Omega Products CAB-1002-208 User Manual

Single Row
Double Row
Triple Row
Based on 1-5/8" spacing
and 4.7 fins per linear inch
5 fps0
10 fps 15 fps 20 fps 25 fps 30 fps 35 fps
300fpm0 600 fpm 900 fpm 1200 fpm 1500 fpm 1800 fpm 2100 fpm
Pressure Drop — Inches of Water
Air Velocity (Standard Air)
Terminal Cover
CAB and CABB Styles
Side Terminals (Type CAB)
Bottom Terminals
(Type CABB)
6 to 100 kW120, 208, 240 and 480V1 or 3 PhaseRust-Resisting Iron or
Chrome Steel Sheath Elements
440°F Max Outlet Air Temp
Sole Heat SourceBooster Heater in Process and
Comfort Heating Ducts
Convert existing Forced Air
Dryers and Ovens
With Blower and Duct, can be
used to Fabricate simple Forced Air Drying Unit
Simple Duct Transition Sections may
be used to adapt standard heater sizes to various duct sizes to increase air velocities for better heat transfer, lower sheath temperature and longer element life.
Field Wiring Terminals—Heavy duty diameter bolts of either brass (iron sheath units) or Stainless Steel (chrome steel sheath units) with necessary hardware are provided for field wiring connections. Terminals are located on the side for CAB units and on the bottom for CABB units, and should be on the outside of ducting.
Fins of aluminized steel are provided to improve heat transfer to the air.
Elements are individually replaceable.
Terminal Cover Option is available
to prevent accidental contact with live electrical terminals (PCN 269720), one (1) required per circuit
MONEL Sheath and MONEL Fins are available for humid conditions. Model TDH heaters, using Fintube elements are also available.
Rugged Finstrip Elements are
mounted in a sturdy steel frame with narrow side of elements and fins facing the air flow.
Dimensions: in
Finstrip Elements, Exclusive Construction—High-quality, coiled
resistor wire is uniformly spaced over the width and length of the Finstrip element, then em bed ded in high-grade refractory material which insulates the wire and transfers heat rapidly. Refractory is then compressed to rock hardness and maximum density under tremendous hydraulic pressure to improve heat transfer from coil to sheath. Elements are oven baked at high temperatures to semi-vitrify and mature the refractory. Sheath material
is either rust-resisting iron or chrome steel.
Sturdy Steel Frame—14 gauge cold rolled steel painted with high heat resisting black enamel paint.
Internal Electrical Connections are made using a combination of buss bars and jumper straps consisting of either Manganese-Nickel or MONEL.
Always install heaters in duct work with terminal box on bottom of heater. Type CAB units should have field wiring terminals facing upstream to provide maximum cooling affect. Secure to duct work using mounting holes on both vertical sides of heater.
Application and Selection Guidelines
Selection Heater Size — Refer to
Technical section for examples on determining kW requirements. For quick estimating purposes, the following
(2) 5/16-18
Tapped Mtg.
Holes (each side)
Overtemperature Protection
3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2,
2, 2-1/2 Combination
K.O. (each end)
High Limit
Controller Type ARC
(shown) or
Model 2383
Thermal Cutout
Sensor Located on
Downstream Side
Mtg. Bolts (2 each side)
formula may be used for air at standard conditions:
kW = SCFM x Temp. Rise (°F) 3000
Air Velocity Iron Chrome Steel
(ft/sec) Sheath Sheath
4—200 9 90 330
16 220 440
Note—Maximum temperatures are
based on 26 W/In
Max Outlet Air Temp
. If elements have a lower watt density, work temperatures may be increased; if watt density is higher, work temperatures should be lower.
CAB and CABB Styles
To Order (Specify Model Number)
Rust-Resisting Iron Sheath Chrome Steel Sheath Amps/ No. No. inches Temperatures to 750°F Temperatures to 950°F Wt. kW Volts Phase Circ. Circ. Elem.
