Olimex STM32-E407 User guide

STM32-E407 development board
Revision E, December 2013
Designed by OLIMEX Ltd, 2012
All boards produced by Olimex LTD are ROHS compliant
OLIMEX© 2013 STM32-E407 user's manual


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This hardware design by Olimex LTD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The software is released under GPL.
It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.
The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product.
This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by OLIMEX to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.
Olimex currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive. Olimex assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein.
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OLIMEX© 2013 STM32-E407 user's manual
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction to the chapter ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Features ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 H407 or E407? .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Target market and purpose of the board ............................................................................... 5
1.4 Organization ............................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 2 SETTING UP THE STM32-E407 BOARD ....................................... 7
2. Introduction to the chapter ....................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Electrostatic warning ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Powering the board .................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Prebuilt software ...................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 3 STM32-E407 BOARD DESCRIPTION ............................................. 9
3. Introduction to the chapter ....................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Layout (top view) ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Layout (bottom view) ............................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 4 THE STM32F407ZGT6 MICROCONTROLLER ......................... 11
4. Introduction to the chapter ..................................................................................................... 11
4.1 The STM32F407ZGT6 features ............................................................................................ 11
5. Introduction to the chapter ..................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Reset ........................................................................................................................................ 13
5.2 Clocks ...................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Power supply circuit .............................................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 6 CONNECTORS AND PINOUT ....................................................... 14
6. Introduction to the chapter ..................................................................................................... 14
6.1 JTAG/SWD debug ................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 SD/MMC slot .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 UEXT module ......................................................................................................................... 15
6.4 USB_OTG1 ............................................................................................................................. 15
6.5 USB_OTG2 ............................................................................................................................. 16
6.6 LAN connector ....................................................................................................................... 17
6.7 Arduino/Maple platform ....................................................................................................... 17
6.8 20-pin connectors – PD – PE – PF - PG ............................................................................... 18
6.9 PWR Jack ............................................................................................................................... 19
6.10 Battery connector ................................................................................................................. 19
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6.11 BOOT connector .................................................................................................................. 20
6.12 Jumper description .............................................................................................................. 20
6.12.1 PWR_SEL ................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.12.2 B1_1/B1_0 and B0_1/B0_0 ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.12.3 R-T ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.12.4 3.3V_E ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.12.5 AGND_E ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.12.6 AREF_EN .................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.12.7 GPIO port jumpers .................................................................................................................................... 21
6.13 Additional hardware components ...................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 7 BLOCK DIAGRAM AND MEMORY ............................................. 23
7. Introduction to the chapter ..................................................................................................... 23
7.1 Processor family block diagram ........................................................................................... 23
7.2 Physical memory map ........................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 8 SCHEMATICS ................................................................................... 25
8. Introduction to the chapter ..................................................................................................... 25
8.1 Eagle schematic ...................................................................................................................... 25
8.2 Physical dimensions ............................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER 9 REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT .......................................... 28
9. Introduction to the chapter ..................................................................................................... 28
9.1 Document revision ................................................................................................................. 28
9.2 Board's revision ...................................................................................................................... 28
9.3 Useful web links and purchase codes ................................................................. 29
9.4 Product support ..................................................................................................................... 30
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1. Introduction to the chapter

Thank you for choosing the STM32-E407 single board computer from Olimex! This document provides a user’s guide for the Olimex STM32-E407 board. As an overview, this chapter gives the scope of this document and lists the board’s features. The differences between the members of the STM32-E407 and STM32-H407 boards are mentioned. The document’s organization is then detailed. The STM32-E407 development board enables code development of applications running on the microcontroller STM32F407ZGT6, manufactured by STMicrocontrollers.

1.1 Features

STM32F407ZGT6 Cortex-M4 210DMIPS, 1MB Flash, 196KB RAM, 3×12-bit 2.4 MSPS
A/D, 2×12-bit D/A converters, USB OTG HS and USB OTG HS, Ethernet, 14 timers, 3 SPI, 3 I2C, Ethernet, 2 CANs, 3 12 bit ADCs, 2 12 bit DACs, 114 GPIOs, Camera interface
JTAG connector with ARM 2x10 pin layout for programming/debugging UEXT connector 2 x USB-OTG SD-card Input DCDC power supply which allows operation from 6-16VDC source Power and User LEDs Reset and User buttons Arduino shield platform with provided headers 4 full 20-pin Ports with the external memory bus for add-on modules PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), soldermask, silkscreen component print Dimensions: 10x76 mm (4''x3.40")

1.2 H407 or E407?

The major difference between STM32-H407 and STM32-E407 is that the latter has built-in Ethernet (physical level transceiver Micrel - Micrel datasheet). STM32-E407 also features an extra USB-OTG and a number of SMD jumpers on the bottom which makes the control of the multiplexing pins easier. STM32-E407 has 2x USB-OTG both with a miniUSB interface. STM32­H407 has 1x USB-OTG and 1x USB-HOST with the On-The-Go interfaced by miniUSB and the HOST by USB type A connector.
If you need built-in Ethernet check the STM32-E407.

