Omega Products CIO-PDISO8 Installation Manual

User's Guide
1INTRODUCTION ...................................
1 DESCRIPTION .....................................
2 ACCESSORIES .....................................
3INSTALLATION ....................................
3 SOFTWARE .......................................
3 BASE ADDRESS ....................................
4 WAIT STATE ......................................
4 AC INPUT FILTER ..................................
6PROGRAMMING ...................................
7 OUTPUT REGISTER .................................
8 INPUT REGISTER ...................................
9 CONNECTOR DIAGRAM ............................
10 FORM C RELAY OUTPUTS .........................
10 FORM A RELAY OUTPUTS .........................
11 ISOLATED INPUTS ................................
12SPECIFICATIONS .................................
12 POWER CONSUMPTION ............................
12 RELAY SPECIFICATIONS ...........................
12 ISOLATED INPUTS ................................
13 ENVIRONMENTAL ................................
The CIO-PDISO8 is an 8 channel isolated input, 8 channel relay output interface board for the IBM PC and compatibles. The CIO-PDISO8 is designed for control and sensing applications where a few points of high voltage need to be sensed or con­trolled.
High voltages will be present on the CIO-PDISO8 board when you have connected high voltage inputs or outputs to the CIO-PDISO8 connector.
Use extreme caution! Never handle the CIO-PDISO8 when signals are connected to the board through the connector.
The outputs are 8 electromechanical relays. Five provide FORM C connection and three provide normally open FORM A connection. The contacts are rated at 6A @ 120V A.C. or 28V D.C., resistive load. The relays are controlled by writing to one 8 bit port. The state of the relay control register may be read back from the same port.
The inputs are 8 individual, optically isolated (500V) inputs that may be read back as a single byte. The inputs are not polarity sensitive and may be driven by either A.C. (50 - 1000 Hz) or D.C. in the range 5V - 24V R.M.S. Each input has a switchable low-pass filter with a time constant of 5mS (200Hz).
Although requiring o nly two 8 bit ports, the CI O-PDISO8 occup ies 4 ports and will appear at both locations. There is no need for this but that is how the original was designed and the CIO-PDISO8 is a true clone.
Programming is accomplished by writes and reads to two 8 bit ports. Each bit indi­cates the state of an input or controls an output. Because the board is simple to pro­gram, requiring o nly tat the language you choose support direct register I/O, there is no CALL routine or driver software supplied with the board. There are a few BASIC examples.
The CIO-PDISO8 is a combination digital I/O board with signal conditioning installed. Most accessory boards are intended to provide signal conditioning or easy to access signal termination. In general, the CIO-PDISO8 with not require additional signal conditioning.
We recommend that under no circumstance should a screw terminal board be used with the CIO-PDISO8. The CIO-PDISO8 is intended to sense and control high volt­ages. If you use a screw terminal board you will expose yourself and others to those high voltage signals.
We recommend that you construct a safe cable to carry you signals directly from your equipment to the CIO-PDISO8 connector.
On the disk labeled InstaCal there is an installation program. Please run SETUP .EXE and accept the defaults. A new directory will be created on your hard disk and several lines will be added to AUTOEXEC and CONFI G files. If you have purchased the Universal Library for progra mming language InstaCAL will be installed as part of the library installation. Please run SETUP.EXE form the Universal Library disk or CD.
Once all the software is installed, change to the CB directory and run InstaCal. Choose the INSTALL menu and select your board by part number from the list. Sup­ply the information required for base address and any other switch set or programma­ble features. Heed and act upon any warning messages displayed.
You may then run TEST and test the installation of the board. Follo w the instructions for signal connection displayed on the screen.
You may also run CALIBRATE and check the calibr ation of the b oard, although that is not necessary since the board was calibrated at the factory.
If you need it, there is some on-line help in the InstaCal program.
Owners of the Universal Library should read the manual and examine the example programs prior to attempting any programming tasks.
The base address switch controls the I/O location where the CPU can access the regis­ters of the CIO-PDISO8.
The factory default is 300H (768D).
If you have a board installed at address 300H, you will have to choose a new address from those available on your computer. You may use the list of PC I/O address assignments found elsewhere in thi s manual and ad d notes ab out the bo ards you have installed in your computer.
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