OLYS MPPT5012A-DUO, MPPT5025A-DUO User Manual

Description of Functions
(mic roprocess or) by 10 % to 30 % ( effi ciency > 95 % )
2. Swi tchable cha racteri st ic lines of c harging for o ptimum ch ar ging of Gel /dryfit /A GM/flee ce or acid/ le ad-acid , as well
as LiF ePO4 batter ies .
3. Two Batter y Chargin g Po rts: Autom atic char gi ng of the mai n battery or bo ard batte ry ( Board I):
Supp ort chargin g and trick le c harging ( max. 1 A) of the v eh icle's st arter bat te ry (Start I I) w ith overc harge pro te ction
batt ery (in case of i nsufficient s olar powe r, su ch as at twil ight, at ni gh t etc.).
5. Ove rcharge pro tection : Re duction o f the charg in g current o f the battery i n case of exc es sive sola r power and f ul l
batt ery. Im mediate r ec harging i n case of pow er c onsumpt ion to ensu re a lways the b est possibl e chargin g state of the
batt ery.
6. Con nection for t emperat ur e sensor, Aut omatic ad ap tation of t he chargi ng v oltage to t he battery te mperatu re . In case
of low o utside temp erature s, f ull
char ging of the wea ker batte ry i s improve d, and in cas e of s ummery te mperature s unneces sary batter y gassing w il l
be avo ided.
This i s highly reco mmended , if t he batter y is exposed to s trong var ia tions in te mperatu re , such as in th e mo tor
comp artment.
Incr eased MPP charg in g current c ompared w it h convent ional con tr ollers, d ue to ultramo dern cont roller tech nology
User Manual
Thank you v ery much for b uying our pr oduct ,Ple ase read
thoroug hly before u sing the pro uuct
solar controllerDual battery
Safety Regulations and Appropriate Application:
1.Ch arging of lea d-gel, le ad-AGM, lea d-acid or L iF ePO4 (wit h integra te d BMS!) bat teries of the i ndicate d no minal vol tage
and si multaneou s supply of t he c onsumer s being con ne cted to the se batter ie s in fixed in stalled sys tems.
2.So lar panels up t o the maxim um p ower rati ng (Wp) of th e us ed solar co ntrolle r.
3.The in dicated c ab le cross se ctions at the c harging p orts and at the p anel inpu t.
4.With f uses of the ind icated ca pacity near t he batter y to p rotect th e cabling b et ween batt ery and cha rg ing ports .
5.Inst allatio n in a w ell-ven tilated roo m, protec te d from rain , humidit y, dust , aggress iv e battery g as, as well as in a n
envi ronment bei ng free fro m co ndensat ion water
6.Ex cept for the fu se, the uni t is n ot equipp ed with par ts , which can b e replace d by t he user. Alwa ys use replac ement car
fuse s of the indica ted capac it y!
7.Ke ep children a way from th e so lar contr oller and t he b atterie s.
Connection Plan
Temp. sense r
Bat tery ty pe
1 2 3 4
Lead Acid
Battery 12 V
Select th e battery type of mai b attery
(See Batt ery type tab le)
Main b attery Temper ature Sens or (opt ion)
Battery selection
Battery type
1 2 3 4
Lead Acid
Total capac ity of pane l
MPPT 5012A-DUO m ax.165W MPPT 5025A-DUO m ax. 350W
Inst all the solar c ontroll er n ear the ma in battery
Vehic le chas sis
main b attery
moto r battery (opt ion)
The co nnection pl an shows th e ma ximum ter minal ass ig nment for o peratio n of a ll existi ng function s of the sola r cont roller. The mini mum termina l assignm en t consist s of the sola r pa nel input s ("+" and "- ") a nd the conn ections of the ma in battery. Alwa ys connect th e fuses as cl os e as possib le to the bat te ries (cab le protec ti on!).
Requ ired Cable Cr oss Secti ons, MPPT 50 12A-DUO M PPT5024A- DUO
+/- Pa nel cables, l ength as re qu ired 2.5- 4 mm 2 6-10 mm 2
+/- Ba ttery I cable s, length m ax . 2 m 2.5-4 mm 2 6- 10 m m 2
Fuse c lose to batte ry I 15 A 30 A
Note s
*The p olarities ( + a nd - ) of solar p an el and batt eries are a bs olutely t o be observ ed !
Obse rve the cross -sectio ns a nd length m easures o f th e cables!
*Con nection of th e solar con tr oller to th e battery " Bo ard I" shou ld be effected fi rst. Cable Prot ec tion: the fu se s near the ba tteries i nt o the + cable s (protec ti on agains t cable fire) ! *The s olar panels s hould be pr otected fro m direct su nl ight (by co vering or s ha ding) pri or to conne ct ion.
13 .3 V
LCD Me ter
opti on)
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