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M44 5BD United Kingdom
TEL: +44 (0)161 777 6611FAX: +44 (0)161 777 6622
Toll Free in United Kingdom: 0800-488-488
e-mail: sales@omega.co.uk
It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that
apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach
Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.
The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts
no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.
WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient-connected applications.
QUICK SET-UP GUIDE ..................................................................................................... ii
Remove the Packing List and verify that you have received all equipment. If you have any
questions about the shipment, please call OMEGA Customer Service Department at
1-800-622-2378 or (203) 359-1660.
When you receive the shipment, inspect the container and equipment for any signs of damage.
Note any evidence of rough handling in transit. Immediately report any damage to the shipping
The carrier will not honor any claims unless all shipping material is saved
for their examination. After examining and removing contents, save
packing material and carton in the event reshipment is necessary.
1)Determine what function the panel meter is to perform, e.g., rate display with alarm, batch
control, totalizer, etc.
2)Ensure compatibility with sensor. The DPF70 panel meters require a pulse (or contact
closure) input. The pulse must exceed 3 VDC and drop below 1 VDC. If necessary, as in the
case of paddle wheel, turbine meter or other types of inductive pick-up sensors, a signal
conditioner or pulse amplifier (such as FLSC-AMP) can be used.
3)The wiring is explained on pages 3 and 4. The 12 VDC output can be used to power the
FLSC-AMP. For the DPF75, a single input at pin 5 can be jumpered to pin 6: input B will be
the grand total.
4)The relay function can be altered by cutting and/or soldering jumper traces as shown on
page 5.
5)There are two main operating modes: RUN, PROGRAM. (See page 6 for a summary). In the
RUN mode, the view key allows you to toggle the display for rate, batch and grand total. The
PRE A, PRE B keys allow you to see and set the relay trigger points. The lock key allows you
to lock and unlock the keypad functions by entering the lock-out code.
The PROGRAM mode must be accessed to set up the function of the display. In this mode,
the RST key enters the displayed value into memory. The PRGM key toggles the selections
and the arrow keys bump that digit up to the next value or change the decimal point location.
For this example, let's assume you have an FP-5300 paddle wheel sensor, an FP-5310 1" fitting, the
FLSC-AMP pulse amplifier and DPF75. You want to see flow rate (GPM) batch and grand total. The
signal K-factor is 183.66 pulses/gallon, (from the manual for the FP-5300 flow sensor). Here are the
programming steps you will see, starting on page 1.
A,)Set the decimal point for "dPFA" to allow two decimal places using the UP arrow key.
B.)Enter the K-factor next: 183.66, using the arrow keys.
C.)Do the same for "dPFB" (DPF75 only).
D,)Choose "HI CPS", as the input will exceed 40 Hz (DPF78 only).
A,)Reset to zero "rST 0" will allow us to count up. "SET Pr" counts down from the preset value.
B.)To read the total in whole gallons, set the decimal point to the far right.
C.)Since you do not want to sum or take the difference of two inputs, choose "A SEP B" (DPF75
D.)The frequency will exceed 40 Hz, so you will need to select "HI CPS". "LO CPS" provides
debounce filtering for contact closures.
A.)Select "SCALE" to engage the K-factor.
B.)Select "=60".
C.)Normalize at 1.5 seconds.
D.)Set 4 significant figures.
E.)Set 02 sec delay.
Before you finish this step, write down your personal lock-out code and store it in a safe place. Here
is where you select and enter the code and what will be locked. To lock the meter you must wait until
you are in the RUN mode. Press the "LOCK" key, use the arrows to display your code, then Enter.
Repeat to unlock.
The DPF76 relays can only trigger on batch or total. The DPF78 relays can only trigger on rate. The
DPF75 relays can be programmed to trigger on rate or total. The relay setpoints for rate or total for
all versions with relays are set with the PRE A and PRE B buttons. When the relays are set for nonlatching, the batch total will automatically reset at the batch preset. The programming is now complete. Here is what you will see with 100 Hz input frequency (equal to 32.66 GPM flow rate). The
rate is: "r 32.66". The batch will continuously increase: ("480"); the grand total will also continuously
increase ("...4.8.0"). Notice that the decimals points for the grand total are inverted - all are lit except
where the decimal point is actually located.
To read total gallons to a tenth of a gallon: in Step 2, change the dPLoC to allow one decimal place
"XXX.X" for the counter. But this will cause a shift in the rate display so you will also need to shift the
K-factor in Step 1. Change the K-factor to 18.366 to read the correct units. Now the 100 Hz signal
will yield "r 32.66", "480.0", ". . 4.8.00.".
