Accessory Specifications
Terrain Follower installed on the A-Jet
OMAX® Terrain Follower/A-Jet
The OMAX Terrain Follower allows a JetMachining®
Center to automatically cut parts from materials
with irregular or warped surfaces without the
need for special programming.
The Terrain Follower attaches directly to the
A-Jet. Changes in a material’s height are detected
Standard Features
• High resolution magnetic encoder
senses change in material height
• Automatically maintains nozzle stand-
off throughout the cutting process
• All electrical cabling is shielded from
the abrasive waterjet environment
• Designed with robust packaging,
O-ring seals, and splash guards
• All A-Jet accessories contain mounting
features to add on a Terrain Follower
• Quick and easy removal/attachment
of the Terrain Follower accessory
• Adjusts automatically to uneven
surfaces, reduces need for
additional programming
• Meet required tolerances and deliver
competitively priced, accurate parts
cut from economical, non-precision
• Simple setup and operation
• No special programming required
• Auto standoff
• Designed specifically to operate in an
abrasive waterjet environment
• Completely retrofittable to all existing
A-Jet accessories
• Designed with the experience of
the proven original Terrain Follower
concept, which has over 200 active
units in the field
• Quick and easy removal of the
Terrain Follower accessory when
you want extra clearance for
specific jobs
and the nozzle automatically makes the required
height adjustments, maintaining the necessary nozzle
standoff to avoid contact with warped surfaces and
protecting the nozzle and related hardware from
damage. This allows you to start cutting warped
material without the need to find the high points,
saving you time and money.
OMAX Terrain Follower/A-Jet
Best Applications
•Great for materials that stress relieve
while cutting
•Assists in cutting hard, smooth,
or non-cosmetic surfaces
•Ideal for cutting large parts on
uneven or warped sheets
For example: When cutting material at a 45°
(or greater) angle, any height change of the
material directly changes the cut offset. For
instance, cutting material with an 1/8" warp
without using the Terrain Follower would produce
an 1/8" shift in your cutting line. To prevent this,
install the Terrain Follower to eliminate this shift
when cutting at a 45° angle or any other angle.
The accessory will adjust the Z-axis height and
give you an appropriate standoff between the
nozzle and the material surface when cutting
the warped stock.
Note: Collision sensing capabilities are
not featured with the Terrain Follower/A-Jet
Terrain Follower shown on an A-Jet
Accessories in the Terrain Follower/A-Jet Kit
•Neat package
•Easily removable
•Easily return to service
after removal
•OMAX service tech required for
initial installation
M5 Set
Plug Loose
Cable End
into Hole in
Dummy Plug
• Windows® upgrade
Contact OMAX Customer Service
for information
• OMAX Software version 11 or greater
• A-Jet
• A bridge-style OMAX JetMachining
Center (For cantilever-style OMAX JetMachining Centers, contact an OMAX
sales representative for details)
• OMAX 9-Axis PC-based controller
Contact OMAX for more information.
About OMAX
OMAX has the industry leading patented
abrasivejet controller with a built-in
expert system. Our exclusive “Compute
First-Move Later” motion control system
automates most programming and tool
setup work, virtually eliminating the need
for extensive operator training. Plus,
with free OMAX Intelli-MAX® Software
upgrades for the life of the machine and
our ongoing commitment to advance the
efficiency of our technology and software, OMAX saves you time and money.
For information on what other OMAX
products and accessories can do for you,
call us today at 800-838-0343 or visit
our website at
Note: Specifications subject to change without notice.
Dummy Plug
on bottom of
Dummy Plug
Footless Splash
Thumb Screw
OMAX Corporation
21409 72nd Ave South, Kent, WA 98032
253-872-2300 tel 253-872-6190 fax
1-800-838-0343 toll-free
WWW.OMAX.COM website
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