Large Display Meters
400B Series for Thermocouple,
RTD, Voltage or Current Inputs
400B Series
Starts at
J, K, T, E, R, S or B Thermocouples
3- or 4-Wire Platinum RTDs
Scalable Current and
Voltage Inputs
1° Resolution
410B Series
Starts at
Rugged Die-Cast Aluminum Case
°F or °C Switchable
0 mm (0.8") Display
conventional 14 mm (0.56") displays)
Modular Construction
0.1° Resolution
(bigger than
402B Series
Starts at
1° Resolution
5 Point Selector Switch
All models shown
smaller than
actual size.
0.1° Resolution
5 Point Selector Switch
412B Series
Starts at

Thermocouple and RTD
Single Input 400B and
410B Indicators
The 400B and 410B Series
measure temperatures with
laboratory accuracy. Signals
from thermocouples and RTD’s can
be displayed with 1° or 0.1°
resolution. High instrument
accuracy is achieved with a superior
combination of low noise
conversion, multisegment linearization
conformity and isolated
electronics. The
standard resolution
version, the 400B,
has a 1° resolution.
The higher resolution
version, 410B,
provides a 0.1°
resolution. A miniature
“DIP” switch, easily
accessible behind the
front panel, makes the
°C to °F conversion a snap.
You can add one option card to
either the Model 400B or 410B.
Shown smaller
than actual size.
10 Point Selector
Switch for
Thermocouple Multi-Input
402B and 412B Indicators
The 402B and the 412B have
multi-input boards that can switch
between five inputs of a common
input type (e.g., 5 Type K
thermocouples). A row of five
pushbutton switches, accessible
on the front panel, permits easy
switching between sensor readings.
There are screw terminals located at
the rear of the instrument where up
to five sensors can be attached. The
402B has a standard 1° resolution.
The 412B has a 0.1° resolution.
DC and Scaled DC
400B and 410B Indicators
For dc voltage single range
indicators, the 400B and 410B
provide exceptional accuracy and
resolution for direct measurement
of dc voltages. Ranges from 25 mV
to 25 Vdc can be selected and
measured with laboratory accuracy
and repeatability. The 400B displays
the voltage within -1000 to 2500
counts with 1-count accuracy. The
410B provides an additional decade
of resolution from -10000 to 25000
and accuracy to 0.01% of reading.
Both instruments offer exceptional
1-count repeatability.
For Additional Controllers, See Section P
Scaled dc Voltage and
Current Loop Single Input
400B and 410B Indicators
The Models 400B and 410B display
process parameters with laboratory
accuracy. Signals from current
transmitters, signal conditioners
or other dc voltage sources can
be scaled to display directly in
engineering units.
Three types of input/display ranges
are available. The I-1 range accepts
4 to 20 mA as its input and
automatically scales and displays
indicated results as 0.0 to 100% on
the 400B (0.00 to 100.00% on the
410B). The decimal point position
can be changed via programming,
and various engineering unit labels
are included. For user scalable, wide
ranging displays from 4 to 20 mA
inputs, select the I-3 range, or for
0 to 5 V, select the V5 range. Both
provide the ability to scale and offset
the instrument’s display proportional
to process engineering units.
dc Voltage Multi-Input
402B and 412B Indicators
Models 402B and 412B provide low
cost measurement in applications
where more than one voltage input
is needed. Five front panel
pushbuttons provide convenient
selection between similar inputs. All
channels must measure the same
input range (e.g., -10 to 25 volts).
Scaled dc Voltage
Multi-Input 402B
and 412B Indicators
Models 402B and 412B can be
specified with the V5 range to
provide the ability to switch between
five inputs of a commonly scaled
voltage (e.g., all inputs accepting
1 to 5 Vdc inputs can be scaled to
display 0 to 2500). A row of five
pushbutton switches permits easy
switching between input readings.