Olimex OLIMEXINO-5510 User guide

Development board
Revision C, December 2012
Designed by OLIMEX Ltd, 2012
All boards produced by Olimex LTD are ROHS compliant
OLIMEX© 2012 OLIMEXINO-5510 User's Manual


It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.
You may also modify the files, but you must then release them as well under the same terms. Credit can be attributed through a link to the creator website: http://www.olimex.com.
The software is released under GPL.
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OLIMEX© 2012 OLIMEXINO-5510 User's Manual
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW ........................................................................................ 5
1. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Features .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Target market and purpose of the board ........................................................................... 5
1.3 Organization .......................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2: SETTING UP THE OLIMEXINO-5510 BOARD ........................... 7
2. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Electrostatic warning ............................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Hardware requirements ....................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Powering the board and operating modes .......................................................................... 9
2.6 Prebuilt software and bootloader ........................................................................................ 9
2.7 EasyMSP and Energia .......................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 3: OLIMEXINO-5510 BOARD DESCRIPTION ............................... 11
3. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Layout (top view) ................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Layout (bottom view) .......................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 4: THE MSP430F5510 MICROCONTROLLER .............................. 13
4. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 13
4.1 The microcontroller ............................................................................................................ 13
CHAPTER 5: CONTROL CIRCUITY ................................................................... 15
5. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Reset ..................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Clocks ................................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Power supply circuit ........................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 6: CONNECTORS AND PINOUT ...................................................... 16
6. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 16
6.1 SBW (Spy-Bi-Wire) debug connector ............................................................................... 16
6.2 UEXT connector .................................................................................................................. 17
6.3 Arduino shield platform connectors .................................................................................. 18
6.5 Battery connector ................................................................................................................ 19
6.6 Jumper description ............................................................................................................. 19
6.6.1 P_OUT/P_IN ................................................................................................................. 19
6.6.2 3.3V_E ........................................................................................................................... 20
6.6.3 AGND_E ........................................................................................................................ 20
6.6.4 CHG_D .......................................................................................................................... 20
6.6.5 AREF_E ........................................................................................................................ 20
6.6.6 TI_TST/OLI_TST and TI_RST/OLI_RST ................................................................ 20
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6.6.7 HW_SCL/SW_SCL and HW_SDA/SW_SDA ........................................................... 21
6.7 Additional hardware components ..................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 7: BLOCK DIAGRAM AND MEMORY ........................................... 22
7. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 22
7.2 Processor block diagram .................................................................................................... 22
7.3 Physical memory map ......................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 8: SCHEMATICS .................................................................................. 24
8. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 24
8.1 Eagle schematic ................................................................................................................... 24
8.2 Physical dimensions ............................................................................................................ 26
CHAPTER 9: REVISION HISTORY AND SUPPORT ........................................ 27
9. Introduction to the chapter .................................................................................................. 27
9.1 Document revision .............................................................................................................. 27
9.2 Board revision ..................................................................................................................... 27
9.3 Useful web links and purchase codes ................................................................................ 28
9.3 Product support .................................................................................................................. 29
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1. Introduction to the chapter

Thank you for choosing the OLIMEXINO-5510 development board from Olimex! This document provides a user’s guide for the Olimex OLIMEXINO-5510 board. As an overview, this chapter gives the scope of this document and lists the board’s features. The document’s organization is then detailed.
The OLIMEXINO-5510 development board enables code development of applications running on the microcontroller MSP430F5510, manufactured by Texas Instruments.

1.1 Features

MCU: MSP430F5510 with 32K Bytes Program Flash, 4K Bytes RAM, 25Mhz
Power supply circuit
Power-on led
Li-Po battery connector
Li-Po battery recharge circuit
RTC (Real-time clock) quartz crystal
UEXT connector
User LED
SBW interface
User button, boot button and RESET button
Reset button
FR-4, 1.5 mm, soldermask, component print
Dimensions: 53.3mm x 55.9mm (2.1'' x 2.2")

1.2 Target market and purpose of the board

OLIMEXINO-5510 is intended to work with Energia - an Arduino-like IDE for MSP430. The community is working on adding full support for Energia. At the time of writing this manual such support isn't fully added but it is on the way. When such support is implemented there will be software examples below in Energia format.
OLIMEXINO-5510 was specially designed for the EasyMSP project which is created by Matthew
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Burmeister (a.k.a. MattTheGeek from 43oh.com). Matt did amazing work by creating Arduino-like language and commands to compile with MSP430 hardware just adding these in header files, so they compile with MSPGCC. However, personal problems restrained Matthew to finish the project he started. That is why Energia is the now default and recommended development environment.
The target market are the MSP430 fans and electronics beginners. People with better understanding of software than hardware. Arduino platform fans.

