OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. Tel: (203) 359-1660
One Omega DriveFax: (203) 359-7700
P.O. Box 4047Toll free: 1-800-826-6342
Stamford, CT 06907-4047E-mail:
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 2
OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC., warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
the date of purchase. OMEGA warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal
cover shipping and handling time. This ensur es that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should
malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return
(AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be
repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s warranty does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but
not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside design limits, improper repair or unauthorized modification. This
WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of
excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions
outside of OMEGA’s control. Components which wear are not warranted, including but not limited to contact points, fuses and triacs.
OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for
any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with
information provided from OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be
HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusi ve and the
total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict
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OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.
CONDITIONS: Equipment s old by OMEGA is not int end ed to be u sed, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR
21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in
or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no
responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and
hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.
one (1) year product warranty
13 months
Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY
(1) P.O. Number under which the product was purchased,
(2) Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and
(3) Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.
contacting OMEGA:
(1) P.O. Number to cover the cost of the repair,
(2) Model and serial number of the product, and
(3) Repair instructions relative to the product.
OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the
latest in technology and engineering.
rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic
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REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE
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: One Omega Drive, Box 4047 E-mail:
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It is th e policy of OM EG A to comply wit h all worldwide safe ty and EM C / E M I regulations that
apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of it’s products to the European New
Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon
The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering,
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DAQDRIVE Users Manual 4
Table of Contents
2.4.6 Visual Basic for DOS
44 Dynamic memory allocation
44 Storing a variable's address in a data structure
43 The DaqOpenDevice Command
42 Adjusting the size of Quick Basic's stack and heap
42 Quick Basic and the under-score character
42 Quick Basic's on-line help
2.4.5 Quick Basic
41 Program optimization
41 Creating byte-aligned data structures
2.4.4 Borland C/C++ and Turbo C
40 Creating byte-aligned data structures
2.4.3 Microsoft C/C++
2.4.2 Removing The TSRs From Memory
2.4.1 Loading The TSRs Into Memory
2.4 Creating DOS Applications Using The TSR Drivers
37 Program optimization
36 Creating byte-aligned data structures
36 The hardware dependent include file
2.3.2 Borland C/C++
35 Creating byte-aligned data structures
35 The hardware dependent include file
2.3.1 Microsoft Visual C/C++
2.3 Creating DOS Applications Using The C Libraries
DAQDRIVE is Omega's universal data acquisition interface for the "DAQ" series of ISA bus
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 18
and PCMCIA data acquisition adapters. DAQDRIVE goes beyond the drivers normally
distributed with data acquisition adapters by isolating the application programmer from the
DAQDRIVE provides support for application programs written in the following languages:
Microsoft C/C++
Borland C/C++
Visual Basic for DOS
Quick Basic version 4.5
Turbo Pascal for DOS version 7.0 and newer
Most Windows languages supporting Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) including Visual
C/C++, Borland C/C++, Turbo Pascal for Windows, and Borland Delphi
DAQDRIVE uses a "data defined" rather than a "function defined" interface. What this means
is that each data acquisition operation is defined by a series of configuration parameters and
requires very few function calls to implement. Because of this approach, DAQDRIVE may
seem a little unusual; even intimidating at times. However, after writing a few example
programs, we feel the user will discover the power behind this type of interface.
DAQDRIVE supports high speed data I/O by providing support for foreground (CPU
software polled) and background (DMA and interrupt driven) operation. For increased
flexibility, DAQDRIVE also supports software (internal) and hardware (external) clock and
trigger sources.
DAQDRIVE supports multiple data acquisition adapters in a single system. In fact, the
number of ad apters is l imited onl y by the amount of availabl e system memory . DAQDRIVE
also supports multiple tasks from one or more applications operating on one or more
hardware devices. This multi-tasking support is accomplished by tracking all system and
data acquisition resources and rejecting any request for which all of the necessary resources
are not available.
In orde r to minimize the code size of the application progr a ms, DAQDRIVE i s distribute d a s a
two-part driver. The first part contains the application program interface (API) and is also
responsible for memory management, file I/O, and other hardware independent functions.
Regardless of the number of hardware devices installed, only one copy of the hardware
independent driver is required.
The second part of the driver is hardware dependent and is responsible for implementing the
requested operations on the target hardware device. These dri vers are supplied wi th the data
acquisition adapter and generally support only one family of hardware devices. Only one
hardware dependent driver is required for each family of hardware installed in the system.
