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The CDTX-300 two-wire transmitter is
widely used for process control in industry
today. This instrument is particularly useful
in industrial conditions where electrical
interference is an important factor. By
galvanically isolating the signals, any
interference created is prevented from
reaching the transmitter. A loop isolator
may be required when connecting to data
acquisition equipment. The CDTX-300
uses two wires which reduces costs and
eliminates the need for expensive coaxial
cable. Two-wire transmitters are ideal
when used in remote applications that
do not have AC power available.
The CDTX-300 series conductivity
transmitter uses top of-the-line, 4-Ring
Potentiometric probes. As opposed to the
more widely used 2-Ring Amperometric
method, the 4-Ring Potentiometric method
provides the highest accuracy and
repeatability attainable. When measuring
liquids that have a high conductivity, the
2-Ring system is susceptible to
polarization. 4-Ring electrodes eliminate
the polarization effect by splitting the four
rings into 2 current electrodes and
2 voltage electrodes. When placed in a
conductive liquid, the 2 current electrodes
take the alternating voltage and create a
current. This alternating current produces
a buffer field from which polarization is
absent. The voltage is then measured in
this field assuring no altered readings.
pH and Conductivity Transmitter
⻬ pH and Conductivity Transmitter
Designed to Accept Signals
Directly from a pH Electrode
and a Conductivity Probe at
the Same Time
⻬ Direct Connection of the Probes
to the Transmitter Assures a
Positive Electrical Connection
with No Signal Loss
⻬ Most Useful in Remote Process
Control Applications
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
Ordering Example: CDTX-300, pH/conductivity transmitter, PHE-7351-15, pH electrode,
PHA-7, 7.00 buffer solution, CDE-300, conductivity cell, CDSA-4500, conductivity standard,
$300 + 135 + 5 + 115 + 10 = $565.
To Order
(Specify Model Number)
Model No. Price Description
CDTX-300 $300 Mini surface mount pH/conductivity transmitter
CDE-300 115 In-line or submersible conductivity probe
CCT-100 130 Loop isolator
PHE-7351-15 135 Industrial electrode for in-line or submersion
PHA-4 5 4.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pt) bottle
PHA-7 5 7.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pt) bottle
PHA-10 5 10.00 pH buffer solution 500 mL (1 pt) bottle
CDSA-4500 10 4500 µS conductivity standard, 1 qt
PSS-D12B 150 12 or 24 Vdc power supply
FW-332 89 Reference Book: Advanced pH Measurement and Control
pH: 0 to 14 pH
Conductivity: 0 to 10 mS/cm
Accuracy [@20°C (68°F)]:
pH: ±0.5% FS;
Conductivity: ±2% FS
Calibration: Manual through offset
and slope trimmers for both pH and
conductivity at:
pH: 4/10 and 7 pH
Conductivity: 0 and 5 mS/cm
Temperature Compensation:
Conductivity: Automatic from 0 to 60°C
(41 to 132°F) with a ß of 2%
CDE-300 Probe Specifications
Dimensions: mm (in)
Output: 4 to 20 mA isolated
Power: 12 to 24 Vdc
Protection: IP 54
Environment: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F);
0 to 95% RH non-condensing
Dimensions: 160 L x 105 W x 31 mm H
(6.3 x 4.1 x 1.2")
Weight: 280 g (9.9 oz)
CDTX-300, $300,
shown smaller than actual size.
3/4 NPT
69 (2.7)
1/2 NPT
5 (0.2)
25.4 (1)
20 (0.8)12 (0.5)25.4 (1.0)

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