1.3 Organization

Each section in this document covers a separate topic, organized as follow:
Chapter 1 is an overview of the board usage and features
Chapter 2 provides a guide for quickly setting up the board and software notes
Chapter 3 contains the general board diagram and layout
Chapter 4 describes the component that is the heart of the board: the OLIMEXINO-5510
Chapter 5 is an explanation of the control circuitry associated with the microcontroller to
reset. Also shows the clocks on the board
Chapter 6 covers the connector pinout, peripherals and jumper description
Chapter 7 shows the memory map
Chapter 8 provides the schematics
Chapter 9 contains the revision history, useful links and support information
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2. Introduction to the chapter

This section helps you set up the OLIMEXINO-5510 development board for the first time. Please consider first the electrostatic warning to avoid damaging the board, then discover the hardware and software required to operate the board.
The procedure to power up the board is given, and a description of the default board behavior is detailed.

2.1 Electrostatic warning

OLIMEXINO-5510 is shipped in a protective anti-static package. The board must not be exposed to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when handling the board. Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.

2.3 Hardware requirements

In order to set up the OLIMEXINO-5510 optimally, the following items are required:
1) mini USB cable for using Energia IDE or EasyMSP
We have tested the USB cables we sell and they have good
2) JTAG/SBW (Spy-Bi-Wire) MSP430 compatible programmer - for custom programming
We offer three low-cost products capable of programming the board (of course any JTAG/SBW­compatible programmer you might already own would do the job):
MSP430-JTAG-ISO-MK2 – our best MSP430 programmer, featuring LCD display, SD card and stand-alone mode of programming: https://www.olimex.com/Products/MSP430/JTAG/MSP430-
MSP430-JTAG-TINY-V2 – standalone programmer:
Notice our MSP programmers work with a free flash software we distribute and are compatible with
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all IDEs based on the original Texas Instruments MSP430.dll.
Additional components and extension boards (not required for basic operation!):
- 3.7V lithium-polymer battery
You gain mobility and back-up. The battery can be recharged when plugged to OLIMEXINO-5510 because of the built-in charger circuit (which also has the option to be disconnected via jumper). Our offer is: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Power/BATTERY-LIPO1400mAh/.
- Shields
Some of the shields we sell for our Arduino boards can be found here:
- UEXT expansion boards
All OLIMEX boards which names start with MOD, are compatible with the UEXT interface. Notice that there is multiplexing between the Arduino platform connector (for the shields) and the UEXT. You can't use two devices with SPI communication at the same time.
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2.5 Powering the board and operating modes

The board is powered either via the mini USB or via the 3.7V_LI_BAT connector or via the SBW interface.
The board can be programmed in three ways:
1) as a general purpose board via the SBW.
2) by the BSL (BootStrap Loader) bootloder by MSP430
When powered the red power LED should turn on. By default the green LED near the battery connector should start blinking if used in debugger/general mode.
To enter BSL mode hold USB_BSL and power the board. Or while the board is powered hold USB_BSL down then press RESET and then release USB_BSL. If the board is started in BSL mode the green LED should remain off.

2.6 Prebuilt software and bootloader

The prebuilt software is a bootloader and a simple LEDs and buttons test. When you power the board initially all LEDs will be on. If you press and hold the B1 button LED2 should start blinking. If you press and hold WAKE_UP button LED1 should start blinking. Upon releasing the buttons the LEDs should return to their initial “always on” state.

2.7 EasyMSP and Energia

OLIMEXINO-5510 is intended to work with Energia - an Arduino-like IDE for MSP430. The community is working on adding full support for Energia. At the time of writing this manual such support isn't fully added but it is on the way. When such support is implemented there will be software examples below in Energia format.
The Energia web site and repository may be found at the following web addresses:
http://energia.github.com/Energia/ and https://github.com/energia/Energia/
OLIMEXINO-5510 was specially designed for the EasyMSP project which is created by Matthew Burmeister (a.k.a. MattTheGeek from 43oh.com). Matt did amazing work by creating Arduino-like language and commands to compile with MSP430 hardware just adding these in header files, so they compile with MSPGCC. However, personal problems restrained Matthew to finish the project
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