H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER User Manual
August 2019
Compatible with the following XY stages
Compatible with the following Okolab gas modules
Nikon: Ti-S-E and Ti-S-ER
O2-UNIT-BL [1-20]
CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10;1-18]
CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-20;1-95]
CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10;0-1]
H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER User Manual
August 2019
1. Components and dimensions................................................................................................... 3
2. Available Sample Holders ....................................................................................................... 3
3. Available Lids ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Sliding lid .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Koehler Lid ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Injection Lid ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Laser Interlock Lid ............................................................................................................... 7
4. Insertion of the Sample Feedback Temperature Sensor .................................................................. 8
5. Insertion of Sample Holder into Chamber ................................................................................... 8
6. Working with 35 or 60 mm Petri Dish – Spacing Rings and Magnetic Locks ........................................... 9
7. Working with 1x3’’ and 1x2’’ chamber slides - magnetic locks ........................................................11
8. Working with MW Plates - Magnetic locks and Chamber riser ..........................................................12
9. Connection of the Gas Supply ................................................................................................13
10. Working with Perfusion ........................................................................................................13
11. Connection of the Chamber with adapter ..................................................................................16
12. Connection of the Chamber with XY stage .................................................................................17
H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER User Manual
August 2019
1. Components and dimensions
H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER includes the following components:
Chamber main body. It connects to the adapter with screws.
Sliding glass lid for easy pipetting.
Chamber riser. It is a removable frame increasing the height of the chamber from 24 to 30 mm, often re-
quired when using multi-well (MW) plates.
Adapter. It connects to the Nikon XY Stage TI-S-ER with screws.
Distance between focal plane
and upper side of the glass
lid without the chamber riser
Distance between focal plane
and upper side of the glass
lid with the chamber riser
Chamber top view
Sliding Lid
Chamber Riser
Chamber Base
Sample Holder-Order Separately
Figure 1. H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER - Components and Dimensions.
2. Available Sample Holders
The following sample holders are available.
NOTE: Please contact info@oko-lab.com if you cannot find the sample holder you are looking for. We are constantly
adding new inserts to the list.
#1 Lab-Tek 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass
#1 Lab-Tek II 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass
#1 Nunc and Greiner T25 flask
#2 Lab-Tek 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass
#2 Lab-Tek II 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass
H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER User Manual
August 2019
#1 1x3in. chamber slide and #2 35mm Petri-dish
#1 Lab-Tek 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass and #2 35mm Petri-dish
#1 Lab-Tek II 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass and #2 35mm Petri-dish
#1 Lab-Tek 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass and #1 60mm Petri-dish
#1 Lab-Tek II 1in.x2in. chambered cover glass and #1 60mm Petri-dish
#1 1x3in. chamber slide and #1 60mm Petri-dish
#1 60mm Petri-dish and #1 35mm Petri-dish
Figure 2.Available sample holders.
3. Available Lids
The following glass Lids are available for H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER:
H201-SLIDING-LID: For easy sample loading and pipetting – Included in code H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER.
H201-KOEHLER-LID*: Reduces chamber height to 21 mm and allows imaging under Koehler illumination.
H201-INJECTION-LID*: Glass lid with two small openings (sealed with flexible plastic) allowing injection or
permanent access to the sample. Compatible only with sample holder 1x35.
H201-LASER-INTERLOCK-LID*: Glass lid with safety switch. Connects to laser controller and automatically
turns laser off when lid is lifted. Compatible only with sample holder 1x35.
* OPTIONAL – not included with H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER
H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER User Manual
August 2019
3.1 Sliding lid
The Sliding Lid is a glass lid allowing for easy sample loading and pipetting. The Sliding Lid is screwed onto the cham-
Figure 3 shows chamber dimensions with the Sliding Lid (with and without chamber riser). Figure 4 illustrates how to
remove Sliding Lid, when a different Lid is necessary.
NOTE: Sliding Lid MUST BE REMOVED when using any other Lid. The Sliding Lid is fixed onto the chamber with 4
screws. Screws location is indicated by letter A in Figure 4 (image 2 and 3). Keep Sliding Lid fully closed to access
screws labeled A in image 2. Open Sliding Lid to access screws labeled A in image 3.
Sliding Lid
Distance between focal plane
and upper side of the glass
lid without the chamber riser
Distance between focal plane
and upper side of the glass
lid with the chamber riser
Chamber top view
Figure 3. H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER (Sliding Lid comes as standard)
1 2 3
Sliding Lid
Screws M2x4
Figure 4. Assembly of the sliding lid
H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER User Manual
August 2019
3.2 Koehler Lid
The Koehler Lid is a glass lid reducing the chamber’s height to 21 mm and allowing imaging under Koehler illumination.
The Koehler Lid is placed onto the chamber (NO SCREWS or TOOLS are necessary).
Figure 5 shows chamber dimensions with Koehler lid (with and without chamber riser).
Distance between focal plane
and upper side of the glass
lid without the chamber riser
Distance between focal plane
and upper side of the glass
lid with the chamber riser
Chamber top view
Figure 5.H201-NIKON-TI-S-ER + H201-KOEHLER-LID
3.3 Injection Lid
The Injection Lid is a glass lid with two small openings sealed with flexible plastic allowing injection or permanent
access to the sample. NOTE: Compatible with sample holder 1x35 ONLY. The Injection Lid is placed onto the chamber
(NO SCREWS or TOOLS are necessary).
Figure 6 shows chamber dimensions with the Injection Lid (with and without chamber riser).