Oki 5950 User Manual

Feature Set Guide
P/N 59332202
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Oki Data assumes no responsibility for the results of errors or omissions beyond its control. Oki Data also cannot guarantee that changes in software and equipment made by other manufacturers and referred to in this document will not affect the applicability of the information in it. Mention of software products manufactured by other companies does not necessarily constitute endorsement by Oki Data.
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Copyright 2000 by Oki Data. All Rights Reserved First Edition: September, 2000 Written and produced by the Oki Data Training and Publications Department.
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Please visit Oki Data’s multilingual web site at:
Emergency First Aid Information
Refer to the Material Safety Data information in the Warranty Information document.
OKIFAX 5750/5950ii
Trademark Information
OKI and Oki Data are registered trademarks and OKIF AX is a trademark of Oki Electric Industry Company , Ltd.
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Options User’s Guide: English iii
Overview of Options and Consumables ............1
General Information ............................................................. 1
Obtaining.............................................................................. 1
Part Numbers ...................................................................... 2
Consumables ................................................................... 2
Options ............................................................................ 2
Options by Model ................................................................ 3
OKIF AX 5750 .................................................................. 3
OKIF AX 5950 Dual Line ................................................. 3
OKIF AX 5950 T .37 .......................................................... 3
OKIF AX 5950 T .38 .......................................................... 3
OKIFAX 5750/5950iv
Second Tray......................................................... 4
Second Paper Tray................................................................ 4
Installation ........................................................................... 4
Memory................................................................ 5
Memory Expansion .............................................................. 5
Installation ........................................................................... 6
OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX Kit) ..........................7
General Information ............................................................. 7
Installation ........................................................................... 7
Activation............................................................................. 8
Deactivation ......................................................................... 8
Using .................................................................................... 8
Handset ................................................................9
Handset ................................................................................. 9
Installation ........................................................................... 9
Dual Line ...........................................................10
What is Dual Line? ............................................................. 10
Benefits of Dual Line ......................................................... 10
Basic Operations ................................................................ 1 1
Unpacking........................................................................ 1 3
Connecting to the Second Telephone Line ..................... 14
Displays, Reports, and Beeps ............................................. 14
Setting the Option Line Type for the Second Line ............ 15
Setting Memory Transmissions to Use the Second Line ... 15
T.37 Internet Fax ..............................................16
Overview ............................................................................ 16
Operation Overview (End User) ....................................... 17
Information Provided .................................................... 1 7
General Conditions ....................................................... 1 7
Internet Fax Transmission ............................................. 18
Internet Fax Reception .................................................. 2 0
Accessing Network Settings .......................................... 21
Information Provided ....................................................... 23
User’s Guide ................................................................... 23
W arranty Document....................................................... 23
Feature Set Guide .......................................................... 24
OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide ...................................... 25
Software Utilities CD-ROM ........................................... 25
Components of an Internet Fax........................................ 2 6
Header ............................................................................ 26
E-mail ............................................................................ 26
TIFF attachment(s)......................................................... 26
What Your T.37 Internet Fax Machine Can Do................ 27
Feature Set Guide: English v
Helpful Hints (T .37)............................................................ 28
PSTN Faxing vs. Internet Faxing .................................. 28
Internet Fax....................................................................28
E-mail Addresses vs. PSTN (Phone) Numbers ............... 29
Status of Server .............................................................. 29
Backup / Archive (Network Scan) ................................. 29
Operation Overview ........................................................... 30
Installation..................................................................... 30
Setup .............................................................................. 30
Customization ............................................................... 30
LAN Topologies and Operating Systems......................... 31
LAN ............................................................................... 3 1
Network Print Protocols................................................. 31
Internet Fax Protocols.................................................... 31
Management Protocols.................................................. 3 1
Set Up (on a Network) ........................................................ 32
Identifying Current Settings ............................................ 32
Settings Stored on the Fax Machine ............................. 32
