Olec ALVA BC640 User Manual

User Manual English
UDC-02004 A
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The Netherlands
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Internet: www.optelec.com
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4
1.1. About this manual........................................................................................ 4
1.2. ALVA BC640 package contents................................................................... 4
2. Getting to know your ALVA BC640 ..................................................................... 6
2.1. ALVA BC640 Base Unit: Surface and front panel layout ............................. 6
2.1.1. Surface and front panel layout.................................................................. 6
2.1.2. Back panel layout ..................................................................................... 7
2.1.3. Right side layout ....................................................................................... 7
2.1.4. Left side layout.......................................................................................... 7
2.1.5. Front panel keys, Smartpad, eTouch navigation buttons and cursor
routing keys .............................................................................................. 7
2.2. The ALVA BC640 Braille Audio Feature Pack............................................. 8
2.2.1. Braille Audio Feature Pack: Surface layout .............................................. 9
2.2.2. Right Side layout....................................................................................... 9
2.2.3. Left Side lay-out........................................................................................ 9
3. Installation ......................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Setting up the USB connection.................................................................. 10
3.2. Installing ALVA BC640 screenreader drivers............................................. 10
3.3. Bluetooth® connection............................................................................... 11
3.3.1. Preparing for Bluetooth® connection................................................... 11
3.3.2. Setting up the Bluetooth® USB dongle................................................ 11
4. The ALVA BC640 Local menu........................................................................... 15
4.1. Activating the Local Menu.......................................................................... 15
4.2. Changing settings in the Local Menu......................................................... 15
4.3. The Feature Pack Menus .......................................................................... 23
4.3.1. The Braille Audio Feature Pack Bluetooth® Menu.................................. 23
4.3.2. The Braille Audio Feature Pack Audio Menu .......................................... 24
5. Power Sources .................................................................................................. 25
5.1. USB power ................................................................................................ 25
5.2. Internal battery........................................................................................... 25
5.3. External power adapter.............................................................................. 25
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6. The ALVA BC6 Bluetooth® settings application................................................ 26
6.1. Configuring Audio ...................................................................................... 26
6.2. Using the Braille keyboard......................................................................... 26
7. Using the Braille keyboard................................................................................. 28
7.1 Chord commands......................................................................................... 28
7.2 Prefix chord commands ............................................................................... 28
7.3 Contracted Braille on/off............................................................................... 29
8. Notes................................................................................................................. 30
8.1 Starting Notes............................................................................................ 30
8.2 Using Notes ............................................................................................... 30
8.2.1 Adding text.............................................................................................. 30
8.2.2 Editing text.............................................................................................. 30
8.2.3 Navigating in Notes................................................................................. 31
8.2.4 Defining a block ...................................................................................... 31
8.2.5 Reading in Notes..................................................................................... 31
8.3 The Notes Menu ........................................................................................ 32
8.3.1 Notes main menu.................................................................................... 32 File menu............................................................................................... 32 Edit menu .............................................................................................. 33 Help ....................................................................................................... 33
9. Updating the Firmware ...................................................................................... 35
10. Mounting the Braille Audio Feature Pack......................................................... 36
Regulatory notice...................................................................................................... 37
Optelec offices worldwide......................................................................................... 41
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1. Introduction
Congratulations on choosing the ALVA BC640. The ALVA Braille Controller 6-series is the first series of wireless Braille Controllers that merges classic Braille display access with modern note taking functionality. The high quality and reliability of the ALVA BC640 gives you optimal flexibility and productivity in an ultra compact design.
The ALVA BC640 features future proof hardware standards as wireless Bluetooth® connection and USB ports. The ergonomic design with its high quality Braille cells and optimal navigation possibilities allow you to be in full control of your computer, PDA or (smart) phone. Used in combination with screen reading software the ALVA Braille Controller can be installed for particular operating systems to provide a tactile and audible user interface.
The ALVA BC640 offers an enhanced ergonomic design that extends the navigation and operation possibilities of the screen reading software. The ergonomics are designed for optimal efficiency when working with a computer, PDA or Smartphone. Note that the functionality of the ALVA BC640 depends somewhat on the Braille display options of your screenreader and your mainstream computing hardware.