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 19
Figure 1. DAQDRIVE interface between an application program and one hardware device.
Application Program
Hardware independent driver
Hardware dependent driver
Application Program
Hardware independent driver
Hardware dependent driver
Figure 2. DAQDRIVE interface between an application program and multiple
Figure 3. DAQDRIVE interface between an application program and multiple
devices of different families.
2 Before Beginning
2.1Software Installation
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 21
The DAQDRIVE distrib uti on CD contains a Setup prog r am tha t allows the user to quickly and
easily install the necessary DAQDRIVE components onto the host computer. The Setup
program is compatible with Windows 3.x and Windows 95/98 and all ows the user to install
DAQDRIVE for DOS, Windows 3.x, and/or Windows 95/98.
From Windows 3.x:
1. Insert the compact disk into the computer's CD-ROM drive.
2. From the Windows program manager, select File then Run.
3. Assuming the CD-ROM drive is drive D, enter "D:\SETUP" in the command line
text box and click OK.
From Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0:
1. Insert the compact disk into the computer's CD-ROM drive.
2. Click the Start button, point to Settings, then click Control Panel.
3. Double-click on Add/Remove Programs.
4. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click Install.
5. Click Next.
6. If the correct Setup program is found, click Finish. If not, click Browse and select
the Setup program in the root directory of the CD.
Follow the on- screen in structions to sele ct the DAQD RIVE components to be install ed. Whe n
the Setup program is complete, one or more of the following subdirectories will have been
created in the target directory:
...\DAQDRIVE\CONFIGDAQDRIVE Configuration Utility
...\DAQDRIVE\C_LIBSC library support for DOS applications
...\DAQDRIVE\TSRTSR driver support for DOS applications
...\DAQDRIVE\WINDLLSupport for Windows 3.x and 16-bit Windows 95 applications
...\DAQDRIVE\VISDAQLTSupport for 16-bit Visual Basic applications
...\DAQDRIVE\WIN32Support for 32-bit Windows 95 applications
2.2DAQDRIVE Configuration Utilities
Before DA QDRIVE can operate an ad apter, a confi guration file must be generated to specif y
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 22
the hardware configuration. Three separate Windows based utility programs are provided to
generate these configuration files:
1. DAQCFGW.EXE utility to edit DAQDRIVE hardware adapter configuration files
2. EXPBOARD.EXE utility to edit the data base defining available A/D expansion
boards and their parameters
3. SIGCON.EXEutility to edit the data base defining available A/D channel signal
conditioners and their parameters
The DAQDRIVE configuration utilities must be used to edit the
DAQDRIVE hardware configuration files. Under no circumstances
should the user attempt to create and /or edit D AQDRIVE hard ware
configuration files directly.
The DAQDRIVE configuration utilities are automatically installed into the
..\DAQDRIVE\CONFIG subdirectory whenever the Setup program is executed. In addition,
the Setup program installs sample hardware configuration data files (.DAT), and their
associated report files (.RPT). These sample configuration files must be modified to create the
user’s configuration as DAQCFGW does not allow the creation of new hardware
configuration data files, but instead requires all files to be a modified version of an existing
DAQCFGW does not al low the crea tion of new hardw are config uration data f iles, but instead
requires all files to be a modified version of an existing data file. The DAQDRIVE installation
program installs the necessary sample hardware configuration data files (.DAT), and their
associated report files (.RPT), into the ..\DAQDRIVE\CONFIG directory along with the
configuration utilities.
Older versions of DAQDRIVE may not be compatible with
files generated by the latest configuration utilities.
2.2.2Generating A DAQDRIVE Configuration File
DAQCFGW does not allow the creation of new data files but instead requires all files to be a
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 23
modified version of an existing data file (*.DAT). For this reason, one or more sample data
files are provided on the DAQDRIVE installation diskettes. To view and/or edit a
configuration data file:
1. Execute DAQCFGW by double-clicking on the DAQDRIVE configuration utility
icon located in the DAQDRIVE program group
2. Select File, Open
3. Select the drive and directory in the corresponding list boxes.
4. Type the name of an existing configuration data file (.DAT) in the file name text box
or select the file from the corresponding list box.
