Oki FAX 5950 User Manual

User’s Guide
P/N 59324501
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Oki Data assumes no responsibility for the results of errors or omissions beyond its control. Oki Data also cannot guarantee that changes in software and equipment made by other manufacturers and referred to in this document will not affect the applicability of the information in it. Mention of software products manufactured by other companies does not necessarily constitute endorsement by Oki Data.
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Copyright 2000 by Oki Data. All Rights Reserved First Edition: April, 2000 Written and produced by the Oki Data Training and Publications Department.
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Oki Data Americas, Inc. Training and Publications Department 2000 Bishops Gate Boulevard Mount Laurel, NJ 08054-4620 United States of America
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Please visit Oki Data’s multilingual web site at:
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OKI and Oki Data are registered trademarks and OKIFAX is a trademark of Oki Electric Industry Company, Ltd.
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Emergency First Aid Information
Refer to the Material Safety Data information in the Warranty Information document.
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Lineii
Help and Helpful Hints ........................................1
Where is the Help Key? ......................................................... 2
What Does Help Do? ............................................................. 2
Help List ................................................................................ 3
Function List ......................................................................... 3
Saving Money ....................................................................... 4
Saving Time .......................................................................... 6
Help Button ...................................................................... 6
Speed Dial Numbers ......................................................... 6
Dual Access....................................................................... 6
www .okidata.com ............................................................. 6
Helpful Hints ......................................................................... 7
Send a Fax and Save the Number ..................................... 7
Checking Information During Transmissions .................. 8
References......................................................................... 9
Recording Addresses and Passwords .............................. 10
Oki Data Web Site ............................................................... 11
Features................................................................................ 12
Getting to Know Your Machine ........................14
Components ........................................................................ 14
Control Panel Keys and Indicators ................................ 1 9
One-Touch Keypad ........................................................... 2 4
Accessing Second Panel of One-T ouch Keys................. 26
Signal Tones...................................................................... 2 6
User’s Guide: English iii
Installation ..........................................................27
Safety ................................................................................... 2 8
Installation Hints .............................................................. 2 8
Operation and Maintenance ............................................. 29
T oner Cartridge and Image Drum Handling ..................... 29
Emergency First Aid.......................................................... 30
Getting Started .................................................................... 3 0
Where to Install Your Fax Machine .................................. 30
Unpacking......................................................................... 31
Setting Up Your Fax Machine ............................................. 32
Installing the Toner Cartridge........................................... 3 4
Attaching the Document Stacker ...................................... 3 6
Connecting to the Telephone Line................................... 3 6
Connecting Optional External Devices............................ 37
Handset ........................................................................... 3 7
Telephone ....................................................................... 3 7
Answering Machine........................................................ 3 8
Answering Machine and Telephone............................... 3 8
Connecting Power............................................................. 3 8
Loading Paper ................................................................... 3 9
Selecting Functions and Settings.......................40
Navigating the Function Menu ........................................... 4 1
Primary Menu Functions .................................................. 41
Using the Help Key ........................................................ 42
Setting Features................................................................. 4 2
Using Step Access ............................................................. 43
Using Speed Access........................................................... 44
Speed Access Numbers ................................................... 44
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Lineiv
Setting Basic Features........................................48
Setting the Date and Time................................................... 48
Setting the Language .......................................................... 48
Setting Your Fax Machine’s ID............................................ 49
TSI/CSI ........................................................................... 49
Sender ID ........................................................................ 49
Setting the TSI/CSI and Sender ID ................................. 49
Setting the Answering Mode............................................... 50
Procedure .......................................................................... 50
List of Modes .................................................................... 50
Auto Receive Mode [F AX] ............................................. 50
Manual Receive Mode [TEL]......................................... 5 1
Telephone/Fax Mode [T/F] ............................................ 5 1
T elephone Answering Device Mode [TAD].................... 51
Memory Reception Mode [MEM] ................................. 52
Forwarding Mode [FWD] ............................................... 52
PC Fax Mode [PC] .......................................................... 52
Dial and Incoming Call Parameter Settings ........................ 53
Setting Dial and Incoming Call Parameters...................... 53
Dial Parameter Settings ..................................................... 54