The ALVA Braille Controller was designed to adhere to the Open Standard philosophy using mainstream technology. This enables compatibility with most screen reading software and operating systems. Contact your distributor or Optelec for updated information about screenreaders that fully support the ALVA BC640.
If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the use of this Braille display, please contact your distributor or Optelec’s head office using the contact information at the last page of this manual. Your feedback is highly appreciated. We hope you enjoy working with your ALVA BC640.
1.1. About this manual
This manual will familiarize you with the features and basic operation of the ALVA BC640 and Braille Audio Feature Pack. Please read this manual carefully before using your device.
1.2. ALVA BC640 package contents
The ALVA BC640 package contains the following:
A pouch The ALVA BC640 base unit Power adapter 110/240V and power cable Long and short USB cables An USB Bluetooth® dongle, Class 1, Windows XP SP2 and Windows
Vista compatible
The ALVA BC driver software for Windows XP and Windows Vista and
documentation on CD-ROM
This manual in Print
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Quick Start Guide in Braille and Print
The ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack package contains the following:
A carrying bag The ALVA BC640 base unit including Braille Audio Feature Pack Power adapter 110/240V and power cable Long and short USB cables An USB Bluetooth® dongle, Class 2, Windows XP SP2 and Windows
Vista compatible
The ALVA BC driver software for Windows XP and Windows Vista and
documentation on CD-ROM
A headset This manual in Print Quick Start Guide in Braille and Print
The Braille Audio Feature Pack package contains the following:
A carrying bag The Braille Audio Feature Pack The ALVA BC driver software for Windows XP and Windows Vista and
documentation on CD-ROM
A headset A hex key This manual in Print Quick Start Guide in Braille and Print
If any of these items are missing from your package, please contact your distributor.
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2. Getting to know your ALVA BC640
The ALVA BC640 consists of an ALVA BC640 base unit containing a 40 cell Braille line and an optional Braille Audio Feature Pack. This chapter will give a detailed overview of the lay-out of the ALVA BC640 base unit and Braille Audio Feature Pack.
2.1. ALVA BC640 Base Unit: Surface and front panel layout
The unit is placed correctly in front of you when the 40 Braille cells are located at the back of the flat surface and the thumb keys are facing towards you.
The ALVA BC640 contains:
1. 40-cell Braille display
2. eTouch keys (left) for panning left and right and screenreading functions
3. eTouch keys (right) for panning left and right and screenreading functions
4. Smartpad with 5-way navigation key and 4 keys for easy access to mainstream devices
5. Thumb keys for panning, left, right, up and down and returning to the cursor position
6. 40 Cursor Routing Keys
7. Power supply and mini USB connectors
8. On/off switch
2 1 3
5 4 6
7 8
2.1.1. Surface and front panel layout
The ALVA BC640 is designed with a row of 40 Braille cells at the back of the flat surface. In front of the Braille cells one row of small buttons can be found, known as Cursor Routing Keys. Each Braille cell has a corresponding Cursor Routing Key that can be used for multiple functions. On the left and right side of the Braille line you will find two groups of two keys. These so-called eTouch keys can be used for Braille panning left and right as well as various other screen-reader functions.
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In the middle, just in front of the Cursor Routing Keys, you will find a group of 9 keys. This group is called Smartpad and consists of 4 function keys and a 5-way navigation key. The Smartpad can be used for operating mainstream devices such as PC’s, (smart)phones and PDA’s.
2.1.2. Back panel layout
At the back of the Braille Controller, a connector can be found for the Braille Audio Feature Pack.
2.1.3. Right side layout
The power switch is located at the right side of the Braille Controller. The Braille Controller is switched on when the rectangular push button is pressed. Switching the Braille Controller on will generate an audio signal.
2.1.4. Left side layout
The left side of the Braille Controller contains three connectors. From front to back: power connector, mini USB connector and a feature connector. The feature connector has no function with the release of this manual.
2.1.5. Front panel keys, Smartpad, eTouch navigation buttons and cursor routing keys
The names of the ALVA BC640 keys listed in this section will be used in all documentation, including your screenreader documentation. This section describes the name of the key(s) and its main function, which is supported by the screenreader. The exact functionality is defined by the screenreader. Please refer to your screenreader documentation for detailed functionality of the ALVA BC640.
