Remove the Packing List and verify that you have received all equipment, including the
• AD128 Datalogger
• MS Windows Application Software Install Disk
• 9-pin to 9-pin Communications Cable*
• Sampling Interface Cable
• AC Adapter
• 9 Volt Battery
• Operator’s Manual
• Storage Box
• 9-pin to 25-pin adapter (if requested)
If you have any questions about the shipment, please call the OMEGA Customer Service
Department. When you receive the shipment, inspect the container and equipment for signs of
damage. Note any evidence of rough handling in transit. Immediately report any damage to the
shipping agent.
The carrier will not honor damage claims unless all shipping material is
saved for inspection. After examining and removing contents, save
packing material and carton in the event reshipment is necessary.
1. GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................7
LEAD-WIRE COLOR CODE CHART (PIG-TAIL CABLE)............................................55
Y our Stand-Alone Data Acquisition System package should include the following :
o Model AD128Logging UnitoAC Adapter
o Configuration & Analysis Software CDo9-Volt Battery
o 9-pin Communications CableoUser’s Guide
o Sampling Interface CableoWarranty Registration Card
•IBM PC or Compatible, 386 or better
•CD-ROM, CD-R or MultiRead CD Drive
•8 Mb RAM minimum, 16 Mb recommended
•Windows 95, 98 or newer or Windows NT 4.0 or newer
•8 Mb available hard disk space
The AD128 system is capable of collecting large amounts of data and presenting the
information graphically . Because of this, we recommend that you install the Configuration &
Analysis Software on a PC with a fast microprocessor (200Mhz or higher) and as much RAM
as possible (16Mb or more).
Insert the installation disk in the appropriate disk drive, (the following instructions assume that
drive D: is your CD drive.)
1. Insert the software CD in your CD drive. The
the installation process. If the software driver for your CD drive does not support the
autorun function, select
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
3. To begin, select the C&A program from the
the dl32.exe file from the Windows Explorer in the directory where you installed the
program (default directory -
from the
C:\Program Files\C&A
menu and type in
Start | Programs
file will automatically begin
menu, or double-click on
From the
selection for the PC. Below is the dialog box that appears. Select the correct COM port or use
Auto Find. Auto Find
mode, and it is connected to an available COM port. This will only need to be done once,
unless the PC's hardware is changed or a different PC is used.
Most commonly , COM1 or COM2 is used. For notebook
computers, almost always COM1 is used, but on some
older models, the mouse uses COM1, so you would
then use COM2. Rarely is COM3 or COM4 used.
**NOTE: A “Null-Modem” cable is required for
communication between the logging unit and the host
PC. Only 3 wires are used: TxD, RxD & GND. The
wires between pins 2 and 3 (the transmit and receive
wires) are crossed in the null-modem configuration.
The GND (signal common) is pin 5 on a 9-pin RS-232
will find the correct port if the logging unit is powered, but in the “Off”
menu, select
to setup or change the communications port
The Model AD128 logging unit can sample up to 16 digital and 8 analog channels
simultaneously , as fast as 500 times per second or as slow as one time every 99 minutes, with
the capacity to store 130,000 readings.
The Configuration & Analysis Software (C&A) was designed to be intuitive, so that you can
put this capability to work, right out of the box. The “Quickstart Operation Diagram” in the next
section shows you how to do this.
It may be helpful to have this guide open to the Operation Overview, section 2, as you step
through the Quickstart Operation Diagram. For this reason, a removable copy of the Quickstart
section has been supplied with this User’s Guide. Once you are familiar with the AD128
system you may want to visit the Reference, Section 3, where more advanced features are
described, including: Scaling, Event-Based Recording, Formatting, Statistics, Printingand Exporting.
By understanding the basic framework of the AD128 system, you will find that each time you
put the system to work, your experience will not be one of constant “relearning”, but one of
increasing convenience. A few tips are listed in this introduction and throughout the User’s
Guide to help you save even more setup time in future applications.