Redial Tries .................................................................... 5 4
Redial Interval ................................................................ 54
Auto Start........................................................................ 54
Dial Tone Detect ............................................................. 54
Busy Tone Detect ........................................................... 55
T one/Pulse (MF/DP) ....................................................... 55
T one (MF) Duration........................................................ 55
PBX LINE ....................................................................... 55
FLASH/EARTH/NORMAL ............................................ 56
DIAL PREFIX ................................................................. 56
Incoming Call Parameters ................................................. 57
Incoming Ring ................................................................ 5 7
Remote Receive .............................................................. 5 7
Continuous Tone ............................................................ 5 8
PC/F AX Switch ............................................................... 58
User’s Guide: English v
Other Basic Parameters ........................................................ 59
Monitor Volume ................................................................ 59
Buzzer V olume .................................................................. 59
User Language .................................................................. 59
Paper-Size Setting ............................................................. 60
Connecting to a PBX........................................................... 6 0
Entering a PBX Dial Prefix ............................................... 61
Clearing the PBX Dial Prefix ............................................ 61
Programming Speed Dial Numbers .................62
T ypes of Speed Dial Numbers ............................................. 63
One-Touch Speed Dials..................................................... 64
2 or 3 Digit Speed Dials.................................................. 65
Group Faxing.................................................................. 65
Programming One-Touch and 2 or 3 Digit Speed Dial
Numbers............................................................................... 66
Collect Information ........................................................... 6 6
Program the Information ................................................... 68
Programming a Speed Dial ............................................ 71
Clearing a Speed Dial ..................................................... 73
Chain Dialing .................................................................... 7 4
Creating a Chain Dial Number ....................................... 7 4
Dialing the Chain Dial Number...................................... 74
Programming a Group ...................................................... 75
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Linevi
Basic Faxing .......................................................76
Document Guidelines .......................................................... 7 6
General .............................................................................. 7 6
Single Page Specifications ............................................. 7 7
Multiple Page Specifications ......................................... 7 7
Loading Documents ............................................................ 7 8
Resolution ...................................................................... 7 9
Contrast .......................................................................... 7 9
Sending a Fax ...................................................................... 80
Using a One Touch Speed Dial Key ............................... 80
Using 2 or 3-digit Speed Dial ......................................... 80
Using the Search Function ............................................. 81
Using the Numeric Keypad ............................................ 81
Using An External Telephone......................................... 81
Rejecting Unsolicited Fax Messages .................................. 82
Closed Network................................................................. 82
Setting a Closed Network ................................................. 82
Power Failures ..................................................................... 83
Power Outage Report ........................................................ 83
Display Messages ................................................................ 84
Basic Faxing Situations ...................................................... 85
Real-Time Dialing ............................................................ 85
Redialing .......................................................................... 8 5
Confirming Results ........................................................... 8 5
Stopping a Transmission .................................................. 8 6
Receiving Faxes Manually ............................................... 8 6
No Paper Reception .......................................................... 87
No Toner Reception .......................................................... 87
Receiving Faxes to Memory ............................................... 8 8
When Are Faxes Received to Memory?............................ 88
When Are Memory Messages Printed? ............................. 88
Memory Message Limitations .......................................... 8 9
Active Memory Files Report ............................................ 89
Printing the Active Memory Files Report ...................... 89
Printing Messages Stored in Memory............................... 90
Canceling Messages Stored in Memory ........................... 90
Erasing Messages Received in Memory Without Printing
Them ............................................................................... 90
Messages in Memory and Power Losses........................... 91
Power Outage Report...................................................... 91
Dual Access.......................................................................... 92
What You Can Do While Making Copies......................... 92
What You Can Do While Sending a Fax ........................... 93
What You Can Do While Receiving a Fax ....................... 94
Making Copies .................................................................... 9 5
To Make Copies ................................................................ 95
Manual Paper Feeder ........................................................ 96
Face Up Stacking/Face Down Stacking............................ 97
User’s Guide: English vii
Sending a Fax to Multiple Locations................98
Group vs. Broadcast ............................................................ 98
Group Faxing..................................................................... 10 0
What is a Group Fax? ...................................................... 100
Programming a Group ..................................................... 101