The integrated Smartpad allows for simultaneous access to mainstream devices such as PC’s, PDA’s and (smart)phones and navigation through menu’s and dialog boxes. From left to right, the Smartpad keys are: Smartpad key 1 First rectangular key at the left marked with 3 horizontal lines Smartpad key 2 Second rectangular key at the left marked with 1 horizontal line LEFT Left key on the 5-way navigation key UP Top key on the 5-way navigation key DOWN Bottom key on the 5-way navigation key RIGHT Right key on the 5-way navigation key MIDDLE Middle key marked with a round dot of the 5-way navigation key Smartpad key 3 Second rectangular key from the right marked with 1 vertical line Smartpad key 4 Most right rectangular key marked with 3 vertical lines
eTouch keys
The two keys on each side of the Braille line are called the eTouch keys. They are used for panning left and right as well as various other Braille functions.
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eTouch 1 Top left key marked with two vertical lines eTouch 2 Bottom left key marked with one horizontal line eTouch 3 Top right key marked with two vertical lines eTouch 4 Bottom right key marked with one horizontal line
Cursor Routing Keys The cursor routing keys correspond to the particular Braille cell immediately above each button. Typically, they are used for routing the cursor or caret to the corresponding Braille cell, generating a left or right mouse click at that point, or for obtaining additional information about the contents of the Braille cell.
Thumb Keys
At the front of the Braille Controller five front panel keys are placed, the so called thumb keys. Four bigger keys are symmetrically aligned along the front of the ALVA BC640. One smaller button is located in the middle of the front. Pressing one of the four bigger thumb keys will navigate left, right, up or down. By pressing the middle key you will return to the cursor position.
2.2. The ALVA BC640 Braille Audio Feature Pack
The Braille Audio Feature Pack is placed correctly in front of you when the Braille input keys are located at the back of the flat surface and the thumb keys of the ALVA BC640 Base Unit are facing towards you.
The ALVA BC640 Braille Audio Feature Pack contains:
1. Ctrl-key
2. Eight key Braille keyboard (From left to right Braille key 7, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8)
3. Windows key (to open the Windows Start Menu)
4. Enter key
5. Alt-key
6. Headphone connector
7. Microphone connector
8. Space bar
9. Volume control and mute button
10. Integrated high quality stereo speakers
1 3 4 5
6 7 9
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2.2.1. Braille Audio Feature Pack: Surface layout
The ALVA BC640 Braille Audio Feature Pack is designed with an eight key Braille keyboard that is located directly behind the 40 cell Braille line. The Braille keyboard consist of eight Braille keys, a space bar, a Ctrl-key, a Windows key, an Enter key and an Alt-key and two integrated high quality stereo speakers that are located left and right of the Braille keyboard. The space bar is the long key that is located in the centre of the Braille Audio Feature Pack. The eight rectangular keys located left and right of the space bar are the Braille input keys. The four square keys are the Ctrl-key, Windows key, Enter key and Alt-key. From left to right the keys are labelled Ctrl-key, Braille key 7, Braille key 3, Braille key 2, Braille key 1, Windows key, Enter key, Braille key 4, Braille key 5, Braille key 6, Braille key 8 and the Alt-key.
2.2.2. Right Side layout
The volume and mute button is located at the right side of the Braille Audio Feature Pack. Moving the button towards you allows you to turn the volume down, whereas moving the button away from you will raise the volume. Pressing the button allows you to mute the audio, which will be generated with a low beep. Pressing this button again will generate a higher beep and switch the mute function off. A message will be displayed on the Braille line to indicate if the mute function is on or off.
2.2.3. Left Side lay-out
The left side of the Braille Audio Feature Pack contains two connectors. From back to front you will find a 3.5 mm headphone connector and a 3.5 mm microphone connector.
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3. Installation
In this section, a general description of the installation procedure is described for the JAWS and Dolphin screenreaders for Windows XP and Windows Vista, the Braille Audio Feature Pack setup and Bluetooth® installation. Please refer to the screenreader documentation for instructions on how to setup and configure the Braille display for other screenreaders and operating systems.
