Omega Products DAQ-802 Installation Manual

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Data Acquisition System
For 16 bit ISA compatible machines
Users Manual
OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. Tel: (203) 359-1660 One Omega Drive Fax: (203) 359-7700 P.O. Box 4047 Toll free: 1-800-826-6342
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OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC., warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship fo r a period of 13
DAQ-800 Users Manual 2
months from the date of purchase. OMEGA warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty
coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number im mediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s warranty does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation o utside design limits, impr oper repair or unauthorized modif ication. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Com ponents which wear are not warranted, including but not limited to contact points, fuses and triacs.
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DAQ-800 Users Manual 3
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DAQ-800 Users Manual 4
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Table of Contents
4 Theory of Operation
3.3.2 Differential Input
3.3.1 Single Ended Input
3 Field Wiring
2.5 After Completing Configuration
2.4.2 Changing Resources with Device Manager
2.4.1 Using the "Add New Hardware Wizard"
2.4 Installation under Windows95/98®
2.3.4 Timer0 Internal/External Clock Selection
2.3.3 Bipolar/Unipolar Output Range Selection
2.3.2 D/A Voltage Reference
2.3.1 I/O Base Address Selection
2.3 Configuring the DAQ-801/802
2.2 Auxiliary Connector Cable
2.1 Unpacking
2 Hardware Configuration and Initial Setup
1 Introduction
DAQ-800 Users Manual 5
1.1 Analog Input Features
1.2 Analog Output Features
1.3 Digital I/O
1.4 Counter/Timer
1.5 Interrupts
1.6 Software Support
1.7 Power Requirements
1.8 Applications
1.9 DAQ-801/802 Specifications
8 9
91.1.1 Gain Selection Ranges ..............................................
101.1.2 Source and Trigger Mode for Analog-to-Digital Conversions .............
101.1.3 Scan List ........................................................
111.1.4 Sampling Rate ....................................................
111.1.5 Data FIFO .......................................................
12 12 12 13 14 14 14 15
3.1 I/O Terminal Connection
3.2 D37 Connector Pin Diagrams
3.3 Analog Input Field Wiring
3.4 Analog Output Field Wiring
3.5 Timer/Counter Field Wiring
17 17 17 18
27 27 29 30
32 33
6.5 Programming Examples
6.4 Accessing the Timer/Counter
6.3.2 Mode 1 ( Timing Applications)
6.3.1 Mode 0 (Event Counting)
6.3 Mode Definition
6.2.2 Read Operation
6.2.1 Write Operation
6.2 Functional Description
6.1 Introduction
6 8254 Timer/Counter
5.9 Analog Trigger Example
5.8.4 Base + 8000, Board Enable/Disable
5.8.3 Base + C..F, 82C55 Programmable Peripheral Interface chip
5.8.2 Base +A / B, DA1
5.8.1 Base + 8 / 9, DA0
5.8 Remaining Base Addresses
5.7 Base + 7, Scan Channel Register
5.6 Base + 6, 4-Bit Digital I/O
5.5 Base + 5 , Interrupt Status Register
5.4 Base + 4, Status Register
5.3 Base + 3, Index Registers
5.2 Base + 2, Index Register
5.1 Base + 0 / 1, Data FIFO
5 Address Map
4.5 Timer/Counter
4.4 Digital I/O
4.3 Analog Output
4.2 Analog Input
4.1 Signal Flow
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34 35 36 37 37
38 39 39 40 42 43 43 43 44
45 45 45
47 49
List of Figures and Tables
Table 6-2. Control Word Modes of Operation
Table 6-1. Control Word Read/Write Actions
Table 5-2. Data FIFO Gain Values
Table 5-1. DAQ-800 Series Address Map
Table 2-2. DA1 Output Voltage Ranges
Table 2-1. DA0 Output Voltage Ranges
Table 1-2. Bipolar Analog Input Voltage Ranges
Table 1-1. Unipolar Analog Input Voltage Ranges
Figure 4-1. DAQ-801/802 Signal Flow Block Diagram
Figure 3-7. Timer/Counter Field Wiring
Figure 3-6. Analog Output Field Wiring
Figure 3-5. Differential Analog Input Field Wiring
Figure 3-4. Single-Ended Analog Input Field Wiring
Figure 3-3. D37 Pin Diagrams
Figure 3-2. Connection of UIO-37 Terminal Blocks to DAQ-800 Series Connectors
Figure 3-1. UIO-37 Screw Terminal Block
Figure 2-6. Internal/External Clock Selection Jumper
Figure 2-5. Bipolar/Unipolar Output Range Selection Jumper
Figure 2-4. D/A Voltage Reference Jumper
Figure 2-3. I/O Base Address Selection
Figure 2-2. I/O Base Address Selection Switches
Figure 2-1. Auxiliary Connector Cable
Figure 1-1. Component Layout Diagram
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1 Introduction
The DAQ-801 and DAQ-802 are cost effective high speed data acquisition boards that plug
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into ISA expansi on slots in IBMTM compatible personal computers. The DAQ-800 series circuit board provides 12-bit analog input, 32-bit digital input/output (I/O) and three 16-bit programmable timer/counters. Each version of the DAQ-800 series board has it's own selectable gain range. The DAQ-801 is software programmable for gains of 1, 10, 100 or 1000. The DAQ-802 is software programmable for gains of 1, 2, 4 or 8.