Deleting and Groups ....................................................... 1 02
Sending a Fax to a Group................................................ 103
Finding a Group Name.................................................... 103
Group Directory Report ................................................ 103
Using Speed Dial/Search .............................................. 104
Broadcasting ..................................................................... 105
What is a Broadcast Fax? ................................................ 105
Sending a Broadcast Fax ................................................ 105
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Lineviii
Advanced Operations ......................................106
Delayed Faxing ................................................................. 1 07
What is Delayed Faxing? ................................................ 10 7
Delayed Fax vs. Delayed Batch ...................................... 1 07
Sending a Delayed Fax................................................. 108
Canceling Delayed Transmissions ............................... 1 0 9
Delayed Batch Transmission .......................................... 11 0
Program the Delayed Batch Destination Number ........ 1 10
Setting the Batch TX Time Function ........................... 111
Send a Fax as Part of a Delayed Batch ......................... 112
Canceling Delayed Batch Transmissions..................... 11 3
Priority Transmission ........................................................ 114
Sending a Priority TX ..................................................... 114
Confidential Faxes ............................................................ 11 5
Programming Personal (Confidential) Mailboxes.......... 1 1 6
Creating a Personal (Confidential) Mailbox................ 1 1 7
Changing a Password ................................................... 118
Closing a Mailbox ........................................................ 11 9
Sending Confidential Faxes ........................................... 1 20
Receiving Confidential Faxes ........................................ 12 1
Knowing You’ve Received a Confidential Fax .............. 12 2
Confidential Reception Report .................................... 12 2
Printing Confidential Faxes............................................ 1 22
Deleting Confidential Faxes........................................... 1 23
Call Forwarding................................................................. 1 24
Set a Forwarding Number ............................................. 124
Set the Auto Answer Mode to FWD.............................. 125
Clear Forwarding Mode................................................ 125
Forward on Paper/Toner Error......................................... 126
Setting a Paper/Toner Error Forwarding Number ......... 126
User’s Guide: English ix
Relay Faxing ..................................................................... 12 7
Using Your Machine as a Relay Initiating Station ......... 128
Relay Password............................................................. 129
Relay Group Numbers .................................................. 129
Relay Key Station (Hub) .............................................. 129
Contact Number for Relay Broadcast Report............... 130
Relay Broadcast Report................................................ 13 1
Initiating a Relay Broadcast ........................................... 1 3 2
Using Your Machine as a Relay Key Station (Hub) ........ 133
Program the Destination Numbers .................................. 134
Create the Destination Group(s) ..................................... 134
Create the Relay Password.............................................. 134
Status of Relay Broadcast Report ................................... 1 35
Printing the Relay Fax at the Hub .................................. 13 6
Sending Documents Requested by Another Fax Machine
(Polling Transmission) ...................................................... 137
Explanation of Polling Transmission Types .................. 13 8
Feeder (Document Tray) Polling .................................... 140
Memory Polling .............................................................. 1 41
Setting Memory Polling ............................................... 1 41
Memory Polling (Bulletin) ............................................. 14 2
Create a Polling Mailbox ............................................. 14 3
Set Bulletin Polling ...................................................... 14 3
Printing Polling Documents in Memory ...................... 14 4
Dialing Another Fax Machine to Request Documents
(Polling Reception) ........................................................... 1 45
Printing Faxes Polled into Memory................................ 1 4 6
Cancelling Polled Faxes in Memory .............................. 14 6
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Linex
Customizing Features and Operations...........147
Identifying Current Settings ............................................. 14 8
Printing a Configuration Report..................................... 1 48
Changing Operation Functions ......................................... 1 49
List of Operation Functions ............................................ 1 5 0
Remote Diagnosis ......................................................... 1 50
Transmission (TX) Mode Default ................................. 150
Memory Full Save ........................................................ 151
Instant Dial ................................................................... 151
Restrict Access .............................................................. 152
ECM Function .............................................................. 1 52
Sender ID Switch .......................................................... 152
Pulse Dial Rate ............................................................. 153
Pulse Make Ratio ......................................................... 15 3
Pulse Dial Type............................................................. 153
T/F Timer Prg. ............................................................... 154
CNG Count ................................................................... 154
Ring Response .............................................................. 15 4
Distinctive Ring ........................................................... 1 55
Memory Password......................................................... 156
Restricted Access ID ..................................................... 157
Service Function Settings ................................................. 1 59
Long Document Scanning/Transmission ..................... 15 9
MYD/DMY ................................................................... 15 9
Time/Date Print ............................................................ 159
TSI Print ........................................................................ 159
User’s Guide: English xi
Understanding Reports ...................................................... 1 60
