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Thank you for choosing the Olympus OM-40 PROGRAM. This camera is equipped with a unique ESP
(Electro-Selective Pattern) metering system. By combining this metering mode with the automatic film speed
setting mode and programmed exposure mode, anyone can take perfectly exposed pictures with ease. Before
using the camera, please read this operation manual carefully through while checking with your camera to
become familiar with this versatile SLR.
Note: All the components of the Olympus OM-40 PROGRAM are carefully designed and their production and
assembly is strictly controlled to enhance the unmatched performance of the system. If any interchangeable
lenses, flashes, or accessories other than Olympus products are used, Olympus cannot be responsible for poor
results or damage of the OM-40 PROGRAM.
< Preparations before Taking Pictures >
· Mounting the Lens - 11
· Loading the Batteries - 13
· Checking the Batteries - 14
·Setting the Camera for Automatic Film Speed Setting
· Loading the Film 16
< Taking photographs (I) >
Pictures with ESP Metering
· Rewind the Film 23
How to Take Programmed Automatic Exposure
< Taking Photographs (II) >
· How to Take Aperture-Preferred Automatic Exposure
Pictures 26
· Manual Exposure 29
· Manual Film Speed Setting 31
· Exposure Compensation 33
< Other Operations >
· Using the Self-Timer 35
· Bulb Exposure 37
< Advanced Techniques >
· Selecting the Metering Mode
(A Choice of Two Metering Modes) 39
· Selecting the Metering Mode
(How to Use ESP Metering) 41
· Guide to Selection of Exposure Mode 46
· Selecting the Exposure Mode
--PROGRAM-- ..47
· Program Diagrams ..48
· Selecting the Exposure Mode
· Flash Photography 62
· T-Series Flashes / Mounting the Flash 63
· How to Use T-Series Flashes 64
· Bounce Flash / Close-up Flash 65
· Using Electronic Flashes Other Than Olympus TSeries Units 66
· Shooting with Motor Drive 67
· Motor Drive Group Units 68
· Macrophotography 69
· Macrophoto Group Units 70
--AUTO (Aperture Preferred) - 52
· Other System Units 71
· Depth of Field 52
< For Longer Service of Your Camera >
· Preview Button 52
· Shutter Speeds 52
·Viewfinder Display for Automatic Exposure 54
· Selecting the Exposure Mode--MANUAL-- 55
· Combinations of Metering Mode and Exposure
Mode 56
Selecting the Film Speed Setting Mode 57
· Bulb Exposure 59
· Multiple Exposure / Infrared Photography 60
<Preparations before Taking Pictures>
· Handling Care 73
· Storage Care 73
· Questions and Answers 75
· Description of Controls 79
· Specifications 82
The Olympus OM-40 PROGRAM is basically designed for automatic film speed setting with
DX coded film.
Mounting the Lens
Remove the rear lens cap.
Remove the body cap.
Align the red dots and rotate the lens clock wise until it locks.
Remove the front lens
Removing the Lens:
Press the lens release button and turn the lens counter-clockwise
Loading the Batteries
Remove the battery cover. .
Wipe battery surfaces clean. Make sure that + signs are facing
(battery type - SR44 / LR44, very common type batteries. About $2
Checking the Batteries
After inserting the batteries, always check as follows:
Rotate the mode selector dial to the "BATTERY CHECK" position
If the sound becomes intermittent or the LED blinks, replace batteries.
Setting the Camera for Automatic Film Speed Setting
Make sure the film you are using is marked ""DX"". If the film you are
using is not marked ""DX"" refer to page
Set the film speed dial to
Loading the Film
Pull up on the rewind knob to open the camera back.
Place the film cartridge in the film chamber. (Always load film in the
Insert the film leader into the take-up spool.
Wind the film and make sure the sprocket teeth catch both the upper and
lower film perforations.
Take up the slack by turning the rewind crank clockwise
Close the camera back until it clicks into place.
Take two blank shots. This will bring the film to the first frame.
Checking the type of film:
The film check window in the camera back will allow you to check the
type of film loaded in the camera.
< Taking Photographs (I) >
This chapter explains how to take programmed automatic exposure pictures with ESP metering.
In this mode, anyone can enjoy taking pictures with ease, even in difficult lighting conditions such as backlight.
How to Take Programmed Automatic Exposure Pictures with ESP Metering
Make sure the camera is set for the ESP meter
Set the mode selector dial to the "PROGRAM" position.
Set the lens to its minimum aperture.
Press the shatter release lightly to activate the viewfinder
(A built-in battery conserves turns off the viewfinder display after 60
Focus on your subject.
The mark will appear in the finder when ESP metering is adjusting
the exposure.
Press the shutter release to take the picture.
Rewinding the Film
When the exposure counter indicates the end of your roll of film
Push the ""R"" button.
Fold out the rewind crank and wind it until the film tension is released.
Open the camera back by pulling up on the rewind knob and remove
< Taking Photographs (II) >
This mode A; you respond creatively to the photo situation l free selection the lens aperture, shutter speed and
exposure compensation settings.
How to Take Aperture-Preferred Automatic Exposure Pictures
Set the mode selector dial to the "AUTO" position.
Select the light metering mode.
ESP Metering
"OTF" Light Metering
Set the aperture.
Basic aperture setting
Press the shutter release lightly to activate the viewfinder display.
Focus on your subject
Press the shutter release to take the photograph.
If you see an overexposure warning signal (the number "1000" blinks),
set the aperture to a larger
If the shutter speed is too slow, set the aperture to smaller number to
prevent camera shake.
Manual Exposure
Set the mode selector dial to the "MANUAL" position
Set the aperture
Select the shutter speed.
Focus, then press the shutter release.
To Obtain the Proper Exposure:
Set the shutter speed ring to the setting indicated in the viewfinder.
ESP Metering
"OTF" Light Metering
Manual Film Speed Setting
Release the DX ISO AUTO SET mode.
Lift up the outer collar and rotate until the desired ISO speed appears
in the
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