Omega DP3300 User Manual

Dual Channel Monitor
DP3300 Series User's Manual
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
SAVING PROGRAMMED PARAMETER:......................................................................................................................................4
Table 1. How to Display Parameters..............................................................................................................................................5
DISPLAYING PEAKS...................................................................................................................................................................5
RESETTING PEAKS .....................................................................................................................................................................6
MODES OF OPERATION FOR PULSE CHANNEL:......................................................................................................................6
RATE MONITOR:..........................................................................................................................................................................6
RPM MONITOR.............................................................................................................................................................................6
FREQUENCY MONITOR:............................................................................................................................................................7
MODES OF OPERATION FOR COUNTER:....................................................................................................................................8
COUNT UP CONFIGURATION:..................................................................................................................................................8
MODE 0: (Count up with manual reset to zero)........................................................................................................................8
MODE 1: (Count up to Preset with auto reset to zero)..............................................................................................................8
MODE 2: (Count up to Preset with auto Zero after delay)........................................................................................................8
COUNT DOWN CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................................8
MODE 3: (Count down to zero with manual preset)..................................................................................................................8
MODE 4: (Count down to zero with auto preset).......................................................................................................................8
MODE 5: (Count down to zero with auto preset after delay)......................................................................................................8
RESETTING COUNT:.......................................................................................................................................................................9
RELAY DELAY PERIOD: ............................................................................................................ ....................................................9
BATCH COUNT: ...............................................................................................................................................................................9
SETUP: .............................................................................................................................................................................................10
EXITING SETUP:............................................................................................................................................................................10
CHANNEL CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................................................................10
‘Input Type’ Setup ....................................................................................................................................................................10
‘Channel ON/OFF’ Setup..........................................................................................................................................................11
Setup for degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit..................................................................................................................................11
‘Decimal Point Position’ Setup.................................................................................................................................................11
‘High Scale’ Setup....................................................................................................................................................................11
‘Low Scale’ Setup.....................................................................................................................................................................11
‘Offset’ Setup............................................................................................................................................................................11
‘Tare’ Setup...............................................................................................................................................................................12
‘Limits’ Setup ...........................................................................................................................................................................12
‘Deadband’ Setup......................................................................................................................................................................12
‘Relay Latched/Non-Latched Mode’ Setup...............................................................................................................................12
‘Relay Normally Open/Closed’ Setup.......................................................................................................................................12
‘Engineering Units’ Setup.........................................................................................................................................................13
‘Rate Time Base’ Setup.............................................................................................................................................................13
Input Signal type selection:...........................................................................................................................................................13
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION:........................................................................................................................................................13
Display Options.............................................................................................................................................................................14
‘Display Time’ Setup....................................................................................................................................................................14
Audio Alarm ON/OFF ..................................................................................................................................................................14
Cold Junction Setting....................................................................................................................................................................14
Calibration Mode ..........................................................................................................................................................................14
Thermocouple Calibration Procedure ...........................................................................................................................................14
Input Range Setup (for current and voltage):................................................................................................................................15
Voltage Range Setup (0-5vdc, 0-10vdc)...................................................................................................................................15
Voltage Range Setup (for millivolt inputs)...............................................................................................................................15
Current Range Setup.................................................................................................................................................................15
Correct Range Settings..............................................................................................................................................................15
Setup Examples.............................................................................................................................................................................15
Example #1: Use of the OFFSET Parameter.............................................................................................................................15
Example #2: Use of the LOW SCALE Parameter....................................................................................................................15
SETUP FOR A PULSE CHANNEL:................................................................................................................................................18
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
Turning a Channel ON or OFF .....................................................................................................................................................18
MODES OF OPERATION FOR A PULSE INPUT CHANNEL:................................................................................................18
SETUP FOR COUNTER:.............................................................................................................................................................18
SETUP FOR HIGH AND LOW FREQUENCY MONITOR:...................................................................................... ................19
SETUP FOR RATE MONITOR:..................................................................................................................................................20
SETUP FOR RPM MONITOR:....................................................................................................................................................20
ALARM OUTPUTS:........................................................................................................................................................................21
Resetting: ......................................................................................................................................................................................21
Open Collector (solid state) output Option:..................................................................................................................................22
Figure 1. Open Collector Hookup Example.............................................................................................................................22
Electro-Mechanical Relay Option:...............................................................................................................................................22
Figure 2. Electro-mechanical Relays Hookup Example............................................................................................................22
FIG. 3: Power, Input/Output connections & rear view of the instrument...........................................................................23
INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS.............................................................................................................23
Figure 4. Panel Cutout Dimensions...............................................................................................................................................24
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
(Typical @ 25C and rated supply voltage unless otherwise specified)
* 4-20ma 10-50ma 0-5Vdc 0-10Vdc
Thermocouple inputs: J,K,T,E,R,S,B
Cold junction compensation error: +/- 1C (10C to 40C)
Open input indication: HELP displayed
Temperature displayable in Degrees C or F
Non standard inputs availab le --- consult factory.
