Cryogenic Autotune
Temperature Controllers
CYC320 Series
Starts at
⻬ Autotune PID
⻬ For Temperature Control from 1.4 to 800 K
⻬ Electronic Accuracy and
Control Stability to ±0.1˚C
⻬ Autotuning PID Parameters
Automatically Determined
⻬ Manual Tuning of PID
Parameters via Front Panel
⻬ Silicon Diode, 100 Ω Pt RTD,
or Thermocouple Input
⻬ Ability to Store One User Defined
Calibration Curve
⻬ RS232C Communications Standard
⻬ 25 Watt DC Heater Output
⻬ Small Rack Mount Package
⻬ Isolated Current Source Allows True
4-Wire Sensor Readings For High
Instrument Accuracy
CYC324-03, $2300, shown
smaller than actual size.
The CYC320 Series cryogenic temperature
controllers offer a simple, low cost answer to basic
low temperature control needs. They incorporate a
scroll type entry so that setup can easily be
accomplished from the front keypad. Three models
are available to accommodate either silicone diode,
RTD or thermocouple input. The operator can also
enter a user-defined curve, for a custom sensor. This
curve can have up to 97 points plus two end points.
The curve values are entered over the standard
RS232 interface.
A cryogenic system is a complex arrangement of
thermal resistances and heat capacities which are
represented by thermal mass and time constants.
The CYC320 Series analyzes this system’s operating
parameters on-line. The autotune feature increases
the user’s efficiency by automatically calculating the
correct proportional (gain), integral (reset) and
derivative (rate) control parameters within minutes.
Once set, the PID values are only modified when the
system characteristics change. Time spent adjusting or
fine-tuning the controller is eliminated, leaving the user
with more time to experiment with something other
than controller settings! Heater output of the CYC230
Series is a variable dc current for quiet, stable control.

CYC321-01 rear panel.
6.35 mm
25.4 mm
Extended Warranty
CYC321: Silicon diode, 1.4 K to 475 K
CYC322: 100 Ω platinum RTD,
30 K to 800 K
CYC324: Ch-AuFe (0.07%)
thermocouple, 4 K to 325 K;
Type E: 40 K to 425 K
Type K: 90 K to 325 K
Type T: 90 K to 485 K
Curve Storage: Memory space for
one 99 point user defined curve
Display: 8 digit alphanumeric
LED display
Resolution: 0.1 (K or ˚C)
Instrument Accuracy (When Used
Silicon Diode: ±0.2 mV
±0.02% rdg
100 Ω RTD: ±20 mV ±0.05% rdg
Thermocouple: ±2 µV
±0.05% rdg
System Accuracy: Instrument
accuracy plus sensor accuracy;
ranges from 0.1 K at 4.2 K to
0.6 K at 800 K
Repeatability: ±0.1 (K or ˚C)
or better (dependent on sensor
Setpoint Resolution: 0.1 (K or ˚C)
Control Stability:
Better than ±0.1 K in a properly
designed system
Automatic Control Modes: P,
PI, or PID control user selectable
Manual Control Modes:
Proportional (Gain) 0 to 999;
Integral (Reset) 1 to 999 sec;
Derivative (Rate) 0 to 50% of
Integral Time
Heater Output: 25 Watts/1 A
at 25 V compliance
Heater Load: 25 Ω or greater.
automatic shutoff if load < 20 Ω
Communications: RS232C 3-wire,
half-duplex, asynchronous
transmission at 300 or 1200 baud;
RJ-11 modular socket; user may
input setpoint, heater on/off, curve
data; output data includes
temperature, setpoint, heater %,
external curve
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Input Type
CYC324-03 $2300 Thermocouple controller
Comes complete with sensor input connector power cord, double
banana plug for heater output and operator’s manual.
Note: Units are calibrated at no additional cost.
Ordering Example: CYC324-03, silicone diode controller,
CYC320-SHC, heater cable assembly, CY7-SD7, silicon sensor,
$2300 + 175 + 140 = $2615.
OCW-3, OMEGACARESMextends the standard 1-year warranty
to a total of 4 years ($350), $2615 + 350 = $2965.
heater, $70.
Response Time: 1 sec. electronic
data update rate (typical)
Power: 110 or 220 Vac selectable,
65 VA
217 L x 90 W x 317 mm D
(8.5 x 3.5 x 12.5")
Weight: 2.7 kg (6 lb)
Cartridge Heater: Nickel-Chromium
resistance wire with MgO insulation,
2 solid pins
OMEGACARESMextended warranty program
is available for models shown on this page.
Ask your sales representative for full details
when placing an order. OMEGACARE
covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.
Model No. Price Description
CYC320-SHC $175 Cable assembly for
CYC321 and CYC322
CYC320-HTR 70 Cartridge heater, 25 W
CYD200-C 30 RJ11 jack and 3 m (10') of cable,
RS232 adaptor
CYD200-D 51 RJ11 to DB25 adaptor, connects
RJ11 to 25-pin RS232 serial port
CYD200-DB9 51 RJ11 to DB9 adaptor, connects
RJ11 to 9-pin RS232 serial port
For information on precision calibration option yielding highest
readout accuracy, please contact our Cryogenic Applications
Engineers at 1-800-TC-OMEGA.