1.3 Target market and purpose of the board

STM32-E407 is a development board featuring a powerful ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller with the most important peripherals, interfaces and connectors mounted and ready to use. The board can be powered by a number of different sources, can be programmed via two different interfaces, has a
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TON of GPIO pins available on a number of headers. The board's Arduino platform headers give another option for enthusiasts who wish to implement support for Arduino/Maple/Pinguino shields giving the board additional features altogether with the option to add Olimex extension modules on the OLIMEX UEXT.
All of the above options make the board quite versatile and suitable for numerous tasks and situations. The power of ARM and the creativity of OLIMEX come at the best price and the well­known quality.
Every ARM enthusiast would see STM32-E407 as an interesting bargain and quite capable board for its low price.

1.4 Organization

Each section in this document covers a separate topic, organized as follow:
Chapter 1 is an overview of the board usage and features Chapter 2 provides a guide for quickly setting up the board Chapter 3 contains the general board diagram and layout Chapter 4 describes the component that is the heart of the board: the STM32F207ZET6
Chapter 5 is an explanation of the control circuitry associated with the microcontroller to
reset. Also shows the clocks on the board
Chapter 6 covers the connector pinout, peripherals and jumper description Chapter 7 shows the memory map Chapter 8 provides the schematics Chapter 9 contains the revision history, useful links and support information
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2. Introduction to the chapter

This section helps you set up the STM32-E407 development board for the first time. Please consider first the electrostatic warning to avoid damaging the board, then discover the hardware and software required to operate the board.
The procedure to power up the board is given, and a description of the default board behavior is detailed.

2.1 Electrostatic warning

STM32-E407 is shipped in a protective anti-static package. The board must not be exposed to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when handling the board. Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.

2.2 Requirements

In order to set up the STM32-E407 optimally, the following items are required:
- JTAG or SWD interface programmer/debugger – can power the board and gives the ability to program/debug the board – to choose the correct programmer be sure that you are aware what software tools you are going to use when programming STM32-E407, and that the programmer supports STM32F407 processor.
Additional components can be acquired in order to increase the functionality of the board:
- External power supply
- USB type “A” to USB type “mini” cable is required for bootlader
- SD-card or extension UEXT modules are recommended but not required
- 3.7V Battery
- MOD-XXXX boards for additional features on the UEXT (RTC, TC, GSM, MP3, RS-485 among others) – note that you will have to implement the software setup between the boards
- Arduino/Maple/Pinguino shields – every shield is hardware compatible with H407 but will not work out-of-the-box, software implementation should be considered
Some of the suggested items can be purchased by Olimex, for instance:
ARM-USB-TINY-H – high-speed OpenOCD ARM JTAG debugger ARM-USB-OCD-H – high-speed OpenOCD ARM JTAG debugger with buffer protection USB-MINI-CABLE USB mini to USB-A cable - USB mini to USB-A cable
BATTERY-LIPO1400MAH – lithium-polymer battery 1400mAh USB-SERIAL-CABLE-F – easy way to connect the board to a computer terminal program using the BOOT pins SY0612E - power supply adapter 12V/0.5A for iMX233-STM32-E407
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2.3 Powering the board

The board is powered in one of the following ways: 1) by PWR jack, 2)by JTAG/SWD programmer (3)by USB-OTG.
The PWR jack should be supplied from a 6V to 16V source with maximum current of 1A from the power jack. Without additional components and peripherals (no microSD card mounted, nothing connected to the USB, etc.) the typical consumption is 30mA @ 12V. For the European customers we sell an affordable power supply adapter 12V/0.5A - SY0612E.
It is worth mentioning that the board can NOT be powered by the battery connector. The battery connected keeps some of the processor's functions remain intact during power down but it provides insufficient power for the board to operate properly. For example the RTC doesn't loose the values when there is a battery connected.

2.4 Prebuilt software

Upon powering initially the board's red PWR LED and the green PWR LED should turn on.
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3. Introduction to the chapter

Here you get acquainted with the main parts of the board. Note the names used on the board differ from the names used to describe them. For the actual names check the STM32-E407 board itself.
The board comes with a bag with 4 headers for the Arduino/Maple/Pinguino platform which were left unsoldered in case you don't wish to use those environments or you don't plan on using shields.
There is also a bag of 4 rubber pads which can be placed in the 4 corner holes of the board. That way the board will be safe from short-circuiting on the bottom if placed on low-resistance surface. The placement stability of the board will also increase.

3.1 Layout (top view)

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