OKIN Refined Electric Technology Co., Ltd
Operating Manual of Remote Control system
1、 Interface of the remote control
2、Button description
A. HEAD UP button:Press and hold the button, the Head actuator will go up. Stop
when released.
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OKIN Refined Electric Technology Co., Ltd
B. HEAD DN button:Press and hold the button, the Head actuator will go down. Stop
when released.
C. FOOT UP button:Press and hold the button, the Foot actuator will go up. Stop
when released.
D. FOO T DN button:Press and hold the button, the Foot actuator will go down. Stop
when released.
E. HEAD & FOOT UP button:Press and hold the button, the Head and Foot actuator
will simultaneously go up. Stop when released.
F. HEAD & FOO T DN button:Press and hold the button, the Head and F oot actuator
will simultaneously go down. Stop when released.
G. ZERO GRAVITY button: Click the button, the Head and F oot actuator will start up
and keep running until arriving to the zero gravity position. Running can be stopped by
clicking any button.
H. ANTI SNORE button: Click the button, the Head and Foot actuator will start up and
keep running until arriving to the ANTI SNORE position. Running can be stopped by
clicking any button.
I. FLAT button: Click the button, the Head and Foot actuator will start up and keep
running until arriving to the FLA T position. Running can be stopped by clicking any button.
J. MEMORY A button: Click the button, the Head and Foot actuator will start up and
keep running until arriving to the Memory A position preset by user. Running can be
stopped by clicking any button.
K. MEMORY B button: Click the button, the Head and Foot actuator will start up and
keep running until arriving to the Memory B position preset by user. Running can be
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OKIN Refined Electric Technology Co., Ltd
stopped by clicking any button.
The blue LEDs for backlight are on as long as any button is pressed. IF all buttons are
released the LEDs will automatically turn off three seconds later.
The blue LED for power is always on as long as the power on.
The below positions can be changed or set by the end user.
The Zero gravity position;
The Memory A position;
The Memory B position;
The procedure to set these special positions is below:
Step 1: Click the button to flat the bed;
Step 2: Adjust the Head and Foot position to a desired position by pressing the
Step 3: Press and hold the button for 3sec, backlight LED start flashing;
Step 4: Release the button then click one of or or
button before LED stop flashing. Then the Flashing stops immediately to indicate
the corresponding operating has completed successfully.
ALL of the Zero gravity position and the Memory A position and the Memory B
position can be restored to default sets by pressing and holding the
button for approximate six seconds until the backlight LEDs finally stop flashing
from first flashing.
L. FLASHLIGHT button:Click the button, the Flashlight on the remote control will turn
on if it is being off or turn off if it is being on. If the Flashlight is turning on as the button
pressed, it will keep on as long as the button pressed. When the button is released, the
Flashlight will still keep on for several seconds then turn off with the backlight turning off
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