Standard Curve #10 for CY7 Silicon Diodes
Measurement Current = 10µA ±0.05%
T Voltage dV/dT T Voltage dV/dT T Voltage dV/dT
(K) (mV/K) (K) (mV/K) (K) (mV/K)
1.40 1.69812 -13.1 16.0 1.28527 -18.6 95.0 0.98564 -2.02
1.60 1.69521 -15.9 16.5 1.27607 -18.2 100. 0.97550 -2.04
1.80 1.69177 -18.4 17.0 1.26702 -18.0 110. 0.95487 -2.08
2.00 1.68786 -20.7 17.5 1.25810 -17.7 120. 0.93383 -2.12
2.20 1.68352 -22.7 18.0 1.24928 -17.6 130. 0.91243 -2.16
2.40 1.67880 -24.4 18.5 1.24053 -17.4 140. 0.89072 -2.19
2.60 1.67376 -25.9 19.0 1.23184 -17.4 150. 0.86873 -2.21
2.80 1.66845 -27.1 19.5 1.22314 -17.4 160. 0.84650 -2.24
3.00 1.66292 -28.1 20.0 1.21440 -17.6 170. 0.82404 -2.26
3.20 1.65721 -29.0 21.0 1.19645 -18.5 180. 0.80138 -2.28
3.40 1.65134 -29.8 22.0 1.17705 -20.6 190. 0.77855 -2.29
3.60 1.64529 -30.7 23.0 1.15558 -21.7 200. 0.75554 -2.31
3.80 1.63905 -31.6 24.0 1.13598 -15.9 210. 0.73238 -2.32
4.00 1.63263 -32.7 25.0 1.12463 -7.72 220. 0.70908 -2.34
4.20 1.62602 -33.6 26.0 1.11896 -4.34 230. 0.68564 -2.35
4.40 1.61920 -34.6 27.0 1.11517 -3.34 240. 0.66208 -2.36
4.60 1.61220 -35.4 28.0 1.11212 -2.82 250. 0.63841 -2.37
4.80 1.60506 -36.0 29.0 1.10945 -2.53 260. 0.61465 -2.38
5.00 1.59782 -36.5 30.0 1.10702 -2.34 270. 0.59080 -2.39
5.50 1.57928 -37.6 32.0 1.10263 -2.08 280. 0.56690 -2.39
6.00 1.56027 -38.4 34.0 1.09864 -1.92 290. 0.54294 -2.40
6.50 1.54097 -38.7 36.0 1.09490 -1.83 300. 0.51892 -2.40
7.00 1.52166 -38.4 38.0 1.09131 -1.77 310. 0.49484 -2.41
7.50 1.50272 -37.3 40.0 1.08781 -1.74 320. 0.47069 -2.42
8.00 1.48443 -35.8 42.0 1.08436 -1.72 330. 0.44647 -2.42
8.50 1.46700 -34.0 44.0 1.08093 -1.72 340. 0.42221 -2.43
9.00 1.45048 -32.1 46.0 1.07748 -1.73 350. 0.39783 -2.44
9.50 1.43488 -30.3 48.0 1.07402 -1.74 360. 0.37337 -2.45
10.0 1.42013 -28.7 50.0 1.07053 -1.75 370. 0.34881 -2.46
10.5 1.40615 -27.2 52.0 1.06700 -1.77 380. 0.32416 -2.47
11.0 1.39287 -25.9 54.0 1.06346 -1.78 390. 0.29941 -2.48
11.5 1.38021 -24.8 56.0 1.05988 -1.79 400. 0.27456 -2.49
12.0 1.36809 -23.7 58.0 1.05629 -1.80 410. 0.24963 -2.50
12.5 1.35647 -22.8 60.0 1.05267 -1.81 420. 0.22463 -2.50
13.0 1.34530 -21.9 65.0 1.04353 -1.84 430. 0.19961 -2.50
13.5 1.33453 -21.2 70.0 1.03425 -1.87 440. 0.17464 -2.49
14.0 1.32412 -20.5 75.0 1.02482 -1.91 450. 0.14985 -2.46
14.5 1.31403 -19.9 80.0 1.01525 -1.93 460. 0.12547 -2.41
15.0 1.30422 -19.4 85.0 1.00552 -1.96 470. 0.10191 -2.30
15.5 1.29464 -18.9 90.0 0.99565 -1.99 475. 0.09062 -2.22
Cryogenic Temperature Sensors
Model No. Price Description Range
OB-CY20-2 $235 Low temperature epoxy for mounting sensor, twenty 2 g packets
(approx. 0.1 oz. each)
CYIF 140 5 pieces of Indium foil, high thermal conductivity, highly malleable,
used as a mechanical alternative to CYAG grease to mount a sensor.
[0.127 mm thick x 50 x 50 mm square (0.005 thick x 2 x 2")]
CYAV 115 Adhesive varnish for tacking sensor extension leads [1 pt can (0.6 liter)]
CYCO 360 Clamps with springs for CY7-CO sensors (package of 10)
CYAG 335 General purpose thermal grease, used between sensor
1.4 to 316 K
and surface [25 g tube (approx. 1 oz)]
1.4 K
330 K
For Mounting CY7 Series Silicon Diode Sensors
Ordering Examples: OB-CY20-2, low temperature epoxy for mounting sensor, $235.
CYAG, general purpose thermal grease, $335.