In case you upgraded your ALVA BC640 base unit to an ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack, please make sure to upgrade the firmware to version 1.14.0 or higher and Bluetooth® version 1.6.0 and 1.4.0. To learn more about the firmware version, please refer to chapter 4. The firmware update procedure is described in chapter 8.
3.1. Setting up the USB connection
The ALVA BC640 is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista. Older Windows versions are not supported. The ALVA BC640 does not need any special USB drivers. Windows XP or Windows Vista will automatically detect the ALVA BC640 and install the necessary drivers.
1. Attach the USB cable to the ALVA BC640 and computer.
2. A 2GB removable drive will appear on the screen. This drive contains the ALVA BC640 screenreader drivers for JAWS and Dolphin.
3. Switch on the ALVA BC640. Windows will automatically install the necessary drivers. Generally this does not require any further user input. When the connection is established the ALVA BC640 will issue an audible signal and displays the message “USB connected”.
4. If you use an ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack, the audio will be rerouted to the Braille Audio Feature Pack and the Braille keyboard will be installed. Please refer to chapter 6 for configuration instructions of the USB audio and eight key Braille input.
3.2. Installing ALVA BC640 screenreader drivers
1. Insert the ALVA BC640 software CD-ROM that came with the package in
your computer’s disk drive.
2. The program will automatically run if the autostart feature of your CD-ROM
drive is enabled.
a. If the autostart feature has not been enabled, open your Windows
Start Menu, select ‘Run’ and type d:\setup.exe (assuming d: is the letter assigned to your disk drive) and press Enter.
b. Alternatively, locate the ALVA_BC640 folder on the ALVA BC640
removable drive and run the “ALVA BC6 Setup.exe”.
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3. Select “Install screenreader drivers”
4. The setup program will guide you through the installation.
5. The setup program will automatically search your system for installations of
JAWS and Dolphin screenreaders and will install all necessary drivers, manuals, firmware update software and the application to configure the ALVA BC640 Braille Audio Feature Pack Bluetooth® settings. Please note that the ALVA BC640 is only supported by Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Drivers for screenreaders other than Dolphin and JAWS are included in the products themselves and are not shipped on the ALVA BC640 CD-ROM. Please refer to your screenreader documentation for more information about the setup of the ALVA BC640. You have the choice between two setup types: a complete and a custom setup. We recommend using the “Complete” setup. The “Complete” setup will automatically install and update all the necessary components. If you would like to install the ALVA BC640 software manually you can choose the “Custom” setup option. This option is for advanced users only. The “Custom” setup will ask you what components you would like to install. For each component chosen you will need to provide the correct installation location.
The USB audio channel in Windows is configured to mix the microphone audio with the playback audio. This can result in a beeping sound when connection the Braille Audio Feature Pack to the PC via USB. To prevent Windows from mixing the microphone with the playback device mute the microphone in the playback mixer of the Windows volume control.
3.3. Bluetooth® connection
3.3.1. Preparing for Bluetooth® connection
With the ALVA BC640 a class 1 high range USB Bluetooth® dongle for Windows XP and Windows Vista is included. Depending on the Bluetooth® software included with other Bluetooth® modules, it will be possible that not all ALVA BC640 functionality will be supported. The Bluetooth® dongle and software, which is included with the ALVA BC640, is optimized for best performance and Bluetooth® range. We therefore highly recommend using the supplied dongle for best results and ease of installation.
3.3.2. Setting up the Bluetooth® USB dongle
Once the screenreader drivers have been installed, the next step is the installation of the supplied Bluetooth® USB dongle.
1. Upon Windows start-up, insert the ALVA BC640 software CD-ROM. The
installation program will automatically run if the autostart feature of your CD­ROM drive is enabled. Please make sure to use the ALVA BC640 CD and not the Belkin CD.
