34 8.5 OTHER SPECIFICATIONS ............................................
The PCI-DAS1002 and PCI-DAS1001 are multifunction analog and digital I/O boards designed to o perate in computers
with PCI bus accessory slots. The boards provide 16 single-ended/8 differential analog inputs with sample rates as high as
150 KHz. The boards also provide two analog output channels, 24-bits of parallel digital I/O and three counters. The only
difference between the boards are the analog input ranges. These are shown below.
PCI-DAS1002 Bipolar: +/- 10V, 5V, 2.5V and 1.25V
Unipolar: 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-2.5V and 0-1.25V
PCI-DAS1001 Bipolar: +/- 10V, 1.0V, 0.1V and 0.01V
Unipolar: 0-10V, 0-1.0V, 0-0.1V and 0-0.01V
The boards are fully plug-and-play, with no switches or jumpers to set. The boards are fully auto- and self-calibrating with
no potentiometers to adjust. All calibration is performed via software and on-board trim D/A converters.
The PCI-DAS1000 boards are fully supported by the powerful Universal Library software driver library as well as a wide
variety of application software packages including DAS Wizard and HP VEE.
The PCI-DAS1001 and PCI-DAS1002 products are completely plug and play. Simply follow the steps shown below to
install your PCI hardware.
Turn your computer off, unplug it, open it up and insert the PCI board into any available PCI slot.
Close your computer up, plug it back in and turn it on.
Windows will automatically detect the board as it starts up. If the board's configuration file is already on the
system, it will load without user interaction. If the configuration file is not detected, you will be prompted to insert
the disk containing it. The required file is on the InstaCal or Universal Library disk you received with your board.
Simply insert the CD (or Disk 1 if your software is on floppy disk) into an appropriate drive and click on
Manager under DAS Component.
If the file is not found on the first attempt, use the browse function to select the drive that contains the InstaCAL
or Univesal Library disk, select the CBxx.INF file and then click on
. The appropriate file should then be automatically loaded and the PCI board will appear in the Device
Cal is the installation, calibration and test software supplied with your data acquisition hardware. The complete
Cal package is also included with the Universal Library. If you have ordered the Universal Library, the Universal Library
CD/disks install both the library and
compressed software. To install
contained on your CD, (or Disk 1 of the floppy disk set) and follow the on-screen instructions.
The Universal Librar y provides example pro grams for a wide variety of pro gramming languages. If you are installing the
Universal Library, an "Installation Options" dialog box will allow you to select which languages' example programs are
loaded onto your computer. Select the desired example programs by checking the appropriate box(s).
Cal will place all appropriate files in "C:CB" If you change this default location remember where the installed files are
placed as you may need to access them later.
At the end of the installation process the installation wizard will ask a series of questions updating your startup files. Unless
you have knowledge to the contrary, simply accept the default (YES) when prompted. You will also be asked if you would
like to read an updated README file. If possible, please choose yes and take a look at the information in the file. It will
include the latest information regarding the software you are installing.
After the installation of
Cal. The installation will create all required files and unpack the various pieces of
Cal (and the Universal Library if applicable), simply run the SETUP.EXE file
Cal is complete you should restart your computer to take advantage of changes made to the
95, 98 & NT
2.3 RUN InstaCal
Run the InstaCal program in ord er to test your boar d and configur e it for run-ti me use. By configuring the board , you add
information to the configuration file, cb.cfg, that is used by the Universal Library and other third-party data acquisition
packages that use the Universal Library to access the board.
Launch InstaCal by going to your Start Menu then to Programs, then to ComputerBoards, and finally choosing InstaCal.
You may also launch the program by going to START>RUN and typing INSCAL32, or by finding the file named
"inscal32.exe" in your installation directory and double clicking it.
InstaCal will display a dialog box indicating the boards that have been detected in the system. If there are no other boards
currently installed by InstaCal, then the PCI-DAS1000 board will be assigned board number 0. Otherwise it will be
assigned the next available board number.
You can now view and change the board configuration by clicking the prope rties icon or selecting the Install\Configure
After you have run the install program, it is time to test the installation. The following section describes the InstaCal procedure to test that your board is properly installed.
With InstaCal running:
1. Select the board you just installed.
2. Select the "Test" function.
Follow the instructions provided to test for proper board operation.
2.4 DOS and/or WINDOWS 3.1
Most users are now installing PCI Bus board s in systems with 32-bit operating systems (e.g., Windows 95, 98 or NT). T he
PCI-CTR05 is not currently supported by the 16-bit library required to run under DOS or Windows 3.x.
Please contact us if your application is running under DOS or Windows 3.x.
The PCI-DAS1000 series employ a 100 pin I/O connector. Please make accurate notes and pay careful attention to wire
connections. In a large system a misplaced wire may create hours of work ‘fixing’ problems that do not exist before the
wiring error is found.
Analog Ground 1
Analog Input Ch 0 High 2
Analog Input Ch 0 Low / 8 High 3
Analog Input Ch 1 High
Analog Input Ch 1 Low / 9 High
Analog Input Ch 2 High
Analog Input Ch 2 Low / 10 High
Analog Input Ch 3 High
Analog Input Ch 3 Low / 11 High
Analog Input Ch 4 High
Analog Input Ch 4 Low / 12 High
Analog Input Ch 5 High
Analog Input Ch 5 Low / 13 High
Analog Input Ch 6 Low / 14 High
Analog Input Ch 7 Low / 15 High
P C Gr o u n d
90 PC +12V
91 PC Ground
92 P C -1 2 V
95 A /D Inte r n a l Pa c e r Ou tpu t
99 N C
100 PC Ground
PCI-DAS 100 0 C onnector Diagram
The 100 pin connector provides a far greater signal density than the traditional 37 pin D type connector. In exchange for
that density comes a far more complex cable and mating connector. The C100-FF-2 cable is a pair of 50 pin ribbon cables.
At one end they are joined together with a 100 pin connector. From the 100 pin connector designed to mate with the
PCI-DAS1000 connector, the two 50 pin ribbon cables diverge and are terminated at the other end with standard 50 pin
header connectors. A CIO-MINI50 screw terminal board is the ideal way to terminate real word signals and route them into
the PCI-DAS1000. The BNC16/8 series provides convenient BNC connections to each of the analog inputs.
Analog signal connection is one of the most challenging aspects of applying a data acquisition board. If you are an Analog
Electrical Engineer then this section is not for you, but if you are like most PC data acquisition users, the best way to
connect your anal og inputs may not be ob vious. Though comple te coverage o f this topic is well beyond the scope of this
manual, the following section provides some explanations and helpful hints regarding these analog input connections. This
section is designed to help you achieve the optimum performance from your PCI-DAS1000 series board.
Prior to j umping into a ctual conne ction schemes, you sho uld have at le ast a ba sic underst anding of Single-E nded/Di fferential inputs and system grounding/isolation. If you are already comfortable with these concepts you may wish to skip to the
next section (on wiring configurations).
4.1.1 Single-Ended and Differential Inputs
The PCI-DAS1000 provides either 8 differential or 16 single-ended input channels. The concepts of single-ended and
differential inputs are discussed in the following section.
Single-Ended Inputs
A single-ended input measures the voltage between the input signal and ground. In this case, in single-ended mode the
PCI-DAS1000 measures the voltage between the input channel and LLGND. The single-ended input configuration requires
only one physical connection (wire) per channel and allows the PCI-DAS1000 to monitor more channels than the (2-wire)
differential configuration using the same connector and onboard multiplexor. However, since the PCI-DAS1000 is measuring the input voltage relative to its own low level ground, single-ended inputs are more susceptible to both EMI (Electro
Magnetic Interference) and any ground noise at the signal source. The following diagrams show the single-ended input
Inp u t
To A/D
Single-Ended Input
Any voltage differential between grounds
g1 and g2 shows up as an error signal
at the input amplifier
Vs + Vg2 - Vg1
Single-ended input with Comm on M ode Voltage
To A /D
Differential Inputs
Differential inputs measure the voltage between two distinct input signals. Within a certain range (referred to as the common
mode range), the measurement is almost independent of signal source to PCI-DAS1000 ground variations. A differential
input is also much more immune to EMI than a single-ended one. Most EMI noise induced in one lead is also induced in the
other, the input only measures the difference between the two leads, and the EMI common to both is ignored. This effect is a
major reason there is twisted pair wire as the twisting assures that both wires are subject to virtually identical external influence. The diagram below shows a typical differential input configuration.
CH High
CH Low
Vcm = V
Common Mode Volta
differential input configuration. Ho w ever,
no te th a t V cm + V s mus t rema in w ithin
the amplifier’s co m mon m ode ran
Inp ut
Differential In put
2 - Vg1
e (Vcm) is ignored
e of ±10V
CH High
CH Low
To A/ D
Inp u t
Inp ut
To A/ D
Before moving on to the discussion of grounding and isolation, it is important to explain the concepts of common mode, and
common mode range ( CM Range). Common mode voltage is dep icted in the diagram above a s Vcm. Though differ ential
inputs measure the voltage between two signals, without (almost) respect to the either signal’s voltages relative to ground,
there is a li mit to how far away from ground ei ther signa l can go. Though the PCI-DAS1000 has differential inputs, it will
not measure the difference between 100V and 101V as 1 Volt (in fact the 100V would destroy the board!). This limitation
or common mode range is depicted graphically in the following diagram. The PCI-DAS1000 common mode range is +/- 10
Volts. Even in differential mode, no input signal can be measured if it is more than 10V from the board’s low level ground
Gray area represents com m on m ode range
Both V+ and V- must always remain within
the co mmo n mo d e ra n
W ith V cm= + 5 V D C,
+Vs must be less than +5V, or the common m ode range will b e e x cee d e d (> + 10 V )
Vcm (Comm on M o de Voltage) = +5 Volts
e relative to LL G nd
4.1.2 System Grounds and Isolation
There are three scenarios possible when connecting your signal source to your PCI-DAS1000 board.
1. The PCI-DAS1000 and the signal source may have the same (or common)
ground. This signal source may be connected directly to the PCI-DAS1000.
2. The PCI-DAS1000 and the signal source may have an offset voltage
between their grounds (AC and/or DC). This offset it commonly
referred to a common mode voltage. Depending on the magnitude of
this voltage, it may or may not be possible to connect the PCI-DAS1000
directly to your signal source. We will discuss this topic further in a later
3. The PCI-DAS1000 and the signal source may already have isolated grounds. This signal source may be connected directly to the
Which system do you have?
Try the following experiment. Using a battery powered voltmeter*, measure the voltage (difference) between the ground
signal at your signal source and at your PC. Place one voltmeter probe on the PC ground and the other on the signal source
ground. Measure both the AC and DC Voltages.
*If you do not have access to a voltmeter, skip the experiment and take a look a the following three sections. You may be able to identify
your system type from the descriptions provided.
If both AC and DC r eadings ar e 0.00 volts, you may have a system with common ground s. However, sinc e voltmeters will
average out high frequency signals, there is no guarantee. Please refer to the section below titled
Common Grounds
If you measure reasonably stable AC and DC voltages, your system has an offset voltage between the grounds category.
This offset is referred to as a Common Mode Voltage. Please be careful to read the following warning and then proceed to
the section describing
Common Mode
If either the AC or DC voltage is greater than 10 volts, do not connect the PCI-DAS1000 to this signal
source. You are beyond the boards usable common mode range and will need to either adjust your
grounding system or add special Isolation signal conditioning to take useful measurements. A ground
offset voltage of more than 30 volts will likely damage the PCI-DAS1000 board and possibly your
computer. Note that an offset voltage much greater than 30 volts will not only damage your
electronics, but it may also be hazardous to your health.
This is such an important point, that we will state it again. If the voltage between the ground of your
signal source and your PC is greater than 10 volts, your board will not take useful measurements. If
this voltage is greater than 30 volts, it will likely cause damage, and may represent a serious shock
hazard! In this case you will need to either reconfigure your system to red uce the ground differentials,
or purchase and install special electrical isolation signal conditioning.
