alarmInformation about a Commercial Vehicle or Freight Equipment breach, non-
alarm acknowledgeConfirmation that alarm was received, instructions and additional information
alarm notificationNotification of activation of an audible or silent alarm by a traveler in a public
alert notificationNotification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster,
alert notification coordinationCoordination of emergency alerts to be distributed to the public. This includes
alert statusInformation indicating the current status of the emergency alert including
alerts and advisoriesAssessments (general incident and vulnerability awareness information),
alerts and advisories_udAssessments (general incident and vulnerability awareness information),
amber alert confirmation_udThe confirmation that the amber alert message was received, and the current
amber alert_udAmber alert information. Can be placed on dynamic message signs controlled
archive coordinationCatalog data, meta data, published data, and other information exchanged
archive requestsA request to a data source for information on available data (i.e. "catalog") or a
archive statusNotification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or
border incident response statusStatus of the current incident response at a border crossing, including a
border information archive dataBorder inspection activities data. Content may include a catalog of available
broadcast traveler informationGeneral traveler information that contains traffic and road conditions, link travel
permitted security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside, route deviation,
or Commercial Vehicle Driver / Commercial Vehicle / Freight Equipment
assignment mismatches which includes the location of the Commercial
Vehicle and appropriate identities.
for the alarm initiator, and requests for additional information.
area or by a transit vehicle operator using an on-board device.
civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public. The flow
identifies the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area
affected by the emergency, the effective time period, and information and
instructions necessary for the public to respond to the alert. This flow may
also identify specific information that should not be released to the public.
notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil
emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public and status of the
public notification.
identification of the traveler and driver information systems that are being used
to provide the alert.
advisories (identification of threats or recommendations to increase
preparedness levels), and alerts (information on imminent or in-progress
emergencies). This flow also provides supporting descriptive detail on
incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities to increase preparedness and support
effective response to threats against the surface transportation system.
advisories (identification of threats or recommendations to increase
preparedness levels), and alerts (information on imminent or in-progress
emergencies). This flow also provides supporting descriptive detail on
incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities to increase preparedness and support
effective response to threats against the surface transportation system.
status of the amber alert.
by a traffic management element.
between archives to support data synchronization and satisfy user data
request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general
subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a
specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient.
suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error
has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem
are identified.
summary of incident status and its impact on the transportation system, traffic
management strategies implemented at the site (e.g., closures, diversions,
traffic signal control overrides), and current and planned response activities.
information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data
that describes the archived information.
times, incidents, advisories, transit service information, weather information,
parking information, and other related traveler information.
Architecture Flow Descriptions
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Architecture FlowDescription
care facility statusInformation regarding facility type and capabilities, facility status, and its ability
care facility status requestRequest for information regarding care facility availability and status.
citationReport of commercial vehicle citation. The citation includes references to the
credentials informationResponse containing full vehicle fuel tax and registration credentials
credentials status informationCredentials information such as registration, licensing, insurance, check flags,
current asset restrictionsRestrictions levied on transportation asset usage based on infrastructure
CVO driver initializationThis flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment
CVO pass/pull-in messageThis flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment
daily site activity dataRecord of daily activities at commercial vehicle check stations including
decision support informationInformation provided to support effective and safe incident response, including
demand response passenger and use dataData collected on board a demand response vehicle relating to the picking up
demand responsive transit planPlan regarding overall demand responsive transit schedules and deployment.
demand responsive transit requestRequest for paratransit support.
driver informationGeneral advisory and traffic control information provided to the driver while en
driver parking informationPresentation of general parking information to drivers including lot status,
electronic screening requestRequest for identification data to support electronic screening.
emergency archive dataLogged emergency information including information that characterizes
emergency dispatch requestsEmergency vehicle dispatch instructions including incident location and
emergency dispatch responseRequest for additional emergency dispatch information and provision of en
to admit new patients.
statute(s) that was (were) violated. It includes information on the violator and
the officer issuing the citation. A citation differs from a violation because it is
adjudicated by the courts. The information may be provided as a response to
a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly
information. "Response" may be provided in reaction to a real-time query or a
standing request for updated information. The query flow is not explicitly
and electronic screening enrollment data. A unique identifier is included.
Corresponds to the credentials portion of CVISN "snapshots." The status
information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or as a result
of a standing request for updated information (subscription). This may also
include information about non-U.S. fleets for use by U.S. authorities, and
information regarding U.S. fleets made available to Mexican and Canadian
authorities. The query flow is not explicitly shown.
design, surveys, tests, or analyses. This includes standard facility design
height, width, and weight restrictions, special restrictions such as spring weight
restrictions, and temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during
maintenance and construction.
containing the commercial vehicle driver and vehicle information. This flow
contains inquiries to the commercial vehicle managing system.
containing a message sent to commercial vehicle driver indicating whether to
bypass or requesting pull in to inspection/verification stop along with
inspection results (e. g., LED indicator on transponder or variable message
summaries of screening events and inspections.
local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and
the current status of resources that have been allocated to an incident.
and discharging of passengers.
parking availability, and directions to available spaces, entrances, and exits.
identified incidents (routine highway incidents through disasters),
corresponding incident response information, evacuation information,
surveillance data, threat data, and resource information. Content may include
a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and
associated meta data that describes the archived information.
available information concerning the incident.
route status.
