Omega OM-550 User Manual

Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... iii
Terms used in this Manual...........................................................................................................iii
Product Symbols.......................................................................................................................... iii
Operator Safety Information ................................................................................................................iv
1.0 UNPACKING.....................................................................................................................................1
2.0 FEATURES.......................................................................................................................................2
2.1 OM-550 FEATURES..................................................................................................................2
2.1.1 ACTIVITY LED & HORN...................................................................................................3
2.1.2 KEYPAD............................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 CHANNEL CONNECTORS..............................................................................................8
2.1.4 PRINTER WINDOW.........................................................................................................9
2.1.5 THERMAL PAPER..........................................................................................................10
2.1.6 BATTERY COVER..........................................................................................................10
2.1.7 DC JACK.........................................................................................................................10
2.1.8 SERIAL DATA PORT......................................................................................................10
2.1.9 GAIN ADJUST................................................................................................................11
2.1.10 TILT STAND..................................................................................................................11
2.2 POWER SUPPLIES.................................................................................................................12
2.3 INPUTS....................................................................................................................................13
2.3.1 VOLTAGE (TRANSDUCER) INPUTS............................................................................13
2.3.2 PROBES.........................................................................................................................13
2.3.3 THERMOCOUPLE INPUTS...........................................................................................14
2.4 PROGRAMMED FEATURES..................................................................................................15
2.4.1 DATA CACHE.................................................................................................................15
2.4.2 STATISTICS ...................................................................................................................16
2.4.3 POWER-SAVE MODE ...................................................................................................17
2.4.4 LOW BATTERY OPERATION........................................................................................17
2.4.5 BATTERY CHECK..........................................................................................................17
OM-550 uiu
3.0 SET-UP...........................................................................................................................................18
3.1 POWER CONNECTION..........................................................................................................18
3.1.1 BATTERY INSTALLATION.............................................................................................18
3.1.2 CONNECTING THE AC POWER ADAPTER................................................................19
3.1.3 CONNECTING THE DC POWER CABLE.....................................................................19
3.2 PAPER INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................20
3.3 DATA PORT CONNECTION...................................................................................................21
4.0 PROGRAMMING.............................................................................................................................22
4.1 PROGRAMMING KEYS ..........................................................................................................23
4.2 PRINT FORMATTING..............................................................................................................24
4.3 TEMPERATURE CHANNELS.................................................................................................25
4.4 VOLTAGE CHANNELS............................................................................................................25
4.5 MATH PSEUDO-CHANNEL....................................................................................................26
4.6 LOG INTERVAL.......................................................................................................................27
4.7 OPERATION AT FULL CACHE (RECORDING TIME)...........................................................28
4.8 DATE........................................................................................................................................29
4.9 TIME.........................................................................................................................................29
4.10 TEMPERATURE UNITS........................................................................................................29
4.11 REJECTION FREQUENCY...................................................................................................29
4.12 CALIBRATION MODE...........................................................................................................30
4.13 TADJUST...............................................................................................................................31
4.14 VOLTAGE INPUT SCALING..................................................................................................32
4.14.1 MATCHING TRANSDUCERS TO THE OM-550..........................................................32
4.14.2 MATCHING A VOLTAGE TRANSDUCER...................................................................32
4.14.3 MATCHING A CURRENT TRANSDUCER..................................................................33
4.14.4 DATA SCALING (mX + b calculation)..........................................................................34
4.14.5 MATCHING AND SCALING A VOLTAGE TRANSDUCER.........................................35
4.14.6 MATCHING AND SCALING A CURRENT TRANSDUCER........................................37
4.15 UNIT LABELS ........................................................................................................................39
5.0 OPERATION...................................................................................................................................40
APPENDIX A: CALIBRATION ..............................................................................................................45
MANUAL RESET........................................................................................................................45
PERFORMING A MANUAL RESET.....................................................................................45
CALIBRATION PROCEDURE....................................................................................................46
VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE: ..........................................................................47
THERMOCOUPLE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE:.............................................................47
EXITING CAL MODE............................................................................................................48
APPENDIX B: SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................49
OM-550 uiiu
This User’s Guide explains how to use OM-550. This manual is written for users of varied experience. If a section covers information
you already know, feel free to skip to the next section.
•• Terms used in this Manual
In this manual, the following definitions are used for special terms and symbols.
Informs the user that the note identifies conditions or practices that
could result in personal injury or damage to property other than the equipment.
Informs the user that the note identifies conditions or practices that
could result in damage to the equipment.
Informs the user that the note includes important information.
Thermocouple may be referred to as T/C.
The OM-550 Datalogger may be referred to as “Logger”.