5. Choose OK.
Some or all of the following configuration options will appear in the Hardware Setup menu:
A/D Converter
A/D Expansion Boards
A/D Signal Conditioners
D/A converter
Digital I/O
Configuration Help
To select a subsystem for conf iguration, select it f rom the Hardware Setup menu or cl ick the
associated tool bar icon. If a specif ic subsystem is not availab le on the adapter or if there are
no user-definable options within that subsystem, the option will be disabled. The hardware
specific appendix for the adapter being configured lists the available options. General Configuration
The general confi gurati on wind ow is used to def ine the i nterf ace be tween the ad apter a nd the
host system. All adapters require the general configuration options:
Base Address
The base I/O ad dress of the a dapter must be specif ied using the base add ress text box . If the
adapter i s PCMCIA, or PCI compatibl e, the user may speci fy a base ad dress of 0. Setti ng the
base address to 0 instructs DAQDRIVE to determine the ad apter 's b a se ad d r ess, interrupt, and
DMA settings automatically each time the device is opened.
IRQ Level
The adapter's interrupt level (IRQ) must be selected from the corresponding drop-down list
box. If the adapter does not support interrupts or if the base I/O address is set to 0, the
interrupt list box is not displayed.
DMA Channel 1
The adapter 's pri mary DMA channel must be selecte d fr om the cor respond ing d rop-d own li st
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 24
box. If the adapter doe s not support DMA or if the base I/O ad dress is set to 0, the primary
DMA list box is not displayed.
DMA Channel 2
The adapter's secondary DMA channel must be selected from the correspond ing drop-down
list box. If the adapter does not support two DMA channels, or if the base I/O address is set
to 0, the secondary DMA list box is not displayed. A/D Converter Configuration
The A/D converter wi ndow is used to define the configuration of the adapter 's analog i nput
channels. When these parameters define a specific jumper setting on the adapter, it is the
user's responsibility to assure the adapter is configured properly. The Configuration Help
window provides information regarding hardware modification requirements (see page 29).
The number and type of user-definab le options availa ble in this window i s dependent on the
hardware installed and is discussed in the hardware specific appendix for the adapter being
A/D Converters
Select the a nalog-to-dig ital (ADC) device on the A/D a dapter to be configured fr om this list
box. Most A/D adapters have only one ADC device (ADC 0).
Dialog b ox shows the number of A/D input channels availab le on the adapter in its current
configuration. A multiplexer (mux) feeds multiple analog inputs back into the actual ADC
device(s). The number of channels may be affected by the Input Mode.
Input Mode
Select the A/D input mode from the list box.
Single Ended: A/D converter measures the voltage from one input to ground. All
A/D channels normally share common ground.
Differential:A/D converter measures the voltage difference between two inputs that
are isolated from ground.
Signal Type
Select the signal type from the list box.
Unipolar:A/D converter measures only positive voltages.
Bipolar:A/D converter measures both positive and negative voltages.
This list box provide s opti onal signal a mpl i f ier settings. Note that this opti on i s only avail ab l e
on devices with hardw are sele ctable g ain setti ngs. D evices wi th software prog rammabl e gai ns
are configured at run-time. A/D Converter Expansion Configuration
The A/D converter expansion wi ndow i s used to defi ne the confi guration of any analog i nput
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 25
expansion adapters connected to the analog input channels. To assign an expansion board to
a main A/D channel click in the Expansion Board Names column and a choose from the drop
down list box. The first analog input expansion board must always be connected to A/D
channel 0, and additional expansion boards then connect to the next lowest channel.
Expansion adapters are defined in a data base using the EXPBOARD utility. The expansion
board data base may be viewed from the DataBase menu. However, to add or edit the
expansion board data base this utility must be run independently (see page 22).
The number and type of user-definab le options availa ble in this window i s dependent on the
hardware installed and the configuration of the expansion board as defined by the
EXPBOARD utility. When these parameters define a specific jumper setting on the expansion
board adapter, it is the user's responsibility to assure the adapter is configured properly.
The parameters in this window r e f er only to the expansion boar d adapter and do not ef f e ct the
A/D converter configuration of the main board. In most cases however, these two sets of
parameters must be examined together. For example, a gain of 2 in the A/D converter
configuration combined with a gain of 10 on the analog input expansion board results in an
overall gain of 20.