4-1/2 Digit (20,000) Count) A/D Converter
Dual slope integrating converter with 7 conversions /sec. (typical) rate.
Fixed: two channels per second
Red seven segment displays--0.39" (10mm) digit height
Over range indication: HELP
Display test: Briefly displays on power up.
Seven digit display
Scale programmable from 1-30000 units
Offset programmable from 0-99.99 MA (For MA Input)
Offset programmable from 0-9.999 MV (For Voltage Input)
Calibration: NIST traceable (for thermocouples)
Temperature resolution: 1C/1F, 0.1% of Full Scale
Warranty: 1 Year
Recalibration recommended at 12 month interval
* 120Vac --- 60 HZ (Standard)
* 240Vac --- 50 HZ (optional)
* 8Vdc --- 12Vdc (optional)
OUTPUT (optional)
Open collector outputs – 6 open collector outputs, maximum sink capability of 50ma per output
Relays: Single pole single throw, 1 Amp @ 28Vdc or 0.5 Amp @ 120Vac resistive
Output termination: Euro-style plugable connector
Programmable: None, 10
Count Range : 1 – 9999999 Rate Range: 0 – 9999999 Frequency Range: 2.00 to 1000000 RPM Range: 0 - 9999999
Scaler 0.00000 to 99.99999
Division factor: 0 to 65000
Rate Time Base: Programmable 1.000 Seconds to 9999.999 Seconds
position, 100th position, 1000th position
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
A highly versatile series, DP3300 offers a unique combination of two analog channels or two pulse input channels or a combination of pulse (square wave) on one channel and an analog signal on the other. This feature allows it to be used as counter, rate, RPM or a frequency monitor along with displaying an analog signal such as 4-20ma loop current, voltage or millivolts or a temperature signal from thermocouples, RTDS etc. For example, flow and temperature or flow and pressure can easily be monitored in a single unit.
On the analog channel, signals from thermocouples, RTDS or thermistors are linearized and displayed in degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit. Voltage and milliamp signals (4-20ma etc.) are displayed in engineering units that correspond to the process being monitored. Scaling is accomplished through front keys and does not require any tedious formulas.
The Pulse (or square wave input) channel functions like four monitors in one. It can be programmed as an up/down counter, rate, rpm or frequency monitor. In counter mode, the channel can count up or down to a maximum count of 9,999,999 and also offers three presets along with built in delay timers. As a rate indicator, it offers a programmable time base from 1.000 to 9999.999 seconds.