•• Product Symbols
The following symbols may be present on the Product:
Direct Current (DC) Power
Alternating Current (AC) Power
CAUTION: Whenever this internationally recognized symbol is used
on the product, additional information concerning that particular feature or function appears in the manual.
Battery Charger protected throughout by double or reinforced insulation.
Indoor use only. For electric-shock protection, always operate the battery charger in a protected, indoor location.
Input power connector
Thermocouple connection
OM-550 uiiiu
Operator Safety Information
The safety information in this summary is for the benefit of operating personnel. Warnings and Cautions will also be found throughout the manual where they apply.
For fire and electric shock protection, DO NOT connect the input channels to objects at elevated electrical potential. The common terminal of each measurement input channel is not isolated from the common terminal of the 9V DC input power connector and the RS-232 serial data port while that channel is being measured.
This interconnected common circuitry is not connected to ground or to the enclosure of the OM-550. If the OM-550 is interconnected to a desktop computer, its internal circuitry very likely could be connected to ground through the serial data port of the computer. The enclosure and the measurement circuitry provide functional isolation of the measurement and data circuitry sufficient to allow for small electrical noise-related potentials to occur. This functional isolation is not intended for electrical safety isolation. Therefore for electric-shock protection and to prevent fire and damage to data interconnect wiring due to high currents, the input channels must not be connected to objects at elevated electrical potential.
Do not operate the OM-550 in flammable or explosive atmospheres. Such usage
constitutes a fire or explosion risk.
For electric-shock protection, only operate the AC power adapter indoor
For continued fire and electric shock protection, use only the specified power
For continued fire protection, use only the specified optional DC power cable,
which incorporates a two-ampere fuse.
A two-ampere fuse is incorporated in the cigarette lighter plug which is part of the DC power cable. This fuse provides overcurrent protection should a short or overload circuit occur in the OM-550 or the DC power cable.
OM-550 uivu
For protection of the OM-550 itself, observe the following:
Do not immerse the OM-550 in liquids.
Do not subject the OM-550 to sharp impacts or drops.
Do not expose the OM-550 to corrosive environments.
Extended exposure to temperatures below the specified minimum may
damage the battery (optional external rechargeable battery pack only).
Extended exposure to temperatures above the specified maximum may
damage the OM-550 itself or its optional external rechargeable battery pack.
Do not excessively stress the power input, the RS-232 serial data, and the
accessory port connections.
The warranty will not cover damage caused by neglect or abuse of this product. To maintain the safety features incorporated in this product, operation must be in strict compliance with the requirements specified herein.
OM-550 uvu
Unpack the unit carefully. Be sure to check for options and accessories that may have been packed separately. Retain the shipping carton for reshipment (for recalibration or any other purpose).
OM-550 u1u
Figure 1-1
OM-550/5000 WINDOWS
This section explains the Features for the OM-550 System and optional items.
OM-550 features:
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-2
OM-550 u2u
The Activity LED and internal horn provide a quick indication of the unit's status. For example a short, periodic beep and flash indicates that the OM-550 is “ON” but not being programmed.
The horn produces two different sounds, a beep and blat. Valid key closures produce the beep sound and invalid keys produce the blat. For example, the OK key is only used in programming. Pressing the OK key when not programming will produce a blat sound.
Figure 2-3
A periodic beep-beep and flash-flash indicates that the OM-550 is being
Key closures override this regular activity with a steady beep (or blat) whenever
a key is pressed.
If no activity is evident (beeps and flashes, or printing), the unit is “OFF”.
Menus are printed when a choice is available. Then, when the operator presses a key the resulting Selection is printed to confirm the action. In most cases, the user need not wait for a menu to print before making a selection. Experienced operators can operate the unit very swiftly, with little printing. If the unit blats, just wait for the menu to print, then continue by pressing the correct key(s).
OM-550 u3u
2.1.2 KEYPAD
The Keypad has more than one function and many are self-evident, so only the main key functions are discussed here.
Figure 2-4
The ON-OFF and PROG/EXIT keys are toggles. They are often discussed here by separate function to avoid confusion.
For example, the ON key and the OFF key are the same key but its function changes (toggles) between “ON” and “OFF”. All keys but the ON key are disabled when the unit is “OFF”.