The maximum sampling r ate of the DAQ- 801/802 is 40KHz. The anal og and d igital I/Os and the external trigger, clock and reference si gnals are connected via a 37-pi n "D" type connector which is compatible with the Keithley MetraByteTM DAS-1600. An auxiliary D37 connector is employed to support an additional 24-bits of digital I/O. The component layout diagram for the DAQ-800 series circuit board is depicted in Figure 1-1.
Axiliary I/O
1 3
Base I/O Address
Figure 1-1. Component Layout Diagram
1.1 Analog Input Features
DAQ-800 Users Manual 9
The DAQ-801/802 uses one 12 bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to support 8 differential (positive and negative connections) or 8 single ended analog input signals. Selection of either single ended or differential analog inputs is software programmable. The DAQ-800 series ADC can be configured to receive analog input voltages within the ranges of 0 to +5V or ±5V.
1.1.1 Gain Selection Ranges
The DAQ-801 provides gains of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 versus the DAQ-802, w hich provides gains of 1, 2, 4 and 8. Tabl es 1-1 and 1- 2 show the analog input unipolar and bi polar voltage ranges for the respective gain range.
DAQ-802 DAQ-801
GainInput RangeGainInput Range
10 to +5V10 to +5V 20 to +2.5V100 to +500mV 40 to + 1.25V1000 to +50mV 80 to +0.625V1,0000 to +5mV
Table 1-1. Unipolar Analog Input Voltage Ranges
For a gain setting of 1, the 12-bi t resolution (4096 count) provides a least signif icant bit (LSB) value of ±1.22 mV in the 0 to +5V range.
DAQ-802 DAQ-801
GainInput RangeGainInput Range
1-5 V to +5 V1-5V to +5V 2-2.5 V to +2.5V10-500mV to +500mV 4-1.25 V to +1.25V100-50mV to +50mV 8-0.625V to +0.625V1,000-5mV to +5mV
Table 1-2. Bipolar Analog Input Voltage Ranges
For a gain setting of 1, the 12-bit resolution (±4096 count) provides a least signif icant bi t (LSB) value of ±1.22mV in the ±5V range.
1.1.2 Source and Trigger Mode for Analog-to-Digital Conversions
Upon initial power up, the DAQ-801/802 is in idle mode and no conversions are performed.
DAQ-800 Users Manual 10
Conversions begin upon receiving a trigger. Two types of triggers are available: internal trigger and external trigger. The internal trigger is initiated by a software program, whereas the external trigger is connected through hardware. The external trigger type can be either TTL or analog. The TTL trigger input comes from pi n 25 on the main connector. The analog trigger channel is the start channel in the scan list and it's trigger voltage is set by D/A channel 1. When a trigger is initiated, the ADC immediately converts the analog signal into 12-bit digital data which is stored in the data FIFO (First In First Out) register. In addition to varied triggering sources, a triggering mode is available to select whether conversions and channel scans are completed only once or multiple times. Trigger source and trigger mode types are software selectable.
Triggering functions are summarized as follows:
(a) Trigger sources (internal/external) :
Internal software trigger
External TTL trigger on falling or rising edge
External analog trigger with low to high or high to low transition
For the external TTL trigger, the default trigger pin on the main D37 connector is pin 25.
(b) Trigger mode:
Single -- one scan/conversion for each trigger
Continuous -- continuous scanning/conversions for one trigger
1.1.3 Scan List
The DAQ-801/802 scan list function performs high speed A/D conversions from channel to channel enabling the user to digitize and collect data from several analog input channels almost simultaneousl y. The scan FIF O must be programmed w ith the start and stop channel s and also according to the scan sequence desired. When the scan list function is initiated, A/D conversion begins from the start channel. After the conversion is completed, digitized data is entered into the data FIFO an d the b oard sel ects the next locati on to repe at the same task. T his process continues until the stop channel is reached. Before the scan list function is called, the FPGA registers must be written with the start and stop channels and their corresponding gains. If the user specifies the start and stop channels to be the same, then single channel acquisition mode occurs. Otherwise, the scan is sequential and incremental by one. For single trigger mod e, i t scans once and then stops. In continuous mode, scanning continues at a speed set by the sampling rate until the desired number of scan times is reached.