In RPM mode, the channel counts incoming pulses and displays the data as revolutions per minute. In frequency mode, an internal crystal reference is used to indicate the frequency of incoming pulses (low frequency mode only). Measured frequency range is from 1Hz to 1 megahertz. Two modes of operation are supported:
1. High frequency mode (resolution = 1Hz)
2. Low frequency mode ( resolution = 0.01 Hz)
NOTE: Check model number for the t ype of input and display units ---- thermocouples, 4-20ma, 0-5 Vdc, or 0-1 0Vdc
J,K,T,E Thermocouple, 4-20ma, 0-10vdc
& 0-5vdc pulse
Thermistor (400 Series) , 4-20ma, 0-10vdc and
0-5vdc pulse
100 Ohm RTD , 4-20ma, 0-10vdc and
0-5vdc pulse
'R' Thermocouple, 4-20ma, 0-10vdc and
0-5vdc pulse
'S' Thermocouple , 4-20ma, 0-10vdc and
0-5vdc pulse
'B' Thermocouple , 4-20ma, 0-10vdc and
0-5vdc pulse
100Millivolt , 4-20ma, 0-10vdc and
0-5vdc pulse
OPTIONS (Add to Model No)
-1 240vac Power
-2 15vdc Power
-3 4 Relay Outputs
-4 4 Open collector outputs
DP3300 saves all the programmed parameters in an EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read only memory). An EEPROM stores the programmed parameters even when the power is removed from the unit. However, it is important to note that if the parameters are being changed during setup, they must be saved in the EEPROM by pressing and holding the RESET key till the display reads 'SAVING' (also described under SETUP). If the parameters are NOT from the unit, any newly changed values will be lost (the unit will, however, maintain the old values).
saved and the power is removed
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
) Hold
push the
Table 1. How to Display Parameters
1) Channel 1’s Process value a) Push CH SEL key once.
2) Channel 2's Process a) Push CH SEL key twice. First push selects channel 1 and the Value second push will select and display channel 2's process reading.
3) Channel's high peak a) Select channel whose hi gh peak is desired (push CH SEL key) b) Push HI/LO key once
4) Channel's low peak a) Select channel whose low peak is desired (push CH SEL key) b) Push HI/LO key twice --- 1st push displays high peak, 2nd push , low peak.
5) Rate a) Select channel whose rate is desired (push CH SEL key) b) Push DATA key once.
6) Channel Differential a) Select a channel by pushing CH SEL key ONCE b) Push DATA key twice -- 1st push displays rate, 2nd push: Channel Differential
7) TOTAL a) Select a channel by pushing CH SEL key twice b) Push DATA key SIX times till TOTAL displays in the window The sequence is: Rate, Channel differential, Limit1, Limit2, Limit3, Total
8) BATCH a) Select a channel by pushing CH SEL key twice b) Push DATA key SEVEN times till bATCH displays in the window, The sequence is: Rate, Channel differential, Limit1, Limit2, Limit3, Total, Batch
9) LIMITS a) Push CH SEL key to select desired channel b) Push DATA key THREE times to display channel's limit number 1 c) Each additional push after that will display limit 2 & limit 3
10) Elapsed time a) Push TIME key.
11 Scan a) If the unit is holding, push the SCN/HLD key once.
a) If the unit is
HLD key on
A very useful function on the system is tracking the highest (peak) and the lowest (valley ) point attained by each channel. This is particularly helpful if an operation is not being constantly watched or is left unattended e.g. overnight.
The first step in displaying peaks is to select the channel whose peaks are desired. This is done by pushing the 'CH. SEL' key. Once the desired channel has been selected, push the 'HI/LO' key. Pushing it once will show the high peak attained by the selected channel. Pushing it a second time will indicate the low process value (NOTE: The second push, to display valley, must be initiated before the display reverts to normal display mode). Before displaying high peak the display will read 'CHx HI' (x=channel #). Similarly, for low peak the display will indicate 'CHx LO' (x=channel #) b efore showing the value. If an attempt is made to display the high or low peak of a channel which has been turned off (in CH Setup), the display will read 'CHx OFF' (x=channel #) to indicate the channel status.
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
Peaks can be reset to current process value e.g. if channel 1 is reading 200 C, its peaks can be reset to 200. This will allow tracking from the current process reading. To reset high peak, first select the channel whose peak is desired to be reset (by pushing the ‘CH. SEL’ key). Once the channel has been selected, push the ‘HI/LO’ key and keep it pushed. The display will read 'CHx HI' (x=channel #) following which the value of high peak will be displayed. With the HI/LO key still pushed, go on to push the RESET key. The display will read 'RESEt' and the unit will then take the present value of process on that channel and enter it as the new high peak. To reset low peak, release HI/LO key (from high peak display mode) and push it again immediately -- and keep it pushed. The display will read 'CHx LO' and then the value of channel's low peak. With the HI/LO key still pushed, press the RESET key. The display will read 'RESEt' and the unit will enter the present process value as channel's new low peak.