OM-550 u4u
The ON-OFF key activates the OM-550. If the unit is “OFF”, pressing the ON key will activate it, light the Activity LED and beep the horn. When the key is released, the unit will print the key name, time, date, and a command menu:
Figure 2-5
If the OM-550 is “ON”, pressing the OFF key will cause it to print:
Figure 2-6
... then deactivate. It will remain “OFF” until the ON key is pressed. The OM-550 can turn itself “OFF” (power save mode) when logging at long intervals, to
conserve power (refer to section 2.4.3 POWER-SAVE MODE for more information). If the unit is powered down, pressing the ON key will activate the unit but only the key name will print, with the following message:
Figure 2-7
OM-550 u5u
•• RUN
The RUN key activates the OM-550 to begin logging. The data is stored in internal memory, optionally printed, and can be transferred to a PC at a later time. When the RUN key is pressed, the messages shown in Figure 2-8 are displayed.
Figure 2-8
This printout shows the pressed key (RUN), and how often the inputs will be sampled as HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds), shows the time required to fill the data cache as DDDD:HH:MM:SS (days, hours, minutes, seconds), indicates that the unit is programmed to automatically stop when the cache is full, and asks if the data should be printed during logging (refer to section 4.7 OPERATION AT FULL CACHE (RECORDING TIME)).
Pressing the YES key will activate the OM-550 to begin collecting data for all active channels (those not programmed as SKIP). The inputs will be sampled at the preset log interval and the data will be printed and saved to the cache. If the log interval is greater than 1 minute, the unit will turn “OFF” (Power save mode) between scans to save battery power.
If the NO key is pressed, data will still be collected and saved to the data cache, but not printed. This will save power and paper allowing the unit to log at shorter log interval settings. Only the statistics will print when the STOP key is pressed. The data can, of course, be printed after it is transferred to a PC.
OM-550 u6u
Once logging is started, it will continue until the STOP key is pressed, the unit is deliberately turned “OFF”, or the batteries are exhausted. The OM-550 can also be programmed to automatically stop logging when the data cache if full.
To stop logging, first ensure that the unit is “awake”, then press the STOP key. (If the unit is in Power save mode, press ON and then the STOP key instead.) The unit will complete the current scan but logging is now disabled and the Statistics will be printed.
This key toggles the OM-550 in and out of the Program mode. Pressing the PROG key enters the Program mode and will erase the data cache and
print a complete description of its current programming. The Activity LED double-blinks and the horn double-beeps to signal that the unit is in Program mode. Refer to section
4.0 PROGRAMMING for more information. Pressing the EXIT key accepts all existing programming and returns the unit to a ready
state. Incomplete keyboard entries (part of a new date, for example) are rejected and the Activity LED and horn return to a single beep/blink.
•• OK
The OK key is used only during programming. Use it to accept the current item, as is without changing. This function skips quickly down through the programming menu to reach a particular item to be reprogrammed. All accepted items are printed, as confirmation. Refer to section 4.0 PROGRAMMING for more information.
OM-550 u7u
The five input connectors on the right side of the OM-550 accept either voltage or thermocouple inputs values.
Figure 2-9
The mating connectors are color coded by conductor material, as described in the table below. For best accuracy, use the appropriate color of connector.
White Uncompensated Voltage inputs
Black Type J thermocouples
Yellow Type K thermocouples
Blue Type T thermocouples
Purple Type E thermocouples
Orange Type N thermocouples
•• Optional Connectors:
White Type B thermocouples
Green Type S or R thermocouples
To minimize danger to personnel, and to avoid ground loops which could affect measurement accuracy, always disconnect the RS-232 cable before attaching the input signals.
OM-550 u8u
The OM-550 has a protective viewing window that can be removed to clear paper jams, or to allow closer inspection of the print head & paper path.
To remove the Viewing Window:
1. Lift under the bottom edge to a 45-degree angle, then pull it away from the case,
as shown in Figure 2-10:
Figure 2-10
2. Replace the window by reversing the removal sequence making sure the tabs
click into place.
The window material is very durable but may be scratched by abrasives. For best service, clean it regularly with mild soap and a soft cloth. Avoid solvents and harsh abrasives that might scratch the viewing area or interfere with the mechanical operation of the printer head.
OM-550 u9u
Two thermal paper rolls are supplied for printing logged and programming data. The paper is placed on the paper bail with the active side of the paper-inserted face down into the rear paper feed slot. Refer to section 3.2 PAPER INSTALLATION for more information.
Four AA Batteries are supplied in the kit that must be installed prior to operation. The Battery cover is located on the bottom side of the OM-550. To remove it simply slide it toward the thermal paper roll (refer to section 3.1.1 BATTERY INSTALLATION for more information).
2.1.7 DC JACK
Omega offers an optional AC Power Adapter and a DC Power Cable designed to extend battery life. Both of these items are inserted into the DC Jack and then to the proper power source (refer to section 3.1.2 CONNECTING THE AC POWER ADAPTER and 3.1.3 CONNECTING THE DC POWER CABLE for more information).
