Web-enabled Graphic
OperatOr interface
G3 SerieS HMi
l Remote Monitoring
and Operation
l The Most On-Board
Comms Ports
l Built-In Ethernet
l Protocol Converter
l Affordable Price
for our complete
line of HMIs
G3 Series HMI, shown
smaller than actual size.
Now you can make complete
integration of your machine a
reality. The G3 HMI Series
features the most on-board
communications ports of any HMI
available, and lets you web- and networkenable many different types of hardware
using integrated Ethernet. Control multiple
devices including PLCs, PCs, drives, PID
controllers and more—at speeds up to 115
kBaud. Three serial ports are standard, and
with an inexpensive expansion card, the
G3 HMI integrated protocol converter can
communicate with as many as five different
device types. No HMI offers that kind of
connectivity at any price. And the best news
is, the G3 HMIs actually cost LESS than
many HMIs with far fewer features.
A Variety of Affordable Models
Deliver the Most Value of Any HMI
G3 HMIs are available in a variety of
models and sizes to meet your machine
requirements. Each model combines unique
capabilities normally expected from highend units, yet at a very affordable price. One
RS422/485 port and two RS232 ports are
standard, and each port is format and Baud
rate programmable up to 115,200 Baud.
One each RS232 and RS422/485 ports
are available with an option card, providing
up to five comms ports per G3 HMI.
The Easiest and Most Flexible
Software; and It’s Free
Red Lion’s remarkable Crimson 2 software
is a powerful programming platform that
gives the G3 Series a number of exclusive
functions. Its sophistication also makes
all the complex capability of the G3
manageable, with user friendly drag and
drop data mapping. Crimson is universal to
all Red Lion HMIs. And unlike competitive
HMIs that charge you extra for what is often
very cumbersome and difficult proprietary
software, the initial set up of Crimson is very
easy and virtually self-explanatory. Crimson
includes an extensive library of device
drivers to quickly establish communications
between the G3 and virtually any device.
Once communication is established,
anything the G3 can communicate with
is now Ethernet-enabled via the built-in
gateway and protocol converter. This
capability is unavailable in any other HMI
Panel. Best of all, Crimson is free. As
are software updates, support, cabling
instructions and communication drivers.
In fact, if a specific device driver does not
exist, Red Lion will write one for you. Try
finding this level of support and value with
any other HMI!
Integrated Protocol Converter
Has Them All Talking
Crimson features a built in gateway that
converts any attached device’s serial
protocol to 10 Base T/100 Base-TX Ethernet
and automatically web-enables the device.
Disparate serial devices now speak the same
language, and unlike other HMIs that require
you to purchase a protocol converter for
up to $1,000 additional— on the G3 Series,
it’s standard.
Built-In Web Server Offers
Remote Access and Control
The Crimson web server is capable of
providing remote access to the G3 via a
number of mechanisms. First, you can
use Crimson to automatically generate

web pages that contain lists of tags—each
formatted according to the tag’s properties.
You can also create a custom web site, using
a third party HTML editor such as Microsoft
FrontPage, with code that instructs Crimson
to insert live tag values for realtime
monitoring. And finally, you can enable
Crimson’s Virtual Panel, a unique remote
access and control feature, which allows
a web browser to not only view the G3’s
display in realtime, but control its keypad
and operate any of its Ethernet-enabled
devices remotely. This feature is only
available in the G3 HMI Series.
Multi-Device Data Logging
Crimson allows users to quickly set up any
number of devices in a control application,
collect performance data, display it, store
it for evaluation, or trigger PLC functions
with one panel—either live or remotely.
Data may be recorded as quickly as once
per second and can be acquired from one or
all connected devices. Values are stored in
CSV (comma separated variable) files that
can easily be imported into applications such
as Microsoft Excel. Unique to the G3 HMI,
Crimson’s web server can be used to expose
various data via the G3 panel’s Ethernet
port, allowing remote access to diagnostic
information, or to the values recorded by the
data logger.
Lower Manpower and Travel Costs
Why check up on equipment performance manually when you can have the process
notify you of pending failure?
The G3 series can connect via Ethernet, landline modems, or even cellular modems
to reach you anywhere in the world. With built-in email and text messaging
functions, the G3 allows you to focus only on the areas of concern.
