Parts List
Model GR-IT-1119 11403
15351 Screw 4x8 (2 pcs.) 1 15430 Mouth Grattugia 13 15380 Cap Fan 29
15418 Closing Disc ABS 100mm. 2 17243 Cheese Box 14 15353 Screw 5x30 (4 pcs.) 30
15419 Screw Fixing Roller 10x35 3 15353 Screw 5x30 (4 pcs.) 15 15352
15420 Washer 10x30x2 4 15433 Shell with Hub 16 15351 Screw 4x8 (2 pcs.) 32
17885 X Flange Standard Roller 5 15434 Bearing 6205 2RS 17 Gasket Base 33
17885 X Flange Steel Roller 5 15414 Fixing Ring Fan 18 17701 Bipolar Switch 34
17823 Grater Punched 6 15415 Fan 19 17701 Switch Pole 34
17823 Roller Grattugia Milled 6 17244
17885 X Flange Standard Roller 7 15436 Crankshaft 22 15440 Screw 8x25 (2 pcs.) 37
17885 X Flange Steel Roller 7 15446 Rotor 23 19379 Condenser 25 uF 38
Description Position
Roller Scratched Steel with
6 15437 Gland PG9/11 21 15439 Base 36
Description Position
Spinetta Stainless Steel
20 Rubber Feet (4 pcs.) 35
Description Position
Disc Locking ABS DA
15423 Screw 5x45 8 6 Pole Stator V.230/50Hz 24 15411 ABS Seat 39
15424 Pin from 8x57 9 6 Pole Stator V.400/50Hz 24 15412 Screw 4.8x12 (4 pcs.) 40
15356 Wheat 6x6 10 15417 Long Fan Housing 25 15351 Screw 4x8 41
15425 Lever Aluminum Grating 11 15386 Steel Band Fan 26
15425 Grattugia Lever with Insert 11 15370 Rivets (4 pcs.) 27
15410 Screw 8x22 (2 pcs.) 12 15381 Bearing 6203 ZZ 28
Cable with Plug Mod.
Schuko V.230
Cable with Plug Mod.
Schuko V.400
© 2014 05-14-14, E.O.E