Architecture Flow Descriptions
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Architecture FlowDescription
emergency plan coordinationInformation that supports coordination of emergency management plans,
emergency traffic control informationStatus of a special traffic control strategy or system activation implemented in
emergency traffic control requestSpecial request to preempt the current traffic control strategy in effect at one or
emergency transit schedule informationInformation on transit schedule and service changes that adapt the service to
emergency transit service requestRequest to modify transit service and fare schedules to address emergencies,
emergency transit service responseResponse indicating changes to transit service, fares, and/or restrictions that
emergency traveler informationPublic notification of an emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster,
emergency traveler information requestRequest for alerts, evacuation information, and other emergency information
emergency vehicle tracking dataThe current location and operating status of the emergency vehicle.
environmental conditions dataCurrent road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature,
environmental conditions data statusStatus of the data quality of environmental conditions data provided by a data
environmental probe dataData from vehicle safety and convenience systems that can be used to
environmental sensors controlData used to configure and control environmental sensors.
continuity of operations plans, emergency response and recovery plans,
evacuation plans, and other emergency plans between agencies. This
includes general plans that are coordinated prior to an incident and shorter
duration tactical plans that are prepared during an incident.
response to an emergency traffic control request, a request for emergency
access routes, a request for evacuation, a request to activate closure systems,
a request to employ driver information systems to support public safety
objectives, or other special requests. Identifies the selected traffic control
strategy and system control status.
more signalized intersections or highway segments, activate traffic control and
closure systems such as gates and barriers, activate safeguard systems, or
use driver information systems. For example, this flow can request all signals
to red-flash, request a progression of traffic control preemptions along an
emergency vehicle route, request a specific evacuation traffic control plan,
request activation of a road closure barrier system, or place a public safety or
emergency-related message on a dynamic message sign.
better meet needs of responders and the general public in an emergency
situation, including special service schedules supporting evacuation.
including requests for transit services to evacuate people from and/or deploy
response agency personnel to an emergency scene. The request may poll for
resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of
transit resources.
will be made and status of transit resources to be deployed to support
emergency response and/or evacuation.
civil emergency, or child abduction. This flow also includes evacuation
information including evacuation instructions, evacuation zones,
recommended evacuation times, tailored evacuation routes and destinations,
traffic and road conditions along the evacuation routes, traveler services and
shelter information, and reentry times and instructions.
provided to the traveling public.
moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air
temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by
fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors and aggregated by the data
collector. Attributes relating to the data collection (and aggregation) are also
contributor. Includes not only status by sensor, but statistical data regarding
the quality checking of data provided.
estimate environmental conditions, including measured air temperature,
exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status,
traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle
system status and sensor information. The collected data is reported along
with the location, heading, and time that the data was collected. Both current
data and snapshots of recent events (e.g., traction control or anti-lock brake
system activations) may be reported.
moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air
temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by
fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors. Operational status of the sensors
is also included.
Architecture Flow Descriptions
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Architecture FlowDescription
equipment availabilityAn inventory of the maintenance and construction equipment available at the
equipment maintenance statusCurrent status of field equipment maintenance actions.
evacuation coordinationCoordination of information regarding a pending or in-process evacuation.
evacuation informationEvacuation instructions and information including evacuation zones,
event plansPlans for major events possibly impacting traffic.
external reportsTraffic and incident information that is collected by the media through a variety
fare collection dataFare collection information including the summary of on-board fare system
field device statusReports from field equipment (sensors, signals, signs, controllers, etc.) which
field equipment statusIdentification of field equipment requiring repair and known information about
freeway control dataControl commands and operating parameters for ramp meters, mainline
freeway control statusCurrent operational status and operating parameters for ramp meters, mainline
hazmat informationInformation about a particular hazmat load including nature of the load and
hazmat information requestRequest for information about a particular hazmat load.
hazmat spill notification_ud
hri advisoriesNotification of Highway-Rail Intersection equipment failure, intersection
hri control dataData required for HRI information transmitted at railroad grade crossings and
hri operational statusStatus of the highway-rail grade crossing equipment including both the current
hri requestA request for highway-rail intersection status or a specific control request
hri statusStatus of the highway-rail intersection equipment including both the current
incident command information coordinationInformation that supports local management of an incident. It includes
incident informationNotification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and
incident information for mediaReport of current desensitized incident information prepared for public
incident reportReport of an identified incident including incident location, type, severity and
storage facility. This flow includes the type of equipment, enough descriptive
information to indicate its suitability for use, and its current status. This flow
may contain information for a specific type of equipment or include all
equipment available at the facility.
Includes evacuation zones, evacuation times, evacuation routes, forecast
network conditions, and reentry times.
evacuation times, and reentry times.
of mechanisms (e.g., radio station call-in programs, air surveillance).
data and financial payment transaction data.
indicate current operational status.
the associated faults.
metering/lane controls and other systems associated with freeway operations.
metering/lane controls and other control equipment associated with freeway
unloading instructions. May also include hazmat vehicle route and route
update information.
blockage, or other condition requiring attention, and maintenance activities at
or near highway rail intersections.
within railroad operations.
state or mode of operation and the current equipment condition.
intended to modify HRI operation.
state or mode of operation and the current equipment condition.
resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and
weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables
emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective,
safe incident response.
nature of incident. As additional information is gathered and the incident
evolves, updated incident information is provided. Incidents include any event
that impacts transportation system operation ranging from routine incidents
(e.g., disabled vehicle at the side of the road) through large-scale natural or
human-caused disasters that involve loss of life, injuries, extensive property
damage, and multi-jurisdictional response. This also includes special events,
closures, and other planned events that may impact the transportation system.
dissemination through the media.
other information necessary to initiate an appropriate incident response.
Architecture Flow Descriptions
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