The OMEGA DPF70 is a dual input (channel A and B) counter/
ratemeter, each with its own 5 digit dividing scale factor. The two 5
AMP preset relay outputs can be programmed by the user to apply
to the "A" total counter, the "A" ratemeter, or the "B" counter or the
net total of A and B inputs. The user can view the Net Total of
"A+B", the Net Total of "A-B", the rate of A, or A and B counters
separately. The "DPF75" version shows rate and total (as described above). The "DPF76" is exclusively a counter and the
"DPF78" is exclusively a ratemeter.
6 digit, 0.55" High LED
110 VAC ± 15% or 11 to 15 VDC
220 VAC ± 15% or 11 to 15 VDC
250 mA DC max. or 6.5 VA AC
OUTPUT POWER (AC powered units only)
+12 VDC @ 50 mA, unregulated -10 + 50%
Operating: +32°F (0°C) to +130 F (+54°C)
Storage: -40 F (-40°C) to +200°F (93°C)
3M:Mag. Input, Input A only, accepts 30mV input (50 V max. P/P)
signals 10 KOhm imp. 5 KHz max. (Input B, 4-30V)
3MB: Mag. Input, Inputs A & B, accepts 30mV input (50 V max. P/P)
signals 10 KOhm imp. 5 KHz max.
5:4-30 V Count pulses on Input A, 4-30 V Direction
Control input (level) on Input B.
5M:30 mV Count pulses on Input A (50 V max. P/P)
4-30 V Direction Control input (level) on Input B
9:Quadrature, accepts 4-30 V pulses with 90°phase
shift for direction detection.
9MB: Quadrature, accepts 30 mV (50 V max. P/P) pulses with
90°phase shift for direction detection.
NOTE: The Mag. inputs have filtering as follows: up to 300hz
@30mV, 5KHz @ .25V to 50V max.
Front Panel:
Resets displayed value and control output
4-30 VDC negative edge resets COUNTER "A" and control
In the standard unit a fixed K-Factor is used to convert the input
pulses to engineering units. The 5 digit K-Factor dividers, with
decimal keyed into any position, allow easy direct entry of any KFactor from 0.0001 to 99999. Separate factors may be entered for
the 2 separate input channels.
2 each N.O. Relay; 5 Amps120/240 VAC or 28 VDC.
(N.C. relay contacts and NPN transistor output
available with solder jumpers. Transistor output is
internally pulled up to 10 VDC through relay coil, sinks
from 10 VDC to .5 V @ 100 mA)
Analog Output:
An optional 4-20mA (0-20mA) output is available for
the DPF70 series. The output can be programmed
to track rate or total. This feature is available by
adding suffix A to the part number. Connections are
via a 2 terminal pluggable screw connector.
Programming is accomplished by using the front panel
in conjunction with rear dip switches.
Accuracy: 50uA worst case.
Compliance Voltage: 3 to 30 VDC non inductive.
If the serial interface option is supplied, up to 99 units can be linked
together. (The terminal addressing the unit must be capable of
driving all loads in the loop.) Unit status and new set points can be
communicated by serial communication. Mode changes, however,
must always be made on the front panel. Data is transmitted at
selected baud rates using standard seven bit ASCII characters and
parity with two additional bits of “Start” and “Stop” to make up the
standard ten bit character.
Data is received and transmitted over standard EIA RS232 or
RS422 levels. Each 10 bit character is made up of a start bit, 7 bit
ASCII code, parity bit and stop bit. Unit number, baud rate and
parity are entered in the “Program Setting” set up mode and remain
in memory even if power is off.
Note that the input impedance of RS232 is 3K or 7K Ohm worst
case. The terminal addressing the unit must be capable of driving
all loads in the loop. RS422 input impedance is much higher and
there is usually no problem driving 25 units. Unit serial transmit line
remains in a high impedance “OFF” state until addressed.
Two control outputs are provided. To set relay values, press “menu”
button until “Relay” appears on the display, the A and B outputs
can be assigned to the ratemeter (high/low), one preset for rate
and one for total, or two presets (2 stage shut off) on the A and B
counters. A 5 digit value can be entered for both presets and the
decimal point location is the same as the counter. The outputs can
be set to energize from 0.1 to 99.9 seconds or latch (0.0). If a value
other than 0.0 is entered, the counters will auto reset at the preset .
In the A-B or A+B versions, the relays will be assigned to either net
total or A rate.
Unauthorized front panel changes can be prevented by entering a
user selected 5 digit code, in the “LOC” , . mode. The front panel
can be completely locked out or the presets can remain accessible.
Accurate to 4 1/2 digits (±1 display digit). The rate meter can be
programmed to accept almost any number of pulses per unit of
measurement, sample from 2 to 24 seconds maximum, and autorange up to 5 digits of significant information. In the “RPS” mode,
the ratemeter displays in units per second, and in the “scale” mode,
units per hour or per minute. The unit will display the rate of the A
Input only.