1.1.4 Sampling Rate
DAQ-800 Users Manual 11
When digitizing the analog signal, one user selectable parameter is the sampling rate which determines how fast the analog signal is digitized. The minimum sampling rate must be at least two times the input signal frequency to accurately recover digitized data from the original analog input signal. The maximum sampling rate of the DAQ-801/802 is 65KHz without auto zero ca l i bration and 3 9KHz with auto ze r o calibrati on an d i s d e r i ve d f r om the on board 8254 chip which has three 16-bi t timer/counters. The clock input to timer1 is 2.5MHz. Timer1 and timer2 are cascaded to generate the sampling rate pulse which in turn triggers A/D conversion.
1.1.5 Data FIFO
DAQ-801/802 uses a data FIFO register between the output of the ADC and the ISA bus to buffer data from the ADC output. Unlike conventional A/D boards where the di gitized data output is fetched directly to the PC memory, the output data from the ADC is fed into the FIFO first for temporary storage. The length of the FIFO register is 1024 sampling points and the register circuit provides hardware flags for half full, full and empty signals. Utilizing these signals, the b oard ca n genera te an inter rupt to the PC when the FIFO i s ha lf f ull . Once the PC interrupt is complete, the interrupt service routine program uses the "MOVE STRING" instruction to move the FIFO da ta directly in to PC memory at a very high speed. In this case, it only interrupts the PC every 512 samples and thereby improves the speed of operation. In Windows appl ications, the latency of the inte rrupt d oes not effect the i ntegr ity of the di gi tized data as it continues into the FIFO. The status register (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1: Address map) provides information about FIFO empty, half full and full conditions.
1.2 Analog Output Features
In addition to the analog input channels, the DAQ-801/802 contains two analog output
DAQ-800 Users Manual 12
channels. Each channel has its own 12-bit di gital-to-analog converter (DA0 and DA1 at pins 9 and 27 on the main I /O D37 connector ). T he analog outputs a re buf fer ed and capab le of 1 mA of output current. The output voltage range for each channel is jumper selectable as unipolar or bipolar. The 12-bit resolution provides a LSB value of 4.88mV on the ±10V range and
2.44mV in the 0 to +10V range. Both channels use multipl yi ng D ACs which requi r e a ref erence voltage input in addition to the 12-bit digital values. The DAQ801/802 provides an internal reference voltage while an external reference voltage can also be supplied via jumper configuration.
1.3 Digital I/O
The DAQ-801/802 has 32 digi tal I/O lines. Of the 32 li nes, 8 of them can be accessed through the main D3 7 conne ctor . There are 4 inputs: I P0 throug h I P3, and 4 outputs: OP0 through OP3, (refer to Chap ter 3, Figure 3 -3 for pin l ocations). The remain ing 24 I/O lines ar e generated by an 8255 programmable peripheral interface chip and are accessed through the auxiliary D37 connector. The 8255 has three ports (A, B and C) and one control register. Any port can be programmed as in put or output. Ports A and B ar e 8 bit I /O por ts whil e port C can be f urther divided into two 4-bi t I/O ports. T he 8255 has three modes of operation whi ch are d etermi ned by values wr itten into the control regi ster. Mode 0 i s for basic input/output config uration in which the output port is l atched and the input por t is not. Mode 1 employs Port A or B a s the data port while using Port C for handshake, interrupt, and digital I/O lines. Mode 2 uses Port A as the bi-directional data port with Port B and C as control and digital I/O lines. For a detailed functional description, the user is referred to the Intel® 8255 data manual.
1.4 Counter / Timer
The 8254 timer/counter chip on the DAQ-801/802 provides three 16-bit timer/counter channels for time-related applications. Timer1 and timer2 are cascaded together with an input clock of 2.5MHz and the output of timer2 is used as the sampling rate clock for the A/D converter. T hr e e terminal s for timer 0 ar e availab l e to the user vi a the main I/O D 37 connector . The three terminals are Pin 2 (Timer0 Out), Pin 21 (Timer0 Clk) and Pin 24 (Timer0 Gate). The gate termina l should b e log ic high i n order for the counter to function. If gate is hel d at logi c low, the counter is disabled.
1.5 Interrupts
DAQ-800 Users Manual 13
The DAQ-801/802 supports AT style ISA bus interrupts which includes IRQ 2-7, 10-12 and 14-15. The selection of inter rupts is softwa re programmabl e through the reg ister setting of the FPGA. Any interrupt conflict can be conveniently resolved by moving the selection to another available line without opening the computer case. There are four interrupt sources from DAQ-801/802:
End of scan
Data FIFO Half Full
Data FIFO Full
The end of scan interrupt is normally used in conjunction with single trigger mode or in continuous mode when the scan rate is less than 1KHz. After the scan list is completed, the end of scan generates an interrupt to inform the computer to fetch the data.