Settings Recorded on the Network Card ....................... 3 3
Network Card Manual...................................................... 34
7100e+ User’s Guide...................................................... 34
Settings Stored on the Fax Machine................................35
General Information....................................................... 35
Accessing Settings......................................................... 3 5
List of User Functions (Network Settings).......................36
Delete POP Message ...................................................... 39
Time Between GMT ...................................................... 40
Text Print ....................................................................... 40
Header Print ................................................................... 41
Coding Mode ................................................................ 4 1
Extra Fine Mode ............................................................ 42
IF AX Sender ID .............................................................. 42
Domain Name ................................................................ 43
Message Disposition Notification (MDN) .................... 44
Network Settings ........................................................... 46
Changing Settings ........................................................... 5 4
Settings Changed Only by Using the Web Page ........... 55
Settings Changed by Using the Web Page or the Menu 55
Settings Changed Only by Using OKIVIEW 32 ........... 56
Using the OKILAN 7100e+ W eb Page .......................... 57
Using OKIVIEW 32 ....................................................... 60
T elnet ............................................................................. 63
Customization .................................................................... 64
Programming e-mail Addresses........................................ 64
Confirming e-mail Address Programming..................... 66
E-mail Address Restrictions...........................................66
OKIFAX 5750/5950vi
Using Internet Fax .............................................................. 67
Sending a Document........................................................67
General Information....................................................... 67
Stopping a Transmission ............................................... 6 7
How to Send a Document .............................................. 68
Sending to a Non-Programmed E-mail..........................69
Limitations and Suggestions ......................................... 6 9
TIFF Format...................................................................... 70
Viewing TIFF Files ........................................................ 71
Receiving Internet Faxes ................................................. 7 2
Automatic Reception .................................................... 7 3
Manual Reception ......................................................... 73
Receiving TIFF files ........................................................ 74
Receiving e-mails (Body Text) ........................................ 75
Printing e-mails ............................................................. 75
Gateway Services (Forwarding).......................................... 76
Faxes to an e-mail Address............................................... 76
E-mails to a Fax Number..................................................77
Example ......................................................................... 78
Image Restrictions ......................................................... 78
Telephone Number Restrictions .................................... 78
Mail Address Format ...................................................... 79
Domain Name Restrictions............................................79
How it W orks ................................................................. 80
Mail Server Settings for E-mail-to-F AX Gateway Service81
DNS Server..................................................................... 82
Mail Server .................................................................... 84
Mail Forwarding Process ............................................... 86
Network Scanner ................................................................ 87
Example ......................................................................... 87
How it W orks ................................................................. 87
Image Resolution .......................................................... 8 8
IF AX Sender ID .............................................................. 88
Feature Set Guide: English vii
Network Printing ................................................................ 89
Printing Documents ......................................................... 89
Printing on Transparencies............................................89
Operating Systems ........................................................... 90
NetW are ......................................................................... 90
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 ............................ 90
Windows 95/98.............................................................. 91
Windows 3.1 .................................................................. 91
Other Operating Systems ............................................... 92
Configuring from Network Utilities .............................. 92
Configuration................................................................... 93
Settings .......................................................................... 94
User Functions ............................................................... 94
Banner Output.................................................................. 9 6
Problem Solving................................................................. 97
End User ........................................................................... 97
Option Board Error ........................................................ 97
LAN Data Error .............................................................. 97
Network Problem ........................................................... 97
Network Administrator.....................................................98
Service Codes ................................................................ 98
SMTP Error Codes ......................................................... 98
SMTP Protocol Error Codes .......................................... 99
POP3 Communication Errors ...................................... 100
Transmission Troubleshooting ...................................... 1 01
Reception Troubleshooting ........................................... 102
E-mail-to-Fax Troubleshooting ..................................... 104
Printing Troubleshooting .............................................. 109
OKIFAX 5750/5950viii