DP3300 tracks the rate of process change per programmed time base for each channel. This RATE is displayed by first pushing the CH. SEL key to select the channel whose rate is desired and then pushing DATA key once. The display will briefly read 'rAtE' and then show the monitored rate for that channel.
As a rate indicator, DP3300 series features crystal controlled accuracy and provides the flexibility of a programmable time base for sampling. The time base can be set from 1.000 seconds through 9999.999 seconds in increment of 0.001 second and is done during SETUP (look under SET-UP). Additionally, a division or scaler factor can also be programmed that will divide or scale the incoming pulses. For a quicker update of rates , a scaler factor can be programmed (when a channel is programmed for a rate mode). For example, if rate /minute is desired, then setting the time base to 1.000 and scaler to sixty, will give you rate/minute. This rate, however, will be updated every one second. It may be noted that rate calculated this way may loose some accuracy.
Additionally, the unit shows the rate, based on the programmed time base in all the system modes i.e. frequency, counter and RPM. This can be displayed by first selecting the desired channel (by pushing CH SEL key) and then pushing the DATA key.
(NOTE: In the RPM mode, the rate time base must be smaller than the selected filter value. If not, the system will automatically consider the filter value as the time base for rate calculation. Also, a difference of 0.500 is recommended between the filter and time base).
There are three rate based limits (two withoutputs, 1 audio/visual) that can be set anywhere from 1-9,999,999. These limits can be configured to reset automatically when the rate falls below the set limit or alternately reset manually. This is done by going into the setup mode and selecting the proper configuration (look under SETUP).
In RPM mode, the system will accept 0-5V square wave or pulse input from a sensor and show revolutions per minute. The input has a schmitt trigger so as to accept any kind of square wave or pulses, as long as the high and low specifications are met.
Also a filter function is provided in the RPM mode which allows to smooth out rapidly changing RPM. On the contrary, if it is desired to see the variation in the RPM, then this feature alsocomes in handy. Select a low filter value to see variations in RPM and a higher value for a more stable display. Selectable filter values are 1,2,4,6,10,15,20,30 and 6 0 and the selection is done in SETUP mode.
Three RPM based limits (two with outputs, 1 audio/visual) are provided for each channel that can be set to activate internal relays when a preset limit is exceeded. The ON/OFF status of these relays is indicated on the front panel by LEDs.
There are two modes of resetting the limits. First is automatic mode in which the limits reset automatically as soon as RPM falls
DP3300 Series User’s Manual below the limit (minus the relay) deadband. The second mode is manual reset. Once the limits are energized, they will stay
energized until manually reset.
(NOTE: In the RPM mode, the rate time base must be smaller than the selected filter value. If not, the system will automatically consider the filter value as the time base for rate calculation. Also, a difference of 0.500 is recommended between the filter and time base).
DP3300 monitor can also be programmed as a frequency monitor. In this mode the unit will display incoming frequency with a crystal based reference. Input signal is used for gating one time period. An internal counter counts the clocks from a crystal based oscillator and uses that to determine the frequency of incoming signal. Frequency range is from 5.00HZ to 1,000,000 HZ.
There are two frequency modes in which the system operates. Low frequency and high frequency. These modes are selected during SETUP. In low frequency mode, the unit will show frequency in 100th of a hertz and the range is from 2.00 HZ to 500.00 HZ. In high frequency mode, the system displays the frequency in unit steps. The range is from 1 HZ to 1,000,000HZ.
During frequenc y mode, indicated rate is same as the frequency. Total and batch count is not updated during this mode. H igh and low peaks are captured and can be displayed by pushing the HI/LO key.
Three Frequency based limits (two with outputs, 1 audio/visual) per channel are provided which activate when preset limit is exceeded. The status of these limits is indicated on the front panel by LEDs.
There are two modes of resetting the limits. First is the automatic mode in which the limits reset automatically as soon as the frequency falls below the limit minus the relay deadband. The second mode is manual reset. Once the relays are energized, they will stay energized until manually reset.