Dialog b ox shows the number of a nalog input channel s availabl e on the expansion board in its
current configuration. The values in this box are defined in the EXPBOARD utility. The
number of channels may be effected by the Input Mode.
Input Mode
Select the input mode from the list box.
Single Ended: input signals are measured from one input to ground. All inputs
normally share a common ground.
Differential:input signals are measured as the difference between two inputs that are
isolated from ground.
Signal Type
Select the signal type from the list box.
Unipolar:expansion board accepts only positive voltages.
Bipolar:expansion board accepts both positive and negative voltages.
This list box provide s opti onal signal a mpl i f ier settings. Note that this opti on i s only avail ab l e
on devices with hardware selectable gain settings. Devices with software programmable
gains are configurable at run-time. A/D Signal Conditioners
A signal conditioner may be connected to any A/D main channel, and/or to any A/D
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 26
expansion channel marked “Signal Conditioner Connectable” in the EXPBOARD utility (see
page 24). Expansion boards are normally used in conjunction with signal conditioners, but
are not required. To assign a signal conditioner to an A/D channel click in the SignalConditioner Name column and a choose from the drop down list box.
Signal conditioners are defined in a data base using the SIGCON utility. The signal
conditioner data base may be viewed from the DataBase menu. H owever, to add or edit the
signal conditioner data base this utility must be run independently (see page 24).
Expansion Channel
Main ADC Channel
ADC Device
Logical Channel
Figure 1. A/D Channel Numbering
To help understand the A/D channel numbering system the following terms are defined:
Logical Channel:The CH column designates the logical number that software
should use to access the analog input channel. When using
expansion boards you may have up to 256 logical channels.
ADC Device:The ADC device number. Most A/D adapters have only one
ADC device (ADC 0).
Main ADC Channel: Analog input channel on the A/D adapter board. A multiplexer
(mux) on the A/D adapter feeds multiple analog inputs back into
the actual ADC device(s).
Expansion Channel: Analog input channel provided by an expansion board
connection to a single main analog channel. Expansion boards
use digital I/O to address multiple expansion channels from a
single main channel through a multiplexer. D/A Converter Configuration
The D/A converter wi ndow is used to d efine the config uration of the adapte r's analog output
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 27
channels. When these parameters define a specific jumper setting on the adapter, it is the
user's responsibility to assure the adapter is configured properly. The Configuration Help
window provides information regarding hardware modification requirements (see page 20).
The number and type of user-definab le options availa ble in this window i s dependent on the
hardware installed and is discussed in the hardware specific appendix for the adapter being
D/A Channels
Select the D/A channel to configure from the list. Each D/A channel typically has its own
digital-to-analog converter (DAC).
Signal Type
Select the signal type from the list box.
Unipolar:DAC device outputs only positive voltages.
Bipolar:DAC device outputs both positive and negative voltages.
Ref. Source
Analog output from DAC is proportional to a reference voltage. Select the voltage source
from the list box.
Internal: Reference voltage generated by adapter board.
External: Reference voltage supplied by an external source.
Ref. Voltage
The reference voltage is used as scal ing multiplier for DAC output. For example, on a 12-bit
unipolar operation the analog output can be calculated from the equation:
= V
* (Digital_Count / 4096) * Gain
This list box provide s opti onal signal a mpl i f ier settings. Note that this opti on i s only avail ab l e
on devices with hardware selectable gain settings. Devices with software programmable
gains are configurable at run-time. Digital I/O Configuration
The digital I/O window is used to define the configuration of the adapter's digital input /
output channels. When these parameters def ine a specific jumper setting on the adapter, it is
the user's responsibility to assure the adapter is configured properly. The Configuration Help
window provides information regarding hardware modification requirements (see page 20).
The number and type of user-definab le options availa ble in this window i s dependent on the
hardware installed and is discussed in the hardware specific appendix for the adapter being
Channel Configuration
Each digital I/O bit on an adapter can be individually accessed though the connector for
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 28
control/monitori ng of external dig ital devices. The digital I/O bits on each ad apter must be
configured into logical channels. Digital I/O channels can be set only 1 bit wide to access
single I/O lines at the connector, or logical channels that access multiple I/O bits
simultaneously are configurable.
Assign a logical channel number to the target d igital I/O bit by clicki ng on the current logical
channel number. A drop down channel selection box will appear with the possible channel
configurations for this I/O bit (see Figure 2). The rest of the digital I/O bits will be
automatically upda ted with corr ect channel numbers reflecti ng any changes. Repeat thi s step
for each digital I/O bit.
Port 0
Direction Control
Logical Channel
Channel Select
Figure 2. Digital I/O Configuration Display
Input/Output Configuration
After all of the logical channels have been defined, they may be configured for input, output,
or input/output (I/O) b y cli cking on the di rection contr ol b utton for each l ogical channel. Al l
bits defined as a member of that logical channel will toggle between the available settings. Timer Configuration
The timer configuration window is used to define the adapter's onboard counter / timer
circuits. Examples of settings found in this section include counter size and input clock
frequency. When these parameters define a specific jumper setting on the adapter, it is the
user's responsibility to assure the adapter is configured properly. The Configuration Help
window provides information regarding hardware modification requirements (see page 20).
The number and type of user-definab le options availa ble in this window i s dependent on the
hardware installed and is discussed in the hardware specific appendix for the adapter being
configured. Configuration Help
The hardware configuration of the adapter is the responsibility of the user. Some of these
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 29
hardware configuration settings may be handled through software, while others may require
switches or jumper blocks to be modified. The configuration help window provides the user
with the jumper block or switch numbers to modify if required.
It is the responsibility of the user to determine the correct settings for the current hardware
configuration. This help window is only a tool to assist the user in determining if and/or
where hardware modifications are required. The amount and type of information available in
this window is dependent on the hardware installed. No information is provided for
configuration options handled through software. Saving The New Configuration
After the adapter configura tion is compl ete, the user may overwrite the curre nt configurati on
file or a new configuration file can be generated. To overwrite the existing configuration,
simply select File, Save from the menu. To generate a new configuration file:
1. Select File, Save As
2. Select the drive and directory in the corresponding list boxes.
3. Type the name of the new configuration data file in the file name text box.
4. Choose OK.
When the user saves an adapter configuration, a corresponding report file is generated using
the same file name with the extension .RPT. This report file provides an ASCII description of
the hardware configuration and may be viewed using any ASCII text editor. Viewing the Report File
DAQCFGW also provides a utility for viewing the configuration report file (.RPT) generated
when the data file was saved.
1. Select File, View Report
2. Select the drive and directory in the corresponding list boxes.
3. Type the name of a report file (.RPT) in the file name text box or select a report from
the corresponding list box.
4. Choose OK.
5. Review the adapter's configuration using the Page-Up, Page-Down, and arrow keys
as well as the vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
6. When done, close the report viewer utility by selecting Close.
2.2.3A/D Expansion Board Database Utility
DAQCFGW uses a database of analog input expansion boards to assist the user in the
DAQDRIVE Users Manual 30
configuration of a complete data acquisition system. Omega expansion boards are predefined
in the database and may not be modified by the user. New adapters may be added to the
database using the EXPBOARD utility. Any modification to an expansion board
configuration is automatically updated in the database file and made available to the
DAQDRIVE configuration utility. To create and/or edit a user-defined analog input
expansion board:
1. Execute EXPBOARD by double-clicking on the expansion board utility icon located
in the DAQDRIVE program group.
2. Select ADD NEW, EDIT, or DELETE to update the expansion board database.
The parameters for each expansion board in the database refer only to the expansion board
adapter and do not effect the A/D converter confi guration of the main boar d. In most cases
however, these two sets of para meters must be examine d togethe r. For exampl e, a gain of 2 in
the A/D converter configuration combined with a gain of 10 on the expansion board results in
an overall gain of 20.
When these parameters define a specific jumper setting on the expansion board adapter, it is
the user's responsibility to assure the adapter is configured properly. Refer to the expansion
board documentation for details and parameter values.
Long Device Name
Each expansion ad apter must have a unique Long Device Name of 1 - 30 characters. T he long
device name used only for descriptive purposes.
Device Name
Each expansion adapter must have a unique Device Name of 14 characters or less.
Input Mode
Select the A/D input mode from the list box.
Single Ended: A/D converter measures voltage from one input to ground. All A/D
channels normally share common ground.
Differential: A/D converter measures voltage across two inputs that are isolated from
DI/SE Selectable
Signal Type
Select the signal type from the list box.
Unipolar: Expansion device reads only positive voltage.
Bipolar: Device reads both positive and negative voltages.
Selectable: Either of the signal types is available.
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