CAB—Side Terminals (26 W/in2)
6 120 1 50 1 6 10 6 208 1 28.9 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/208 850 CAB-611/208 950 25 6 240 1 25 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/240 850 CAB-611/240 950 25 6 480 1 12.5 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/480 850 CAB-611/480 950 25 6 208 3 16.7 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/208/3P 850 CAB-611/208/3P 950 25 6 240 3 14.5 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/240/3P 850 CAB-611/240/3P 950 25 6 480 3 7.2 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/480/3P 850 CAB-611/480/3P 950 25
12 208 1 57.7 1 9 15 12 240 1 50 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CAB-122/240 1300 CAB-1211/240 1425 35 12 480 1 25 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CAB-122/480 1300 CAB-1211/480 1425 35 12 208 3 33.4 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CAB-122/208/3P 1300 CAB-1211/208/3P 1425 35 12 240 3 28.9 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CAB-122/240/3P 1300 CAB-1211/240/3P 1425 35 12 480 3 14.5 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CAB-122/480/3P 1300 CAB-1211/480/3P 1425 35
15 208 1 72.1 1 9 15 15 240 1 62.5 1 9 153⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-152/240 1550 CAB-1511/240 1900 40 15 480 1 31.3 1 9 153⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-152/480 1550 CAB-1511/480 1900 40 15 208 3 41.7 1 9 153⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-152/208/3P 1550 CAB-1511/208/3P 1900 40 15 240 3 36.1 1 9 153⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-152/240/3P 1550 CAB-1511/240/3P 1900 40 15 480 3 18.1 1 9 153⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-152/480/3P 1550 CAB-1511/480/3P 1900 40
20 208 3 55.6 1 12 20 20 240 3 48.2 1 12 201⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-202/240 2000 CAB-2011/240 2350 55 20 480 3 24.1 1 12 201⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-202/480 2000 CAB-2011/480 2350 55
25 208 3 69.5 1 12 20 25 240 3 60.2 1 12 201⁄8 261⁄8 213⁄4 CAB-252/240 2350 CAB-2511/240 2850 65 25 480 3 30.1 1 12 201⁄8 261⁄8 213⁄4 CAB-252/480 2350 CAB-2511/480 2850 65
30 480 3 18.1 2 18 291⁄2 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-3011/480 $2900 75 40 208 3 55.6 2 18 29
40 240 3 48.2 2 18 291⁄2 273⁄8 23 CAB-402/240 3000 CAB-4011/240 3500 90 40 480 3 24.1 2 18 291⁄2 273⁄8 23 CAB-402/480 3000 CAB-4011/480 3500 90
50 208 3 69.5 2 18 29 50 240 3 60.2 2 18 291⁄2 331⁄8 283⁄4 CAB-502/240 3750 CAB-5011/240 4450 110 50 480 3 30.1 2 18 291⁄2 331⁄8 283⁄4 CAB-502/480 3750 CAB-5011/480 4450 110
75 208 3 69.5 3 27 44 75 240 3 60.2 3 27 447⁄16 421⁄8 373⁄4 CAB-752/240 5600 CAB-7511/240 6050 200 75 480 3 30.1 3 27 447⁄16 421⁄8 373⁄4 CAB-752/480 5600 CAB-7511/480 6050 200
100 208 3 92.6 3 27 44 100 240 3 80.3 3 27 447⁄16 471⁄2 431⁄8 CAB-1002/208 7150 CAB-10021/208 7500 220 100 480 3 40.1 3 27 447⁄16 471⁄2 431⁄8 CAB-1002/480 7150 CAB-10021/480 7500 220
CABB—Bottom Terminals (26 W/in2)
6 240 3 14.5 1 6 10 6 480 3 7.2 1 6 103⁄4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CABB-611/480 1050 25
12 208 3 33.4 1 9 15 12 240 3 28.9 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CABB-1211/240 1550 35 12 480 3 14.5 1 9 153⁄8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CABB-1211/480 1550 35
20 480 3 24.1 1 12 201⁄8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CABB-2011/480 2550 55 25 480 3 30.1 1 12 291⁄2 261⁄8 213⁄4 CABB-252/480 $2500 CABB-2511/480 3000 65 40 480 3 24.1 2 18 291⁄2 273⁄8 23 CABB-402/480 3200 CABB-4011/480 3700 90 50 480 3 30.1 2 18 291⁄2 331⁄8 283⁄4 CABB-502/480 4100 CABB-5011/480 4650 110 75 480 3 30.1 3 27 447⁄16 421⁄8 373⁄4 CABB-752/480 6000 CABB-7511/480 6450 200
100 480 3 40.1 3 27 44
Ordering Examples: CAB-611/120, chrome steel sheath heater, 6 kW, 120V, $950. CAB-252/480, rust-resisting iron sheath heater, 25 kW, 480V, $2350.
A B D Model No. Price Model No. Price (lb)
4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CAB-62/120 $850 CAB-611/120 $950 25
8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CAB-122/208 $1300 CAB-1211/208 $1425 35
8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-152/208 $1550 CAB-1511/208 $1900 40
8 215⁄8 171⁄4 CAB-202/208 $2000 CAB-2011/208 $2350 55
8 261⁄8 213⁄4 CAB-252/208 $2350 CAB-2511/208 $2850 65
2 273⁄8 23 CAB-402/208 $3000 CAB-4011/208 $3500 90
2 331⁄8 283⁄4 CAB-502/208 $3750 CAB-5011/208 $4450 110
16 421⁄8 373⁄4 CAB-752/208 $5600 CAB-7511/208 $6050 200
16 471⁄2 431⁄8 CAB-1002/208 $7150 CAB-10021/208 $7500 220
4 157⁄8 111⁄2 CABB-611/240 $1050 25
8 181⁄2 141⁄8 CABB-1211/208 1550 35
16 471⁄2 431⁄8 CABB-10021/480 8000 220
Free Area for Air Flow
Model No. Square Feet Model No. Square Feet
CAB-62 & 611 0.500 CAB-402 & 4011 3.29 Note The volume of air being CAB-122 & 1211 0.927 CAB-502 & 5011 4.13 CAB-152 & 1511 1.19 CAB-752 & 7511 8.25 CAB-202 & 2011 1.63 CAB-1002 & 10021 9.38 CAB-252 & 2511 2.07
circulated along with the free area for air flow (in table above) will enable you to calculate the air velocity over the heater.
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