**Tip: You may use the system for many different applications, or you may use it for the
same application every time. In either case, it will be valuable for you to be able to reuse
any work you have done in the past. The C&A software gives you the capability to do this
by saving configuration files and sensor profiles. Choose meaningful names for
configuration files and sensor profiles so that you may make use of them in the future,
either for reference or for additional data acquisition tasks.
**Tip: Notes can be typed directly into a configuration form for reference. This is an
extremely valuable feature, when utilized: notes, along with ALL configuration settings
are stored in data and graph files that are saved to disk. In the same way, all raw data
that is retrieved from the logging unit is stored in a graph file. C&A software allows you to
recreate a configuration or a complete raw data file, along with scale settings, from a
graph file. This capability makes it easy to organize data and assures that you can
always duplicate a setup, effortlessly.
•10-year battery backup and software interlock to protect data
Software Framework
•The Configuration & Analysis Software framework is compatible with all AD128 family
data acquisition systems, including future models.
•One-button operation to setup the logger, receive data and generate graphs.
•Configurations, data and graphs are treated as documents, much like a word
processing document is treated by a word processing program. All information is
carried forward to the next level ‘document’, which means that you don’t have to save
configurations, data and graphs together as a set - a configuration can be created
from an existing data file or graph file; a data file can be created from a graph file.
Once a graph is created from data collected by the logging unit, the configuration and
data files can be discarded, if desired, for the purpose of storing and organizing data
files more efficiently .
•The ‘configuration’ button on the status window allows you to create a configuration
‘document’ from the logging unit that is currently connected to the PC.
Data View & Analysis
•View all data or view only the data acquired from individual recording ‘sequences’.
•Export/Copy data in table or graphical format to file or directly to any other program.
•Print data in table or graphical format.
•Print or copy configuration and status window information. This is useful for
documenting collected information.
•Statistics in table and graph views
** The AD128 system is Year 2000 (Y2K) compliant
This overview covers the five (5) basic steps involved in collecting and reviewing data. Section
3, titled “Reference”, covers more advanced features, in addition to instructions for reviewing,
formatting and exporting in the spreadsheet and graph windows.
Step 1:Create a configuration
Step 2:Send a configuration
Step 3:Record data
Step 4:Receive data
Step 5:Generate a graph
This window displays the status of a
logging unit that is connected to the
PC - it is your “window” to the data
acquisition hardware. Below is a
picture of a
logging unit is connected when the
Configuration & Analysis program is
started, it’s status will be displayed
automatically . Other messages
relating to the most recent
communication with the logging unit
will also be displayed here. The
display can be updated at any time
window. If a
by selecting the Refresh button
on the main progam toolbar.
For more information on the Status
window, please go to the Reference
section 3.1: “Status Window”.
Before recording information with the logging unit, you must first configure it. This is done by
creating a configuration ‘document’ and then sending it to the logging unit. Configuration
documents can be created once and saved to disk for reuse in future data collection tasks.
The first step in creating a configuration is to open a New Configuration template by selecting
File | New Configuration...
that matches the target logging unit model. The model number of a logging unit that is
connected to the PC’s communication port can be found at the top of the Status window .
from the main menu. Be sure to select the configuration template
File | New Configuration...
Previously saved (to disk) configurations are opened by selecting
NOTE: A configuration document may also be created from a connected logging
unit by clicking the configuration button on the main program toolbar. Configurations
can be generated directly from data (.dld) and graph (.dlg) files by clicking on the
configuration icon on the spreadsheet and graph window toolbars.
File | Open.
2.2.1 Setting Up The Configuration
Recording parameters (sample interval, run time, channel selections, etc.) are established in
the configuration. A new configuration is already initialized with everything necessary to begin
recording - it can be sent to the logging unit and used, as is. However, you will want to
customize the configuration for each task.
The configuration window is a “smart form” that automatically calculates sequence parameters
and displays: 1) the fastest Sample Frequency possible, and 2) the Total Run Time that is
based on using 100% of the data storage memory available in the target logging unit.