Printing Reports ................................................................ 16 0
Printing a Message Confirmation Report..................... 16 0
Printing Other Reports.................................................. 1 60
List of Reports ................................................................... 161
Printed from the Menu .................................................... 161
Automatically Generated ................................................ 16 1
Activity Report .................................................................. 1 62
Printing the Activity Report ........................................... 16 2
Active Memory Files Report ............................................. 163
Printing the Active Memory Files Report....................... 163
Broadcast Confirmation Report ........................................ 16 4
Printing the Broadcast Confirmation Report................. 1 6 4
Telephone Directory.......................................................... 1 64
Printing the Telephone Directory ................................... 16 4
Group Directory Report..................................................... 165
Printing the Group Directory .......................................... 165
Configuration Report ........................................................ 1 65
Printing the Configuration Report ................................. 16 5
Function List ..................................................................... 16 6
Printing the Function List............................................... 1 66
Message Confirmation Report .......................................... 16 7
Printing the Message Confirmation Report.................... 1 67
Message Confirmation Report Options .......................... 16 8
MCF (Single-Loc)......................................................... 168
MCF (Multi-Loc).......................................................... 168
Image in MCF ............................................................... 168
Err. Report (MCF) ......................................................... 168
Power Outage Report......................................................... 169
Broadcast Entry Report ..................................................... 1 6 9
Confidential Reception Report ......................................... 1 69
Codes Used in Reports ...................................................... 170
Result Codes ................................................................... 1 70
Communication Codes ................................................... 17 1
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Linexii
Maintenance .....................................................172
Cleaning the Scanner Path.............................................. 1 7 2
Replacing the Toner Cartridge.......................................... 1 7 3
T oner Yield ...................................................................... 173
Replacing the Image Drum................................................ 177
Image Drum Y ield............................................................ 177
Resetting the Drum Counter ........................................... 179
Dual Line ..........................................................180
What is Dual Line? ............................................................ 180
Benefits of Dual Line ........................................................ 180
Basic Operations ............................................................... 18 1
Unpacking....................................................................... 183
Connecting to the Second Telephone Line .................... 18 4
Displays, Reports, and Beeps ............................................ 184
Setting the Option Line Type for the Second Line ........... 185
Setting Memory Transmissions to Use the Second Line .. 1 85
Options and Accessories ..................................186
Obtaining........................................................................... 186
Part Numbers ................................................................... 187
Consumables ................................................................ 187
Options ......................................................................... 187
Descriptions....................................................................... 188
Second Paper Tray .......................................................... 188
Handset ........................................................................... 188
Multifunction Printer (MFP) PC Interface Kit ................ 188
600 dpi TX Kit ................................................................ 188
Memory Expansion ......................................................... 189
User’s Guide: English xiii
Problem Solving ...............................................190
Printing a Cleaning Page................................................... 19 0
Clearing a Document Jam ............................................... 191
Clearing a Printing Paper Jam ........................................... 192
Display Panel Messages .................................................... 19 6
Normal Display in Standby Mode .................................. 19 6
Error Messages ................................................................ 196
Counters ............................................................................ 200
Accessing the Print/Scan Counters .............................. 200
Resetting the Image Drum Counter .............................. 200
Problem Checklist ............................................................. 2 01
Shipping Your Machine .................................................... 2 0 8
United States and Canada ............................................... 2 0 8
Latin America .................................................................. 208
Specifications ....................................................209
Dialing............................................................................... 209
General .............................................................................. 210
Memory ............................................................................. 211
Scanning............................................................................ 212
Consumables ..................................................................... 212
Paper Handling .................................................................. 21 3
Physical ............................................................................. 2 1 3
Electrical ........................................................................... 21 4
Environmental ................................................................... 2 1 4
Index .................................................................215
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Linexiv
Help and Helpful
Your fax machine has many features and capabilities that will help you
· operate the machine
· save money
· save time
The Help button provides valuable information to help you operate the machine.