The RS-232 Port transfers the logged data to a PC. The port uses a telephone-style 4P4C connector, shown in Figure 2-11:
Figure 2-11
OM-550 u10u
The Gain Adjust holes are used when performing a Voltage or Temperature calibration procedure. There are two holes located on the bottom of the OM-550 one for adjusting the Volt Gain and another for adjusting the Temp Gain (see APPENDIX A: CALIBRATION for more information).
The Tilt Stand to allows the user to get a better view of the Keypad and printed data. Tilt the OM-550 up by rotating the stand downward until it comes to a complete stop and then set the OM-550 on a table or flat surface.
Figure 2-12
OM-550 u11u
As previously discussed the OM-550 operates from four AA internal batteries, AC power adapter, DC power cable or an external rechargeable battery pack. Prior to use, always ensure that external power supplies are operating properly before connecting them to the OM-550.
The AC Power Adapter plugs into an appropriate 120V AC (in North America)
power outlet and then the DC power plug is inserted into the DC Jack on the left side of the unit.
The AC Power Adapter does not charge the internal batteries. Use only alkaline, size AA batteries. Do not use rechargeable Ni-cad cells.
The DC power cord connects to a 12V DC automobile cigarette lighter and then
the DC power plug is inserted into the DC Jack.
The External, 12V DC, Rechargeable battery pack is connected to the OM-550
by connecting the DC power cord to the battery pack and the DC power plug to the DC Jack on the left side of the OM-550. Polarity of the connection does not matter.
Install the internal batteries as a back-up source of power to avoid loss of data when using the AC Power Adapter (or the external battery pack).
OM-550 u12u
As previously discussed, the OM-550 accepts either voltage or thermocouple inputs. The Signals discussed in this section are input through one of the channel connectors on the right side of the OM-550.
The Voltage connector used for inputs is a white connector with copper pins.
Figure 2-13
2.3.2 PROBES
Optional Voltage and Current probe sets are available for the OM-550. They provide a convenient way to connect the OM-550 to voltage or current signals:
±2 VDC VOLTAGE connects to signals in the ±2 VDC range ±10 VDC VOLTAGE connects to signals in the ±10 VDC range 4-20 mA CURRENT converts 4-20 mA loop currents to ±2 VDC signals
For convenience, the OM-550 can be programmed to Scale data. The following table includes m (slope), b (offset) and dp (decimal point) settings for common probe applications:
±2 V ±2 VDC +1.00000 +000000 4 -2.0000 to +2.0000 V*
±10 V ±10 VDC +0.50000 +000000 3 -10.000 to +10.000 V
0-10 VDC +0.50000 +000000 3 00.000 to +10.000 V
0-5 VDC +0.50000 +000000 3 00.000 to+05.000 V 1-5 VDC +0.50000 +000000 3 +01.000 to +05.000 V
4-20 mA 4-20 mA +1.00000 +000000 3 +04.000 to +20.000 mA**
* Default label for VOLTAGE channels ** Example only; many UNIT labels are available.
Refer to sections 4.15 UNIT LABELS and 4.14 VOLTAGE INPUT SCALING for more information.
OM-550 u13u
Use a connector of the appropriate color, by thermocouple (T/C) type, as explained previously. Determine the polarity by the thermocouple type and insulation color:
J white red K yellow red T blue red E violet red
Attach the thermocouple to the connector as shown below:
Figure 2-14
OM-550 u14u
There are special programmed features that support the operation of the OM-550. These features are described in the following sections.
The OM-550 contains a 28 Kbyte data cache that retains its data even when the unit is “OFF”. Each data point occupies four bytes of cache memory; thus the capacity of the cache depends upon the quantity of active (unskipped) channels.
1 7000 scans 2 3500 scans 3 2333 scans 4 1750 scans 5 1400 scans
When the RUN or PROG keys are pressed, the cache is automatically erased. Do not press RUN or PROG until the data has been transferred to a PC, otherwise it will be lost.
During a Manual Reset, 100 "phony" data readings will automatically be logged to the cache, as CH 1 & CH 2 data. The statistics for this artificial data can be viewed by pressing the STOP key after executing a Manual Reset, explained in APPENDIX A: CALIBRATION.
The artificial data is a functional test of the unit and can also be used to ensure that the RS-232 port connection to a PC is functioning properly. When the data is transferred to a PC, it will graph as a straight line with constant, increasing slope.
The Math channel data is not saved to cache. It is calculated and "transferred" to the PC durring upload (refer to section 4.5 MATH PSEUDO-CHANNEL for more information).