The data FIFO half full interrupt is used during continuous trigger mode. When the FIFO is half full, i t interrupts the PC to fetch at least 512 sample points. This interrupt works well in the Windows environment because of interrupt latency problems inherent in the Windows operating system.
The data FIFO full interrupt is not recommended for applications unless the interrupt routine is executed promptly before the next data points are accepted. Otherwise an overflow can occur and data may be lost.
Timer0 in terrupt is used in conjunction with the external ti mer at the main D37 connector. The external cl ock pulses are connected to the time r0 clk input (pin 21) and the output of timer0 can be used as an interrupt source. When the user must interrupt the PC at a certain time interval, timer0 can be programmed to meet the requirement.
1.6 Software Support
Software drivers are provided to support various programming languages like Microsoft
DAQ-800 Users Manual 14
C/C++, Borla nd C/C++, Qui ckB asic, Vi sual Basi c f or MS-D OS a nd T urbo Pascal . A D ynami c Link Library (DLL) is provided for numerous programming languages under Windows as well as Visual Basic Controls. Software support is available on the Omega "DaqSuite" compact disk in the following categories:
1. DAQDRIVE® Software driver
2. DaqEZ™ Data Acquisition Package
3. VISUALDAQ® Data Acquisition Package
DAQDRIVE is a low level generic driver consisting of a set of user commands that act as a library routine for all d ata acquisition boards. Programs written for the DAQ-801/802 can be ported to other boards in the event the user decides to change boards in the future. DAQDRIVE is available for Window DLLs and the MS-DOS environment. In the case of Visual Basic applications, Omega provides VISUALDAQ®. Because of it's user friendly nature, this software is very practical for interaction with data acquisition boards and for creating graphic presentations.
Omega also provides driver support for third party data acquisition packages such as TestPoint® (Capital Equipment Corporation) and LabVIEW® (National Instruments). These packages allow the user to create custom test, measurement and data acquisition applications.
1.7 Power Requirements
The DAQ-801/802 is powered directly by the +5V and +12V power source provided by the computer bus.
1.8 Applications
The DAQ-801/802 performs the following functions: analog input (A/D), analog output (D/A), digital I/O and timer/counter functions. Typical applications for each function are listed as follows:
A/D conversion converts analog voltage into digital information, which enables the computer to process or to store the signals. Typical appl ications are sensor or transd ucer measurement, wave form acquisition/analysis and data storage. (Most sensor/transducer measurements require signal conditioning prior to measurement by an A/D converter).
D/A conversion is the opposite of A/D conversion. This operation converts digital information to analog voltage. Typical applications are process control and function/pulse train genera tion. The dig ital input f unction is useful in appl ications such as contact closure or switch status monitoring. The digital output function is useful for relay control and industrial on/off control. A timer/counter is typi cally used for eve nt counting and pulse g eneration. It can also be used for frequency, period or pulse measurement.
1.9 DAQ-801/802 Specifications
Adjustable to 0
Gain Error
Adjustable to 0
Zero Error
8 Samples
Size of Scan List
without auto zeroing: 15.2µs
with auto zeroing: 25.6µs
Scan Time (channel to channel)
Twos complement
Output Data Code
-5V to +5V
Input Ranges
8 differential, 8 single ended
39 Khz (with auto-zero calibration)
65 Khz (without auto-zero calibration)
Maximum Sampling Rate
Analog Input
Analog Output
Input Bits
3, down
Number of Counters
24 bits
(24 bits on Auxiliary Connector)
Digital I/O
DAQ-800 Users Manual 15
Gain Ranges: Model 801 Model 802
1, 10, 100, 1000 1, 2, 4, 8
1 M ohmInput Impedance 50pAInput Bias Current
Surge Protection up to
±20 V
12-bit + signResolution Successive ApproximationConversion type
2Channels 0 - 5V, 0 - 10V, ±5V, ±10VOutput Ranges Straight BinaryOutput Data Coding 12-bitResolution
(8 bits on main D37 Connector)Digital I/O
4Output Bits
60 mA typ, 80 mA max
120 mA typ, 160 mA max
15 mA typ, 20 mA max
750 mA typ, 900 mA max
Power Requirements
0 - 70° COperating Temperature
DAQ-800 Users Manual 16
3-7, 9-12, 14, 15Interrupt Level 0-95%Humidity 7 in x 4.8 inDimensions
+ 35 hidden pages