Faster Configuration
and Programming
Crimson 2 is a powerful set of icon-based,
configuration, display, control and data
Virtually Unlimited Data Storage
with CompactFlash
An integrated CompactFlash slot
accommodates inexpensive and readily
available Type I and II CompactFlash cards
that lets you collect, retain and transfer data
easily. If you need to update the database
within a machine that is already installed at a
customer’s site, Crimson allows you to save
a copy of the database to a CompactFlash
card, ship that card to your customer,
and have the G3 load the database from
that card.
Faster Data Transfer and
Downloading with USB
The G3 HMI Series features a convenient
USB port for fast downloads of configuration
files from a PC as well as trending and data
logging uploads to your PC for analysis.
Powerful Processing
The G3 HMI Series features an onboard
32-bit processor for unmatched computing
capability. The full-featured Crimson
software contains a built in “C” compiler
to create custom programs for complex
applications, recipe handling, realtime
scheduling, math expression evaluation
and much more.
logging tools designed specifically to
take full advantage of the G3 HMI Series
architecture. The majority of simple
applications can be quickly set up using
a step-by-step process to configure
communications protocols, define the
data tags to be accessed, and create the
user interface. A full set of drag and drop
graphical items makes creation of the
interface easy while yielding professional
results. More advanced features, such as
programming, data logging and configuring
the G3’s web server, are intuitive and
easily enabled.
The Lowest Priced,
Full-Featured HMIs
For less than many stripped-down HMIs,
you can add the powerful capabilities and
ease of use found only in the G3 HMI Series.
The G3 Series come standard with three
serial comms, Ethernet, protocol converter,
USB, and CompactFlash slot. And at no
extra charge, you get full-featured Crimson
2 software with drag and drop configuration
and data tagging, easy-to-use interface tools,
flexible programming environment, powerful
data logging, and our exclusive Virtual
Panel and web server capabilities for remote
access and control.

The Only HMI That Web-Enables Any Device for
Remote Operation Across Your LAN or the Internet
Red Lion’s G3 HMI Series is not
only the first to communicate
with up to five different types of
serial devices simultaneously,
but lets you access, monitor and
control these devices remotely—
from across your network, or
around the globe.
Accessory Cables
The following cables may be used to connect the G3 HMI, Data Station Plus or Red Lion Modular Controller Master to the listed device.
CBLAB001 Allen Bradley SLC-503 V DF 1
CBLAB002 Allen Bradley
CBLAB003 Allen Bradley DH48
CBLAB004 Allen Bradley PNLVW VIA DF1
CBLGEF01 Ge Fanuc 90S V SNP
CBLGEN02 RS232 Bare Wires
CBLGEN03 RS422/485 Bare Wires
CBLIDE01 Idec Micro 3
CBLIDE02 Idec Micro 3C
CBLIDE03 Idec Micro Smart
CBLKEY01 Keyence KV Series Cable
CBLKOY00 Koyo Model 2xx
CBLMAT01 Matsushita FP
CBLMAT02 Matsushita FP0
CBLMDM00 Modem 9Pin Male
CBLMDM01 Modem 25Pin Male
CBLMIT01 Misubushi FX
CBLMOD01 Modicon (RS232)
CBLOMR01 Omron (RS232)
CBLOMR02 Omron SYS C200H-LK210
CBLRLC00 485 G3 RJ45 - RL RJ11
CBLRLC01 RJ12-RJ12 1’ Crossed
CBLRLC02 RJ12-RJ12 10’ Crossed
CBLRLC03 RJ45-RJ45 1’ Straight
CBLRLC04 RJ45-RJ45 10’ Straight
CBLRLC05 RS485 Jumpered
CBLRLC07 RJ45-RJ45 6” Straight
CBLRLCS2 RJ12-RJ12 10’ Straight
CBLSIE01 Siemens S7 PPI
CBLSIE02 Siemens MPI with out Adaptor
CBLSIE03 Siemens MPI with Adaptor
CBLSIE04 TI 545 on Port 1
CBLSIE05 Siemens 545/555 RS232
CBLSIE06 Siemens 545/555 - RS422
CBLSIE07 TI 500 Series
CBLSIE08 Siemens-CP525 Comm Card
CBLSIE09 Siemens-S5 with Adaptor
CBLTEL00 G3 Telemechanique RS485
CBLTEL01 G3 Telemechanique SLV 485
CBLYAS01 Yaskawa SMC3010