This section summarizes the features and capabilities directly connected to saving money and time.
Details for these features and capabilities are provided in other sections of this document.
You may want to use some of our Helpful Hints when working with your machine.
User’s Guide: English 1
Where is the Help Key?
What Does Help Do?
The Help key (1) is a control panel key.
When you press the Help key, a Help List and Function List print.
The Help List is a guide for using key features of the machine. It provides step-by-step instructions for using the control panel to access or program various machine settings and features.
The Function List is a printout of the menu structure. The menu is set up in a multilevel structure of functions, options,
and settings. For more information, refer to “Selecting Functions and Settings.”
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line2
Help List
Function List
The Help List covers the items listed below. 1 Program Speed Dial Numbers 2 Program Groups 3 Sending a Fax to Multiple Locations (Broadcast) 4 Sending a Fax to a Single Location 5 Copying 6 Delayed Faxing 7 Function Settings 8 Report Printing 9 Message Confirmation Report
The Function List is a report of the product’s menu programming structure.
Use it as a reference while moving through the levels of the menu.
It is NOT a report of the current menu settings. The Configuration Report provides a list of the current menu
settings. See “Reports, Configuration Report.”
User’s Guide: English 3
Saving Money
Most phone services offer lower phone rates during off-peak times and for local phone connections.
Your fax machine allows you to take advantage of lower phone rates. Some savings depend on the options you have purchased and the type of fax machines you communicate with.
You can specify the time your outgoing faxes will be sent.
Delayed T ransmission
This feature allows you to send documents at a specified time and date.
You do not have to manually start the transmission. For more information, refer to “Advanced Operations,
Delayed Fax Transmissions.”
Relay Faxing
This feature allows you to send documents to one distant fax machine, which then forwards the documents to other fax machines. This reduces the total number of long distance calls.
Here is a typical relay fax situation. The head office of a company will send a fax to the
regional head offices. The regional office will forward the fax to the local branch offices.
For more information, refer to “Advanced Operations, Relay Faxing.”
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line4
Control Access to Y our Machine
You can control access to your machine. The method you use determines the amount of access control.
· A password must be entered or the machine cannot be used
The machine can only be used by people who have the password. Up to 24 passwords can be programmed.
How could you use this? If different departments share the machine, each
department could have its own password. For more information, see “Customizing Features and
Operations, Changing Operation Functions, Restrict Access.”
Be sure to record all passwords. Keep the record in a
safe place. If you forget a password, you will need to contact a Service Dealer for assistance.
· The machine will only receive or send transmissions to specified locations.
The fax numbers you program as Speed Dials will be the only numbers your machine communicates with.
For more information, see “Basic Faxing, Rejecting Unsolicited Fax Messages.”
User’s Guide: English 5
Saving Time
Help Button
Press the Help Button to print a Help List and Function Lists. These are great references to use while working with your
machine. See “Help and Helpful Hints.”
Speed Dial Numbers
Speed Dial Numbers (One T ouch, 2-Digit, 3-Digit) can be programmed with frequently dialed numbers.
This greatly reduces the number of keystrokes and time required when using these numbers.
For more information, refer to “Programming Speed Dial Numbers.”