If you cannot obtain a reasonably stable DC voltage measurement between the grounds, or the voltage drifts around considerably, the two grounds are most likely isolated. The easiest way to check for isolation is to change your voltmeter to it’s
ohm scale and measure the resistance between the two grounds. It is recommended that you turn both systems off prior to
taking this resistance measurement. If the measured resistance is more than 100 Kohm, it’s a fairly safe bet that your system
has electrically isolated grounds.
Systems with Common Grounds
In the simplest (but perhaps least likely) case, your signal source will have the same ground as the PCI-DAS1000. This
would typically occur when providing power or excitation to your signal source directly from the PCI-DAS1000. There may
be other common ground configurations, but it is important to note that any voltage between the PCI-DAS1000 ground and
your signal ground is a potential error voltage if you set up your system based on a common ground assumption.
As a safe rule of thumb, if your signal source or sensor is not connected directly to an LLGND pin on your PCI-DAS1000,
it’s best to assume that you do not have a common ground even if your voltmeter measured 0.0 Volts. Configure your
system as if there is ground offset voltage between the source and the PCI-DAS1000. This is especially true if you are using
high gains, since ground potentials in the sub millivolt range will be large enough to c ause A/D erro rs, yet will not likely be
measured by your handheld voltmeter.
Systems with Common Mode (ground offset) Voltages
The most frequently encountered grounding scenario involves grounds that are somehow connected, but have AC and/or DC
offset voltages between the PCI-DAS1000 and signal source grounds. This offset voltage my be AC, DC or both and may
be caused by a wide array of phenomena including EMI pickup, resistive voltage drops in ground wiring and connections,
etc. Ground offset voltage is a more appropriate term to describe this type of system, but since our goal is to keep things
simple, and help you make appropriate connections, we’ll stick with our somewhat loose usage of the phrase Common
Small Common Mode Voltages
If the voltage between the signal source ground and PCI-DAS1000 ground is small, the combination of the ground voltage
and input signal will not exceed the PCI-DAS1000’s +/-10V common mode range, (i.e. the voltage between grounds, addedto the maximum input voltage, stays within +/-10V), This input is compatible with the PCI-DAS1000 and the system may be
connected without additional signal conditioning. Fortunately, most systems will fall in this category and have a small
voltage differential between grounds.
Large Common Mode Voltages
If the ground differential is large enough, the PCI-DAS1000’s +/- 10V common mode range will be exceeded (i.e. the
voltage between PCI-DAS1000 and signal source grounds, added to the maximum input voltage you’re trying to measure
exceeds +/-10V). In this case the PCI-DAS1000 cannot be directly connected to the signal source. You will need to change
your system grounding configuration or add isolation signal conditioning. (Please look at our ISO-RACK and ISO-5Bseries products to add electrical isolation, or give our technical support group a call to discuss other options.)
Relying on the earth prong of a 120VAC for signal ground connections is not advised.. Different
ground plugs may have large and potentially even dangerous voltage differentials. Remem ber that the
ground pins on 120VAC outlets on different sides of the room may only be connected in the basement.
This leaves the possibility that the “ground ” pins may have a significant vo ltag e dif ferential ( especia lly
if the two 120 VAC outlets happen to be on different phases!)
PCI-DAS1000 and signal source already have isolated grounds
Some signal sources will already be electrically isolated from the PCI-DAS1000. The diagram below shows a typical
isolated ground system. These signal sources are often battery powered, or are fairly expensive pieces of equipment (since
isolation is not an inexpensive proposition), isolated ground systems provide excellent performance, but require some extra
effort during connections to assure optimum performance is obtained. Please refer to the following sections for further
Combining all the grounding and input type possibilities provides us with the following potential connection configurations.
The combinations along with our recommendations on usage are shown in the chart below.
Ground Category Input Configuration Our view
RecommendedSingle-Ended InputsCommon Ground
AcceptableDifferential InputsCommon Ground
Common Mode
Voltage < +/-10V
Common Mode
Voltage < +/-10V
Common Mode
Voltage > +/- 10V
Common Mode
Voltage > +/-10V
Already Isolated
The following sections depicts recommended input wiring schemes for each of the 8 possible input configuration/grounding