These calculations are updated when you make changes. For example, if you add 3 channels
to the default configuration (from 1 to 4), the Total # of Samples and Total Run Time will be
reduced by a factor of 4. However, you can “lock in” a Total Run Time by clicking the
checkbox next to the
Frequency by clicking the
Total Run Time
checkbox next to that field.
field. Similarly, you can “lock in” a Sample Interval/
2.2.2 Recommended Procedure
To appreciate the benefits of the “smart form” feature, specify recording parameters in the
following order:
1. Select each channel to be sampled and enter meaningful channel names.
2. Set the "Total Run Time" if the test is to be terminated after a specified period of time
(though a logging sequence may be interrupted at any time by pressing the "Start/Stop" button
on the panel).
Set the "Total # of Samples" if the test is to be terminated automatically after a specified
number of samples have been acquired.
3. Set the "Sample Interval/Frequency" - the time base may be changed by selecting the time
base button to the right of the "Sample Interval/Frequency" entry field.
Configuration ‘Document’ Window
2.2.3 Channel Selections
The Model AD128 has 8 analog and 16 digital channels available. Select the channels that will
be logged during the recording sequence by clicking on the channel name (Analog 1, Digital 6,
etc.). Use the scroll bar on the right to bring other channels into view.
After selecting a channel, the cursor will move to the channel name field. Y ou may enter a
meaningful name for each channel, up to 15 characters.
Click on the details button to access more advanced options for the input channels, such as
scaling and triggering parameters. For more information regarding scaling and triggering,
please go to the reference section titled: Channel Details - Scaling & Triggering.
Pin #
The pin number indicated in this field represents the associated pin of the 25-pin D-sub
connector on the logging unit.
2.2.4 Sequence Parameters
Sample Interval (/Frequency)
The default sample rate for a New Configuration is 500 Hz (500 samples per second). The
sample rate is auto-calculated following entry of other configuration parameters to display the
shortest sample interval available.
To set the Sample Interval for a logging sequence, first set the time base by clicking on the
time-base button. Next, type in the desired Sample Interval or Frequency .
The Sample Interval field will automatically "lock" when you modify it, disabling automatic
calculation of the Sample Interval/Frequency .
NOTE : You may wish to select recording channels and define labels before specifying
sequence parameters. This will enable you to see the automatic calculations for total run time
and total number of samples.
Total Run Time
The Total Run Time parameter allows you to set the duration of a single logging sequence. To
automatically terminate logging after a specified period of time, enter the desired number of
days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the respective fields.
Auto-calculation displays the Total Run Time that will result when recording from the selected
input channels, at the specified Sample Interval and using all 130,000 data storage locations.
When configuration parameters are changed this field is recalculated, unless it is locked. Total
Run Time will automatically “lock” if you enter a value in this field, or by clicking in the Lock
checkbox. The field may be "unlocked" by deselecting the Lock check box.
If the radio button to the left of the "lock" check box is not selected, the Total Run Time
parameter is not enabled. In this case, the Total # of Samples determines the Total Run Time
of the sequence, in combination with the Sample Interval.
Total Number of Samples
The Total # of Samples parameter lets you to define a logging sequence by the number of
samples to be recorded. A sample is defined as a one record of all selected channels. To
terminate logging after a specified number of samples have been logged, enter the desired
number of samples in this entry field. Manual entry into this field "locks" the Total # of Samples
parameter, disabling the auto-calculation feature. The field may be "unlocked" by deselecting
the Lock check box.
If the radio button to the left of the "lock" check box is not selected, the Total # of Samples
parameter is not enabled. In this case, the Total Run Time determines the number of samples
in the configured sequence, in combination with the Sample Interval.
2.2.5 Status Section, Configuration Window
This section indicates the total number of input channels selected for recording. It also
displays the percentage of memory required for the configured logging sequence, and the
number of sequences of this particular configuration that can be recorded with the available
data storage memory .
For more information on memory use, please go to the Reference section 3.2.1: Memory Use.