OM-550 u15u
When the STOP key pressed after a data run, the Statistics are then printed. This printout shows the date, time, number of samples taken (N), and the minimum, average, and maximum values (by channel) of the data presently stored in the cache:
Figure 2-15
If "******" appears on the tape, as shown in Figure 2-15, the value stored in cache memory is not printable.
If the selected Log Interval was shorter than the time required to log (or log and print) the data, the Statistics will include a warning (refer to section 4.6 LOG INTERVAL for more information).
Figure 2-16
If no samples were taken, no data has been written to the cache. In this case, N=0 and there will be no statistics to print.
OM-550 u16u
When logging data, the OM-550 prolongs its battery life by automatically turning “OFF” (power-save mode) when unattended (no key closures detected for about 1 minute). If the OM-550 is in RUN mode it will wake and log data at the next appropriate time.
When the OM-550 is in the Programming and CAL modes it remains “ON”; and must be turned “OFF” manually.
The OM-550 continually checks the battery voltage and automatically turns “OFF” when the batteries are exhausted. Printing will then be inhibited (because the required power is not available) but the time, date, and cached data are retained.
If the batteries are exhausted while logging, the OM-550 will automatically stop, then turn “OFF”. Printing time is will also be prohibited and data will be retained.
To retrieve the data, connect the AC Power Adapter or the collected data will be lost if the batteries are removed. Connect the OM-550 to a PC and turn it “ON”. Now transfer the data as usual.
If the batteries become completely exhausted or removed the cached data is lost but all programming except the time and date is retained.
To check the battery voltage, disconnect the AC Power Adapter and press the VOLTS key while the units is “ON” but not running (logging data).
Figure 2-17
Fresh batteries typically read from 5.9V to 6.4V. Consider replacing the batteries when the readings fall below 5.0V. Readings near 4.5V show that the batteries are nearly exhausted.
OM-550 u17u
3.0 SET-UP
This section provides the necessary information to set the OM-550 up for proper operation.
As previously discussed there are several options to supply power to the OM-550 and the following sections explain how to use them.
Slide the battery cover open and insert the batteries as shown below. Replace the cover and turn the unit “ON: by pressing the ON-OFF key. The OM-550 will then activate and initiate printer activity. If the OM-550 does not respond, ensure that the batteries are properly positioned.
When the batteries have been removed from the OM-550 for an extended period, the unit may activate (printer activity may begin) immediately upon insertion of the batteries, without pressing the ON-OFF key.
Figure 3-1
OM-550 u18u
Plug the AC Power Adapter into an appropriate 120V AC (in North America) power outlet. Insert the adapter's connector into the receptacle on the left side of the unit. The OM-550 is now ready to operate on external power.
The OM-550 will operate without batteries but data may be lost if the power fails or the AC Power Adapter is accidentally removed.
It is recommended when operating OM-550 the batteries are installed first.
Figure 2-18
For continued fire and electric-shock protection, use only the specified AC Power Adapter.
Plug the large DC connector into a 12V DC cigarette lighter power outlet, whether in the optional rechargeable battery pack or in a motor vehicle. Plug the small DC plug into the jack on the left side of the OM-550.
For continued fire protection, use only the specified DC power cable which contains a two-ampere fuse.
OM-550 u19u
1. Unwind several inches of paper from the paper roll.
2. Fold the end of the thermal paper over creating a straight flat edge as shown in Figure 3-2. This creates a strong edge and allows the paper properly center in the printer when inserting it into the rear paper slot.
Paper orientation is very important because only one side is coated for thermal printing.
Figure 3-2
3. Insert the paper into the rear paper slot as shown in Figure 3-2. Turn the OM­550 “ON”, then press and hold the “PAPER FEED” key to feed the paper through the printer.
Figure 3-3
4. After the paper appears in the front window, pull several inches through.
5. Test the operation of the printer & paper-feed mechanism by turning the unit “OFF” and back “ON”. When finished examine the printed messages for clarity.
OM-550 u20u
Prior to transferring data, the OM-550 must be connected to a PC with the RS-232 cable assembly supplied with the kit. The cable assembly includes a telephone-style cable and two adapters. The OM-550 for Windows software supplied with the kit is used to transfer data through the OM-550 RS-232 Port to a PC for analysis and storage.
Figure 3-4
The cable is fitted with a 4P4C connector for the Data Port on the OM-550 and a 6P4C connector for an adapter. The adapters convert 6P4C connectors to 9-pin (or 25-pin) PC serial-port connectors (DB9 or DB25, female).
Figure 3-5
To minimize danger to personnel, and to avoid ground loops which could affect measurement accuracy, never connect the OM-550 to a PC and to the signal inputs simultaneously!
OM-550 u21u
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