2. Select Bluetooth® Setup
3. The setup program will guide you through the installation.
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Please note that the installaton of the Bluetooth® software might take more than 20 minutes. Please do not interrupt the setup, even when the setup appears to be inresponsive. Interrupting the setup will result in an incorrect installation of the Bluetooth® software and improper functioning of especially the ALVA BC640 Audio and keyboard. In case the installation has been interrupted, please uninstall the Bluetooth® drivers before attempting to reinstall the Belkin Bluetooth® drivers again. The unistallation procedure may take more than 20 minutes. Please make sure to not interrupt the uninstallation procedure.
After installation of the Bluetooth® dongle and its software an icon named “My Bluetooth Places” will appear on the desktop of your Windows computer. To create the Bluetooth® connection with your ALVA BC640 base unit or ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack, the device will need to be paired with the PC. Once the ALVA BC640 has been paired succesfully, the required Bluetooth® services have to be activated.
The ALVA BC640 without Braille Audio Feature Pack has one Bluetooth® module and uses one Bluetooth® service. The ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack has two Bluetooth® modules and uses four Bluetooth® services.
Bluetooth® modules and services:
Bluetooth® Services Model Braille
Bluetooth ®
Serial Port ALVA BC640 witouth Braille Audio FP ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio FP
As indicated in the figure above, the ALVA BC640 Base Unit only uses the Bluetooth® serial service. However, the ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack uses two modules; one module for the serail connection or serial service, the HID (Human Interface Device) keyboard connection or keyboard service and the mono headset connection or mono headset service. The second Bluetooth® module is used for the stereo audio.
Pairing the ALVA BC640 Base Unit (without Braille Audio Feature Pack):
1. Activate the option “My Bluetooth Places”
Bluetooth® HID Keyboard
ALVA BC640 Bluetooth® module
Bluetooth® Mono Audio
ALVA BC640 Bluetooth® module
Bluetooth® Stereo Audio
ALVA BC640 FP Bluetooth module
2. A Wizard will automatically open in Windows Explorer.
3. Activate the “Find Bluetooth devices” option (we recommend you not to use the Bluetooth® setup wizard).
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4. Locate the ALVA BC640 in the list with found devices, by using the arrow keys or click it once with the mouse. If the ALVA BC640 is not found, press the F5 key to search again.
5. Press ALT + B for the Bluetooth® menu and select “Pair device”.
6. To pair the ALVA BC640 with your Bluetooth® dongle, you have to enter a PIN code. The default code is 0000. In case you changed this number in the Local Menu of the ALVA BC640, please enter your personal code and press Enter. The ALVA BC640 is now paired with your computer.
7. Select the ALVA BC640 from the list with found devices again and press Enter.
8. Select “Dev B on ALVA BC640” to connect the serial port. A dialog box with the serial port number will appear. Press Enter to close this dialog box. The ALVA BC640 will issue an audible signal and displays the message “BT connected” to indicate that the connection has been established and is functioning.
Pairing the ALVA BC640 with Braille Audio Feature Pack:
1. Activate the option “My Bluetooth Places”
2. A Wizard will automatically open in Windows Explorer.
3. Activate the “Find Bluetooth devices” option (we recommend you not to use the Bluetooth® setup wizard).
4. Locate the ALVA BC640 in the list with found devices, by using the arrow keys or click it once with the mouse. If the ALVA BC640 is not found, press the F5 key to search again.
5. Press ALT + B for the Bluetooth® menu and select “Pair device”.
6. To pair the ALVA BC640 with your Bluetooth® dongle, you have to enter a PIN code. The default code is 0000. In case you changed this number in the Local Menu of the ALVA BC640, please enter your personal code and press Enter. The ALVA BC640 is now paired with your computer.
7. Select the ALVA BC640 form the list with found devices again and press Enter.
8. Select “Dev B on ALVA BC640” and press Enter to connect the serial port. A dialog box with the serial port number will appear. Press Enter to close this dialog box. The ALVA BC640 will issue an audible signal and displays the message “BT connected” to indicate that the connection has been established and is functioning.
9. Select “Headset on ALVA BC640” and press Enter to connect the mono audio. A dialog box confirming that the audio connection is established will appear. Press Enter to close this dialog box.
10. Select “Human Interface Device on ALVA BC640” and press enter to connect the Braille keyboard.
11. Press Backspace to return to the “Find Bluetooth Devices” screen.
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