2.2.6 Notes & Advanced Options
Select the Notes button to display the "Notes" section of the configuration window. The notes
section is convenient for documenting test setup, special equipment, general explanation of
intended uses for the configuration and test results information to be kept on file for later use.
These notes are saved with the configuration so that whenever the configuration is reloaded
from the disk, the test notes will also be available. To view, click the Notes button.
**Tip: This is an extremely valuable feature, when utilized: notes, along with ALL
configuration settings are stored in data and graph files that are saved to disk. In the
same way, all raw data that is retrieved from the logging unit is stored in a graph file
when saved to disk. C&A software allows you to recreate a configuration or a complete
raw data file, along with scale settings, from a graph file. This capability makes it easy to
organize data and assures that you can always duplicate a setup, effortlessly .
(Please see Reference section 3.2.2: Advanced Configuration Options)
The AD128 logging unit must be in the "Off" mode in order to communicate with the
Configuration/Analysis Software through a PC serial communications port. Communication
codes sent by the PC will "wake up" the logging unit each time communication is initiated. A
transfer of information takes place between the PC and logging unit for the following functions:
•Configuration of logging sequence parameters
•Transfer of data to the PC
•Transfer of logging unit status to the PC
•Setting the logging unit's internal clock
•Personalization of the logging unit with a meaningful name
The first of these functions, configuration and data transfer, are initiated by clicking icons on
the main program toolbar, or by selecting the appropriate sub-menu item under
functions may also be accessed from the main menu and toolbar, and are described in the
Reference, section 3.1: Status Window.
2.3.1 Send Configuration
NOTE: If data has been logged but not yet received into a data window, this should be done
before re-configuring the logging unit (See section 2.3.2: Receive Data).
on the menu bar; these are described below. The remaining communications
To send a configuration to the logging unit, be sure the unit is not recording (stopped) and is
connected to a serial port on the PC with the supplied communications cable. Also make sure
that the Configuration window is the “active” window.
From the
seconds to send the configuration and to program the logging unit (use the
Communication Setup). Select "OK" at the warning prompt to proceed. The warning prompt
helps to avoid accidental loss of data, as this process overwrites the previous configuration
and access to recorded data is lost.
If you have any problems, check to make sure that the Configuration window type (AD128,
AD128B, AD128C) matches the logging unit. The logging unit model number appears at the
top of the Status window. If you still have problems, recheck the cable connection and verify
that your Comm port is set up properly .
menu option to change ports if necessary - see Getting Started section 1.4:
menu, select
Send Configuration.
It takes approximately 10
Communications |
2.3.2 Receive Data
To receive the recorded data, make sure the logging unit is connected to a serial port on the
PC with the supplied communications cable. From the
. While data is being transferred, the progress level is displayed on a meter.
If errors occur while attempting to receive data, make sure that the correct COM port is
selected (See Getting Started section 1.4: Communication Setup). Also, make sure the cable
is securely connected at both ends.
Once the data is received, a variable-size spreadsheet is created, based on channels
configured and the number of samples recorded. This is the spreadsheet window, which is
specially formatted with the channel names that were specified in the configuration.
menu, select
This section gives only a brief overview of the AD128 logging unit and it’s use for recording
data. For more detailed information, please see the Reference section 3.7: The AD128
Logging Unit, or Appendix A for technical information.
2.4.1 Connecting the Sampling Interface Cable
Connect the 25-conductor cable (included in the shipping package) to the port on the left side
of the datalogger. The stripped and tinned leads will connect to the equipment being tested. All
leads are color-coded; a chart is provided in Appendix B to assist connection to the respective
inputs. Included with the AD128 system is a wallet-size laminated card with the same
information for easier use in the field.
2.4.2 Datalogger Panel
The panel of the logging unit includes a color legend for the LED display . This legend
describes the operating mode associated with each color displayed by the LED. A flashing
display is differentiated from a solid color .
(LED off)
(Green, solid)
(Green, flashing)
(Red, Solid)
(Red, flashing)
Low Battery
Memory Full
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