Dual Access
Your machine can multi-task. You can load and prepare a document for sending while the
machine is receiving or sending another fax. You do not have to wait for one operation to finish before
beginning another. For more information, refer to “Basic Faxing, Dual Access.”
Oki Data’s web site, www.okidata.com, provides the most current information available for your fax machine.
You can find information at your convenience, at any time.
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line6
Helpful Hints
Send a Fax and Save the Number
If you enter a number to send a fax, and want to save it as a Speed Dial number, you can
1 Enter the number. 2 Place the document on the feeder. 3 Press Speed Dial/Search.
The machine goes to the next available (not yet programmed) Speed Dial number.
LOC # displays.
4 Press Enter. 5 You are prompted to enter the information for this Speed
Dial (Name, Alternate T elephone Number , Communications Speed, and Echo Protection State.
6 You may enter all of the requested information or press
Menu/Exit to return to sending your fax.
7 Either wait or press Start.
Wait, and the transmission begins in a few seconds. Press Start and the transmission immediately begins.
Be sure to write the name for any Speed Dial numbers
you program on the One T ouch Sheet(s).
The One T ouch Sheet(s) provide space for Speed Dial numbers 1 through 80. For Speed Dials 81 and above, program the number(s) and print the T elephone Directory. For more information, see “Reports, T elephone Directory .”
User’s Guide: English 7
Quick Message Confirmation Report
To quickly print the Message Confirmation Report for the most recent transmission performed by the machine, press ENTER twice.
Checking Information During Transmissions
Your fax machine allows you to check the progress of a fax being sent by your machine.
Press the # key twice while a fax is being sent from your machine.
The display will show
· the page number currently being sent
· the current modem speed
· the current compression method
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line8
There are four very useful reference documents that you should print and keep near your fax.
These documents are very helpful when programming your machine.
1 Help and Function Lists
Press Help and these lists print. The Help List provides instructions for using the control
panel to access or program various machine settings and functions.
The Function List is a printout of the menu structure. It IS NOT a report of current menu settings.
See “Help and Helpful Hints.”
2 Configuration Report
The Configuration Report is a list of the current operational settings of your machine.
See “Reports, Configuration Report.”
3 Telephone Directory
This report provides a complete listing of all of the telephone numbers programmed into your machine’s Speed Dial numbers.
See “Reports, T elephone Directory.”
4 Group Directory
This report provides a complete listing of all of the numbers programmed into a specific group. Each group has an individual report.
See “Reports, Group Directory Report.”
User’s Guide: English 9
Recording Addresses and Passwords
Be sure to record any addresses and passwords you
program. Keep the record in a safe place. If you forget a password, you will need to contact a Service Dealer for assistance.
Some of the features that use addresses and passwords are:
· Confidential Faxes See “Advanced Operations, Confidential Faxes.”
· Relay Faxes See “Advanced Operations, Relay Faxing.”
· Restrict Access See “Customizing Features and Operations, Changing
Operation Functions, Restrict Access.”
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line10
Thank you for purchasing this fax machine. This desktop, plain-paper facsimile machine utilizes advanced light­emitting diode (LED) technology for quick and trouble-free transmission/reception of data and images. In addition to the many standard features, options can expand the machine’s capabilities.
For information on the options, see “Options and Accessories.”
Oki Data Web Site
The Oki Data Web Site provides the most current information available on your product.
An on-line version of this document is available for viewing via Oki Data’s Web Site.
You may reach the Oki Data Web Site at: www.okidata.com
User’s Guide: English 11
The machine includes the following features:
· Help Button. Pressing this button causes the unit to print a Help List and the Function List.
· Control panel. Special programming keys, a 40-key plate for pre-programmed telephone numbers, and a 10­key pad for standard dialing and programming.
· 80-character display (4 rows of 20 characters). Easy to read display for operation guidance, clock display, function information, etc.
· Automatic Document Feeder (ADF). Capacity of up to 50 sheets of recommended letter/A4 paper.