The two 6-digit counters can count at 10Khz speed. Each can
have a 5-digit dividing scale factor. The counter advances on the
positive edge of each pulse. Count up or down modes available, as
are quadrature inputs from encoders for position or length measurement. The unit can be programmed to view the net value of
"A+B" or "A-B", or A and B as separate counters.
The unit is designed to be mounted with a gasket providing a water tight seal. Two mounting brackets are provided to
secure the unit to the panel. A panel less than .1" may distort if the clamps are screwed too tightly.
Slide the body of the unit through the rubber gasket. Insert the unit into the panel. As shown in "FIG. A", slide the brackets
up the groove to press against the back of the panel. Insert screws into rear of brackets and tighten them evenly and
alternately. Do not over tighten! A normal level of torque is required. Maximum torque should be 3" pounds.
This product is designed to be panel mounted and is NEMA 4 rated if proper mounting procedures are followed and the
required and supplied hardware is correctly used.
If the panel in which the unit is mounted is less than .125 of an inch thick, the possibility exists that there will be some
flexing. Should this flexing occur, the resulting deformation of the panel could cause a loss of the water tight seal. In case
this should occur, the use of silicone or other sealant would be recommended.
This product is designed to the NEMA 4 rated. However, the fact that we are unable to control either the location in which
the device is installed or the actual installation itself requires that the company's liability shall extend only to the repair or
replacement of a defective product.
We are prepared to offer additional assistance in those special situations where normal mounting methods do not seem to
satisfy the customers needs. This assistance may be obtained by calling the factory and asking for Application Engineering.
Panel Thickness 0.062" (1.5)
to 0.187" (4.7) max.
Dimensions in inches (mm)
The rear terminal contains 12 screw terminals for connecting #14 to #28 gauge wire.
The unit is controlled by a microprocessor and, therefore, an electrically "noisy" environment could cause operating
problems. The input power line should not be common to power lines for motors, pumps, contactors, etc.
The unit is designed to be immune from line or RF voltage interference. In some environments voltage spikes of over 100
volts, even 1000 volts, can occur. When common to a power line driving motors voltage fluctuations can be extreme and
rapid. Lines driving DC or AC solenoids, relays, or actuators can also cause problems.
Four sources of noise can occur:
1) AC power line noise - If the unit cannot be connected to a clean power source, an inductive load suppressing device
(MOV as GE # V130LA1 or Resistor Capacitor as Paktron # .2 uf/220 ohm @ 400V) can be installed. Although locating
the suppressor across the AC supply at the unit should help, best results are obtained by connecting the suppressor
across the leads of the "load" at the device causing the spike.
2) Input line noise -The noise is carried on the input and D.C. ground lines. Make sure the input wires are never run into
the unit in a bundle with power input lines. Also, keep these input lines isolated from inductive lines from devices
drawing heavy loads. If there is a possibility of electrical noise, we recommend using shielded cable, with the shield
being hooked to the D.C. ground terminal on the instrument, and to "earth" at one point in the circuit, preferably at the
D.C. ground terminal of the unit.
3) Output lines - The unit has two relay outputs. When these outputs are used to run external relays or solenoids, spikes
can be generated upon activation. This noise can spread through the instrument causing operating problems. If the
source is a D.C. operated device, a general purpose diode (IN4004) placed across the solenoid prevents electrical
noise spikes. Connect the cathode (banded side) to the more positive side of the coil. If the source is an A.C. operated
device, use a MOV or Resistor Capacitor across the coil.
4) 12 VDC output supply - Noise can be generated on the 12 VDC output supply if it is used to drive inductive loads or if
the current draw exceeds 50 mA. Insure that all inductive loads have a diode (such as IN4004) across the coil and that
the current does not exceed 50 mA.
When programming the counter section for quadrature input, you must set the unit for A net B and A sub B (see step 2 in
programming section). This insures proper operation. The rate can only be viewed in one direction. If the unit is a
ratemeter only (DPF78), connect only one of the quadrature channels to Input A (pin 5).
When using the up/down control option, Input A (pin 5) is the count input and Input B (pin 6) is the up/down control
(direction) input. The counter must be set for A net B and A sub B (see step 2 in programming section).
When the direction input is high (4-30VDC) the count inputs will count up, when the direction input is low (open or less than
1VDC) the count inputs will count down. The direction input must precede the count input by 1 msec when the unit is set for
low CPS and 1 usec when set for high CPS.
NOTE: Connect power only after other connections are finished. Do not touch the live AC power terminals! The unit has
been designed with an isolated AC input. Thus, polarity is not a concern for the AC input. The chassis is plastic, therefore
earth ground is not used. For D.C. operation, connect + 12V to pin 7 and - D.C. to pin 8.
Connecting the DPF70 Series to Omega Flowmeters and Amplifiers:
FTB4605 & FTB4607 Water Meters: