Power-on-Reset (POR), Brown-out Detector (BOD) and Watchdog for
safe operation
Quartz or ceramic resonator oscillators: 3 to 20 MHz main power with
Failure Detection and optional low power 32.768 kHz for RTC or
device clock
High precision 8/12 MHz factory trimmed internal RC oscillator with 4
MHz default frequency for device startup. In-application trimming
access for frequency adjustment
Slow Clock Internal RC oscillator as permanent low-power mode
device clock
Two PLLs up to 130 MHz for device clock and for USB
Temperature Sensor
Up to 22 peripheral DMA (PDC) channels
Low Power Modes
Sleep and Backup modes, down to 3 μA in Backup mode
Ultra low power RTC
USB 2.0 Device: 12 Mbps, 2668 byte FIFO, up to 8 bidirectional
Endpoints. On-Chip Transceiver
2 USARTs with ISO7816, IrDA®, RS-485, SPI, Manchester and Modem
Two 2-wire UARTs
2 Two Wire Interface (I2C compatible), 1 SPI, 1 Serial Synchronous
Controller (I2S), 1 High Speed Multimedia Card Interface (SDIO/SD
3 Three-Channel 16-bit Timer/Counter with capture, waveform,
compare and PWM mode. Quadrature Decoder Logic and 2-bit Gray
Up/Down Counter for Stepper Motor
4-channel 16-bit PWM with Complementary Output, Fault Input, 12-
bit Dead Time Generator Counter for Motor Control
32-bit Real-time Timer and RTC with calendar and alarm features
10-channel ADC with differential input mode and programmable gain
Two 12-bit DAC outputs
One Analog Comparator with flexible input selection, Selectable input
32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU)
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