NOTE: Channel 2 can be prog r ammed for low frequency mode, only if Channel 1 input is not configured for pulse. If Channel one is configured for pulse input, Channel 2 does not allow low frequency config uration during setup and the low frequency step is automatically skipped. Also, if Channel 2 setup as Analog Channel) and Channel 1 from low frequency to high frequency mode. Under this condition, limits must be reconfigured for proper value with no decimal point on channel 2.
is switched from Analog to Pulse input, channel 2 will be a ut omatically switched
is configured for low frequency (e.g. with Channel 1 being
In counter mode, the system can be programmed to either count up or count down in six different modes. The limit relays can be programmed to reset manually or automatically. Also, the delay time on automatic reset of the relays is programmable.
For scaling, the unit provides the convenience of a scaler and a division factor. The scaler can be programmed from 0.00000 to
99.99999, in increments of 0.00001. Scaler is a number with which the input count is multiplied. For Example a flow meter that puts out one pulse for every 0.00024 gallons, would require a scaler of 0.00024. On a pulse count of 10000, the display will read
2.4 (10000 x 0.00024 = 2.4). Scaler is disabled if its value is set to 0.00000. Similarly, the division factor works on incoming pulses and divides them with the programmed factor.
NOTE: Division factor is disabled
Various operating modes of the counter are explained below:
if a scaler value greater then 0.00000 is programmed.
DP3300 Series User’s Manual
MODE 0: (Count up with manual reset to zero)
In this mode the system counts up from zero. Preset limits energize when the count reaches presets limit values. The unit will continue counting up until manually reset. To reset the count manually, first select a channel by pushing CH SEL key and ,while keeping CH SEL key pushed and then the reset value of zero will be displayed. On resetting to zero, the outputs will automatically de-energize and this will be indicated by the LED'S for the respective outputs turning off on the front panel.
MODE 1: (Count up to Preset with auto reset to zero)
In this mode the counter counts up to a preprogrammed preset value (look under SETUP). On reaching preset the counter automatically resets to zero and starts the up count again. The count can be reset manually before it reaches preset. To reset the count manually, first select a channel by pushing CH SEL key and ,while keeping the CH SEL key pushe d simultaneously push the RESET key. The display will read 'RESET' and then the reset value of zero will be displayed. Preset limits energize when the count reaches limit values.
MODE 2: (Count up to Preset with auto Zero after delay)
In this mode the counter counts up from zero to a preset value. Preset limits energize when the count reaches limit values. On reaching PRESET, the delay period starts. After the delay period is over, the count is automatically zeroed, the limits, if energized (and in non-latch mode), are reset and the count up starts again. The delay period is programmed in SET - UP mode.
For example, if PRESET is set to 9000 counts and the delay period is programmed for 10 seconds, then when the counter reaches 9000, the delay period will start and after 10 seconds of reacing 9000 count, the count will be reset to zero.
, simultaneously push the RESET key . The display will read 'RESET'
MODE 3: (Count down to zero with manual preset)
In this mode the counter counts down from a preset number (preset number is programmed during SETUP). On reaching zero the counter will not decrement further until manually preset. To preset the counter value manually, push CH SEL key to select a channel. While keeping CH SEL key pushed, go on to push the RESET key simultaneously. The display will read 'RESET' and then the displayed value will be reset to zero. Count down will start immediately thereafter.
When count goes down to a limit value the respective output is energized. The output will stay energized until the count is preset as explained above.
MODE 4: (Count down to zero with auto preset)
In this mode the counter counts down from a pre-programmed preset value (look under SETUP). When count goes down to limit value, the respective output gets energized. The display in the meantime will keep counting down. When it reaches zero, it will automatically preset itself to the programmed preset value.
NOTE: i) Time delay in modes 2 and 5 must be less than the time required to count from zero to preset or preset to zero.
MODE 5: (Count down to zero with auto preset after delay)
In this mode the counter counts down from a Preset value. Preset limits energize when the count reaches limit values. On reaching zero, the delay period starts. After the delay period is over, the count is automatically preset, the limits, if energized (and in non-latch mode), are reset and the count down starts again. The delay period is programmed in SET ­UP mode.
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