Effi cient
OMAX V-Series Pumps
P3050V Specifi cation
Designed for machine shops that cut thick materials
or require faster cutting speeds.
Power 30 hp (22 Kw)
Rated Output Pressure 50 ksi (3450 bar)
Rated Orifi ce Size 0.014 in (0.355 mm)
Rated Flow Rate 0.42 – 0.84 gpm (1.5 – 3.2 Lpm)
P3055V Specifi cation
Designed for shops that require high precision and
primarily utilize MAXJET® 5 MiniJet nozzles.
Power 30 hp (22 Kw)
Rated Output Pressure 55 ksi (3790 bar)
Rated Orifi ce Size 0.010 in (0.254 mm)
Rated Flow Rate 0.3 – 0.43 gpm (1.1 – 1.6 Lpm)
P4055V Specifi cation
Designed for shops with high production or multiple
nozzle requirements.
Power 40 hp (30 Kw)
Rated Output Pressure 55 ksi (3790 bar)
Rated Orifi ce Size 0.015 in (0.381 mm)
Rated Flow Rate 0.45 – 1.05 gpm (1.7 – 4.0 Lpm)
Dual Pump Package Specifi cation
Designed for shops that cut thick materials and have
high capacity production or multiple nozzle requirements.
* 80 hp (80 Kw)
Rated Output Pressure 55 ksi (3790 bar)
Rated Orifi ce Size 0.020 in (0.508 mm)
Rated Flow Rate 0.90 – 2.10 gpm (3.4 – 8.0 Lpm)
* Increase depends on geometry and cutting conditions. Recommended operation of
one cutting head with 0.020” orifi ce and 0.042” mixing tube, or two cutting heads
with 0.014” orifi ce and 0.030” mixing tube.
Utility Requirements:
Electrical Power 3-Phase, 380 – 480 VAC +/- 10%, 50-60 Hz
Water Supply 1.3 gpm (5 Lpm)
Contact OMAX for detailed utility requirements. Pumps built to meet UL and CE specifi cations.
Effi ciencies of Direct
Drive Technology
Compact & Quiet
High Power Effi ciency
Lower Water Usage
Easy Maintenance
Low Operating Cost
The future is here.
From the recognized leader in the high-pressure industry comes
the latest innovation in direct drive plunger pump technology,
the OMAX
V-Series Pump.
Designed for optimal effi ciency, the OMAX V-Series Pump
delivers more than 90% of the electrical input power to the
cutting nozzle. This translates into less water usage, faster
cutting speed per unit of input power, and lower cost per
fi nished part than other pump technologies.
In comparison, intensifi er pumps deliver less than 70% of the
electrical input power to the nozzle. To learn more about the
differences between intensifi er pumps and direct drive plunger
pumps, visit the product section at www.omax.com and read
“A Comparison Between Intensifi er and Crank Drive Pumps,”
by Dr. John Olsen.
OMAX V-Series Pump Benefi ts
Highest effi ciency abrasive waterjet pump on the market
No in-rush current at starting
With Chiller, cooling water is recycled
Long lifetime of all components
Easy access to all components for maintenance
Low noise levels
Runs on tap water*
Ergonomic design
Small footprint
2-year warranty
Standard Features
Variable speed electric motor for different cutting situations
Automated on/off cycles so pump runs only during part processing
Automatic latched safety shut-off switch in case of power failure
Pressure safety blow down valve included
Charge pump provided
Inlet fi lters (0.2 microns) provided
Auxiliary power supply to operate waterjet machine provided
Key-pad with digital display
Variable frequency drive
110VAC (220VAC) auxiliary power supply
On/off and emergency switches
Remote and local control
Wooden workbench top
* Note: For water temperatures in excess of 70° F, a Chiller
is recommended. Extreme mineral content or acidity may
require treatment.
Designed for Tough
Industrial Use
Electric Motor
OMAX Nozzle
Ultra High
Water Pressure