Omega Products CIO-DAC08 Installation Manual

User’s Manual
Revision 4
October, 2000
MEGA-FIFO, the CIO prefix to data acquisition board model numbers, the PCM prefix to data acquisition board model numbers, PCM-DAS08, PCM-D24C3, PCM-DAC02, PCM-COM422, PCM-COM485, PCM-DMM, PCM-DAS16D/12, PCM-DAS16S/12, PCM-DAS16D/16, PCM-DAS16S/16, PCI-DAS6402/16, Universal Library, InstaCal, Harsh Environment Warranty and Measurement Computing Corporation are registered trademarks of Measurement Computing Corporation.
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HM CIO-DAC##.lwp
Table of Contents
3.1 Initial Board Setup
3.2 Selecting the Base Address
3.3 Wait State Jumper
3.4 Individual / Simultaneous Update Jumpers
3.5 Analog Output Range Switches
3.6 Installing the CIO-DAC## in the Computer
3.7 Cabling to the CIO-DAC##
3.8 Testing the Installation
3.9 Signal Connection
3.10 Connector Diagram
4.1 Control & Data Registers
1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9
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The CIO-DAC16 is a 16 channel analog output board. The CIO-DAC08 is an eight channel analog output board. The analog outputs are dual-DAC AD7273s with each output buffered by an OP07. The CIO-DAC family is compatible with MetraByte's DDA-06 but lacks digital outputs. Software designed for the DDA-06 will operate the analog outputs.
The analog outputs are controlled by writing a digital control word as two bytes to the DAC's control register. The control register is double buffered so the DAC's output is not updated until the second byte (the high byte) has been written.
The analog outputs can also be set for simultaneous update in groups of two, four, six, etc. or all sixteen. When a DAC pair is set for simultaneous update, writing new digital values to the DAC's control register does not cause an update of the DAC's voltage output. Update of the output occurs only after a READ from the board's addresses.
An installation program labeled InstaCal™ is on the disk shipped with the board. This program will guide you through board configuration and switch settings. Refer to the Extended Software Installation Manual for complete instructions regarding installing and using InstaCal. If you decide not to use InstaCal as a guide, the information required for configuring the board is provided in the following section.
3.1 Initial Board Setup
The CIO-DAC## has one bank of gain switches for each analog output channel, one base address switch, a simultaneous update jumper for each DAC pair, a “power-up state” selection jumper and one wait state jumper block which must be set before installing the board in your computer. The InstaCal calibration and test program included with the CIO-DAC## will show how these switches are to be set. Run the program before you open your computer.
The CIO-DAC## is setup at the factory as follows:
300h (768 decimal)BASE ADDRESS Off Position, RightWAIT STATE Single Channel UpdateSIMULTANEOUS UPDATE +
Standard (undefined output values at power up)POWER UP STATE
3.2 Selecting the Base Address
Unless there is already a board in your system that uses address 300h (768 decimal), leave the switches as they are set at the factory.
In the example shown here, the CIO-DAC## is set for base address 300h (768 decimal).
Figure 3-1. Base Address Switches
Certain address are used by the PC, others are free and can be used by the CIO-DAC## and other expansion boards. We recommend you try the factory default BASE = 300h (768 decimal) first.
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