Grounded, Ungrounded, or Exposed Junction
U Mating Connector, Cable Clamp, and Locking Clip Included FREE!
U Color-Coded SMP Miniature Connector Termination
U Custom Lengths Available
Note: Probes with 0.032" diameter and larger supplied with miniature
connector molded to probe. Smaller sized probes supplied with removable
connector. All Type-N probes supplied with removable connector.
Mating Connector with Cable Clamp
Included and PCLM Cable Clamp
Standard Dimensions - Mini Quick Disconnect Probes
To Order Visit omega.com/jmqss for Pricing and Details
Alloy/ANSI Color Code Sheath Dia. inches Model No. 6" Length Model No. 12" Length
Iron-Constantan 0.010 JMQSS-010(*)-6 JMQSS-010(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.020 JMQSS-020(*)-6 JMQSS-020(*)-12
0.032 JMQSS-032(*)-6 JMQSS-032(*)-12
0.040 JMQSS-040(*)-6 JMQSS-040(*)-12
0.062 JMQSS-062(*)-6 JMQSS-062(*)-12
0.125 JMQSS-125(*)-6 JMQSS-125(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.020 KMQSS-020(*)-6 KMQSS-020(*)-12
0.032 KMQSS-032(*)-6 KMQSS-032(*)-12
0.040 KMQSS-040(*)-6 KMQSS-040(*)-12
0.062 KMQSS-062(*)-6 KMQSS-062(*)-12
0.125 KMQSS-125(*)-6 KMQSS-125(*)-12
CHROMEGA®-ALOMEGA® 0.010 KMQXL-010(*)-6 KMQXL-010(*)-12
Super OMEGACLAD® XL 0.020 KMQXL-020(*)-6 KMQXL-020(*)-12
Sheath 0.032 KMQXL-032(*)-6 KMQXL-032(*)-12
0.040 KMQXL-040(*)-6 KMQXL-040(*)-12
0.062 KMQXL-062(*)-6 KMQXL-062(*)-12
0.125 KMQXL-125(*)-6 KMQXL-125(*)-12
OMEGA-P®-OMEGA-N® 0.020 NMQXL-020(*)-6 NMQXL-020(*)-12
Super OMEGACLAD® XL 0.032 NMQXL-032(*)-6 NMQXL-032(*)-12
Sheath 0.040 NMQXL-040(*)-6 NMQXL-040(*)-12
0.062 NMQXL-062(*)-6 NMQXL-062(*)-12
0.125 NMQXL-125(*)-6 NMQXL-125(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.020 EMQSS-020(*)-6 EMQSS-020(*)-12
0.032 EMQSS-032(*)-6 EMQSS-032(*)-12
0.040 EMQSS-040(*)-6 EMQSS-040(*)-12
0.062 EMQSS-062(*)-6 EMQSS-062(*)-12
0.125 EMQSS-125(*)-6 EMQSS-125(*)-12
Copper-Constantan 0.020 TMQSS-020(*)-6 TMQSS-020(*)-12
304 SS Sheath 0.032 TMQSS-032(*)-6 TMQSS-032(*)-12
0.040 TMQSS-040(*)-6 TMQSS-040(*)-12
0.062 TMQSS-062(*)-6 TMQSS-062(*)-12
0.125 TMQSS-125(*)-6 TMQSS-125(*)-12
OMEGALLOY® 0.010 NMQIN-010(*)-6 NMQIN-010(*)-12
Inconel 600 Sheath 0.020 NMQIN-020(*)-6 NMQIN-020(*)-12
0.032 NMQIN-032(*)-6 NMQIN-032(*)-12
0.040 NMQIN-040(*)-6 NMQIN-040(*)-12
0.062 NMQIN-062(*)-6 NMQIN-062(*)-12
0.125 NMQIN-125(*)-6 NMQIN-125(*)-12
Specify junction type: E (exposed), G (grounded), or U (ungrounded). † Other lengths available, consult Sales Department. To order with Inconel Sheath,
Change “SS” in model no. to “IN”. No additional charge. Type J is not available in Inconel 0.010 diameter. Example: KMQIN-125G-6.
For metric probe configurations with glass filled nylon connector body refer to omega.com and remove the “H” from the model number.
To Order with 310, 316, or 321 SS Sheath, change “SS” in model no. to “310SS”, “316SS”, or “321SS”, respectively. No add’l charge. Example: TMQ321SS-125G-6.
Ordering Example: KMQSS-125G-6, subminiature quick-disconnect probe, Type K, 0.125" OD stainless steel sheath, 6" length, grounded junction.
KMQSS-M300U-300, subminiature quick-disconnect probe, Type K, stainless steel sheath, 3 mm OD, 300 mm length, ungrounded junction.
-ALOMEGA® 0.010 KMQSS-010(*)-6 KMQSS-010(*)-12
-Constantan 0.010 EMQSS-010(*)-6 EMQSS-010(*)-12
Available as
Visit omega.com
Shown smaller
than actual size.