· Speed Dial. Set up to 80 pre-programmed telephone numbers for automatic one-touch faxing, as well as an additional 150 numbers for 2 or 3-digit entry faxing.
· Group Faxing. Create as many as 20 groups of telephone numbers and send documents to multiple locations with a single selection.
· Automatic alternate call. Dials a second (alternative)
telephone number if the number originally dialed is busy.
· Alphanumeric telephone directory. Search for
programmed telephone numbers by name.
· 72-hour battery backup. If power is lost, messages will
in memory will be saved for 72 hours.
· 33.6K bps transmission rate. Fast, efficient
· Large-capacity memory. 4.5 Mbyte. This provides
storage capacity of up to 360 pages.
· Half-tone. Documents with half-tone areas (shades of
gray, usually graphics) are processed with 64-scale gradation (64 levels of gray).
· Advanced transmission and reception functions.
Includes delayed transmission, broadcasting (multi­location transmission), confidential message transmission/reception, relay broadcasting, polling, etc.
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line12
· Automatic redial and page retransmission. Ensures
document transmission when a telephone number is busy or a problem occurs in the communications process.
· Advanced memory transmission/reception features. A
number of convenient features including automatic reception into memory without printing—ideal for reception of confidential communications).
· Dual Access operations. Allows two tasks to be
conducted at once (e.g., scan and prepare a document for transmission while another document is being received).
· Automatic answering mode detection. Distinguishes
between incoming fax and voice communications. Allows the use of an answering machine on the same telephone line.
· Closed network. Prevents the reception of unsolicited
· Large Paper Capacity. 250 sheet paper cassette
(universal size: legal, letter, A4). A 500 sheet optional second paper tray is available. With the second tray installed, the total capacity of the machine is 750 sheets.
· Fax forwarding. Document can be forwarded to a
designated location after being stored in memory (setting can also be used to forward a document when the local machine is out of toner or paper).
· No paper reception. Allows continued reception of
documents when toner or paper run out by storing data not yet printed in the built-in memory.
· Polling. Allows the transmission/reception of documents
from remote facsimile machines with polling capabilities.
· Copier function. Make up to 99 copies of a document at
one time.
· Progress reports. Enable tracking of transmission status,
and machine operations, settings and maintenance requirements.
· Security Features. Enables you to control access to
your machine and faxes. Confidential Mailboxes (16)
Personal Mailboxes Confidential Reception Rejecting Unsolicited (Junk) Fax Messages
User’s Guide: English 13
Getting to Know
Your Machine
Refer to the illustrations for the location of the item(s). 1 Display Panel
Displays status of machine and operation in progress
2 One-Touch Keypad
Use for one-touch dialing of preprogrammed telephone numbers and for entering alphabetic, numeric and special characters for programming and ID entries.
3 Numeric Keypad
Use to enter telephone numbers, program information, and manual dialing.
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line14
4 Manual Paper Feeder Tray
Fold out for manual paper feed (bypass paper tray). Use this to feed different types of paper directly into the
5 Copy Stacker Release Buttons
Press these two buttons (one on each side), to gain entry to the toner/image drum area.
6 Power Switch
Press 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off.
7 Control Panel (Programming) Keys
These are the main keys used for programming machine settings and operations and navigating through the function menu.
8 Document Stacker
Holds original documents after being faxed or copied.
9 Document Guides
Adjust guides to the width of documents being faxed or copied.
User’s Guide: English 15
10 Document Tray
Holds documents being faxed or copied.
11 Document Tray Extension
Pullout extension supports long (length) documents.
12 Copy Stacker
Holds document copies after copying process.
13 Copy Stacker Extension
Pullout extension for supporting long documents.
14 Paper Tray
Holds 250 sheets of paper (universal type: legal, letter, A4)
15 Paper Indicator
Shows level of paper remaining in paper tray.
16 Copy Output Lever
Up position: copies exit the machine face down. Down position: copies exit the machine face up. Use this lever when copying or when using the optional
Network Print or PC Print.
Options vary according to the the model of your
machine. See “Options and Accessories”
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line16
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