Non-Reversible OMEGALABEL
Temperature Monitors
icro-Dot Series
(Model number is °F temperature rating
preceded by letters “MD”), MD-(*)
Outside Diameter: 5 mm (0.2")
Indicating Window: 1.3 mm (0.05")
pkg of 10 pkg of 30
$1250 $
Bulls-Eye Series
(Model number is temperature rating
preceded by letters “BE”), BE-(*)
Outside Diameter: 10 mm (0.4")
pkg of 10 pkg of 30
Indicating Window: 3 mm (0.13")
Accuracy: Up to 99°C (210°F) is ±1°C (1.8°F); from
100°C (212°F) to 154°C (309°F) is ±1.5°C (2.7°F); from
160°C (320°F) to 280°C (536°F) is ±1% and ±1°C (1.8°F)
Price Price
pkg of 10 pkg of 30
Four temperature ratings on each label
5 to 6°C (10°F) between each rating
4B: 14°C (25°F) between each rating
4C: 28°C (50°F) between each rating
23 mm
45 mm (1.8")
4B-325, $14,
shown actual size.
Accuracy: Up to 99°C (210°F) is
±1°C (1.8°F); From 100°C (212°F) to
154°C (309°F) is ±1.5°C (2.7°F);
From 160°C (320°F) to 280°C (536°F)
is ±1% and ±1°C (1.8°F)
4A, 4B, 4C Labels
(4 Temperatures per label)
Model No.
4A-100 °C 38 43 49 54
4A-110 °C 43 49 54 60
4A-120 °C 49 54 60 66
4A-130 °C 54 60 66 71
4A-140 °C 60 66 71 77
4A-150 °C 66 71 77 82
Temperature Ratings
°F 100 110 120 130
°F 110 120 130 140
°F 120 130 140 150
°F 130 140 150 160
°F 140 150 160 170
°F 150 160 170 180
Micro-dot label
shown larger than
actual size.
Micro-Dot Series and Bulls-Eye Series are available
Model No.
4A-160 °C 71 77 82 88
4A-170 °C 77 82 88 93
4A-180 °C 82 88 93 99
4A-190 °C 88 93 99 104
4A-200 °C 93 99 104 110
4A-210 °C 99 104 110 116
4A-220 °C 104 110 116 121
4A-230 °C 110 116 121 127
4A-240 °C 116 121 127 132
4A-250 °C 121 127 132 138
4A-260 °C 127 132 138 143
4A-270 °C 132 138 143 149
4A-280 °C 138 143 149 154
4A-290 °C 143 149 154 160
4A-300 °C 149 154 160 166
4A-310 °C 154 160 166 171
4A-320 °C 160 166 171 177
4A-330 °C 166 171 177 182
4A-340 °C 171 177 182 188
4A-350 °C 177 182 188 193
4A-360 °C 182 188 193 199
4A-370 °C 188 193 199 204
4B-100 °C 38 52 66 79
4B-125 °C 52 66 79 93
in single temperature ratings listed below:
°C 38 43 49 52 54 60 66 71 77 79 82 88 93
°F 100 110 120 125 130 140 150 160 170 175 180 190 200
°C 99 104 107 110 116 121 127 132 135 138 143 149
°F 210 220 225 230 240 250 260 270 275 280 290 300
To order package of 30, add suffix “-30” to model number.
Ordering Examples: BE-210F-30, bulls-eye label, 99°C (210°F),
package of 30, $28.
MD-100F-30, micro-dot label, 38°C (100°F), package of 30, $32.
Temperature Ratings
°F 160 170 180 190
°F 170 180 190 200
°F 180 190 200 210
°F 190 200 210 220
°F 200 210 220 230
°F 210 220 230 240
°F 220 230 240 250
°F 230 240 250 260
°F 240 250 260 270
°F 250 260 270 280
°F 260 270 280 290
°F 270 280 290 300
°F 280 290 300 310
°F 290 300 310 320
°F 300 310 320 330
°F 310 320 330 340
°F 320 330 340 350
°F 330 340 350 360
°F 340 350 360 370
°F 350 360 370 380
°F 360 370 380 390
°F 370 380 390 400
°F 100 125 150 175
°F 125 150 175 200
10 mm
5 mm
Micro-dot labels
shown actual size.
Bulls-eye labels
shown actual size.
Model No.
4B-150 °C 66 79 93 107
4B-175 °C 79 93 107 121
4B-200 °C 93 107 121 135
4B-225 °C 107 121 135 149
4B-250 °C 121 135 149 163
4B-275 °C 135 149 163 177
4B-300 °C 149 163 177 191
4B-325 °C 163 177 191 204
4B-350 °C 177 191 204 218
4B-375 °C 191 204 218 232
4B-400 °C 204 218 232 246
4B-425 °C 218 232 246 260
4C-100 °C 38 66 93 121
4C-150 °C 66 93 121 149
4C-200 °C 93 121 149 177
4C-250 °C 121 149 177 204
4C-300 °C 149 177 204 232
4C-350 °C 177 204 232 260
4C-400 °C 204 232 260 288
To order package of 30, add suffix “-30”
to model number.
Ordering Examples: 4A-100-30, low range
temperature label, 38, 43, 49, 54°C (100, 110,
120, 130°F), package of 30, $40.
4C-200-30, temperature label, 93, 121, 149,
177, pack of 30, $40.
Temperature Ratings
°F 150 175 200 225
°F 175 200 225 250
°F 200 225 250 275
°F 225 250 275 300
°F 250 275 300 325
°F 275 300 325 350
°F 300 325 350 375
°F 325 350 375 400
°F 350 375 400 425
°F 375 400 425 450
°F 400 425 450 475
°F 425 450 475 500
°F 100 150 200 250
°F 150 200 250 300
°F 200 250 300 350
°F 250 300 350 400
°F 300 350 400 450
°F 350 400 450 500
°F 400 450 500 550

One Omega Drive | Stamford, CT 06907 | 1-888-TC-OMEGA (1-888-826-6342) | info@omega.com
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