Overview .......................................................................... 11 0
Information Provided .....................................................111
What Your T.38 Internet Fax Machine Can Do.............. 111
What is an Alias?............................................................ 112
Example ....................................................................... 112
General Conditions ........................................................ 1 13
Helpful Hints (T .38).......................................................... 114
PSTN Faxing vs. T.38 Faxing ......................................114
Internet Fax..................................................................115
“Real Time” Fax .......................................................... 115
Global vs. Private IP Addresses ................................... 115
Programming One-Touch Keys ................................... 115
T .38 vs. PSTN Communications.................................. 116
Status of Server ............................................................ 116
“#” Symbol .................................................................. 11 6
End User Information ....................................................... 117
Requirements ................................................................. 117
Limitations and Suggestions ......................................... 11 8
Operation ....................................................................... 1 19
Sending a T.38 Fax ...................................................... 119
Sending to a Non-Programmed Alias .......................... 121
Receiving a T.38 Fax...................................................1 2 1
Troubleshooting (End User) .......................................... 12 2
Error Codes (End User) ................................................ 122
Reports (End User)....................................................... 123
Feature Set Guide: English ix
Installer (Network Administrator) Information................. 124
Global vs. Private IP Addresses...................................... 124
DHCP ............................................................................. 125
DHCP Setting (On or Off) ............................................ 125
Determine the DHCP Setting....................................... 126
Windows NT DHCP Server Settings ............................ 127
Installation Process ........................................................ 12 9
Physical Installation .................................................... 129
Static IP Address .......................................................... 130
Program the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gate-
way............................................................................... 131
Install the T.38 Software .............................................. 132
Set Up the Address Table ............................................. 132
Provide Aliases to the End User...................................133
Specifications................................................................. 134
T.38 Menu Options ........................................................ 13 5
Accessing Menu Options ............................................ 13 5
Problem Solving ............................................................ 13 6
No communication ...................................................... 13 6
The machine uses PSTN, not T.38 ............................... 137
Connecting private address to global addresses ......... 13 7
Communication errors occur ....................................... 137
Software Programs on the CD ........................................ 138
General Information..................................................... 138
Specifications .............................................................. 138
Installing the Software Programs.................................139
Accessing the Software Programs ................................139
IPFax Console Software ................................................. 140
Software Installation for a T.38 device........................ 140
Status Screen................................................................ 141
Display Screen ............................................................. 142
Change Screen ............................................................. 142
Network Settings ......................................................... 143
Gatekeeper ................................................................... 146
Address T able .............................................................. 149
Changing the Password ............................................... 15 3
Forget the Password? ................................................... 154
Updating the T.38 Board Firmware ............................. 156
Memory Dump............................................................. 158
Version Information.....................................................159
Discovery Program ...................................................... 159
OKIFAX 5750/5950x
Overview of Options
and Consumables
General Information
This section of the Feature Set Guide covers where to obtain the options and consumables for your facsimile machine.
This section also provides the part numbers for the options and consumables.
For details about each option and consumable, refer to the appropriate section of this Feature Set Guide.
Options vary according to the model of your machine.
Before you order, have the correct part number and description of the item.
· Consult the dealer where you purchased your fax machine.
· Consult an Oki Data Authorized Sales and Service Dealer.
Important: This machine will only operate using the
consumables and options specified by OKI for this facsimile machine. The use of any other consumables or options will result in the display of an operation error The machine may malfunction.
Feature Set Guide: English 1
Part Numbers
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
www .okidata.com
Part Number Description 40815606 T oner Cartridge Kit, Type 5 TL 40433318 Image Drum Kit, T ype 5 (F) 40733301 Sheet: One Touch (1 - 40, Top Level) 40733302 Sheet: One Touch (41 - 80, Bottom Level)
Part Number Description 40755302 2 MB Memory Expansion Kit 40755312 4 MB Memory Expansion Kit 40755322 8 MB Memory Expansion Kit
(also called OKI HRS600 [600 dpi TX kit])
70029401 500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550) 70037801 Multifunction Product (MFP) PC Interface
40755322 OKI HRS600 [600 dpi TX kit]
(also called 8 MB Memory Expansion)
70031801 Handset 41345301 Dual Line Option 70036601 T.37 Internet Fax/Lan Kit 70037001 T.38 Real Time Internet Fax Kit
OKIFAX 5750/59502
Options by Model
· 500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
· T.38 “Real Time” Internet Fax Kit
· OkiLAN 7100e+ 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Internal Print
Server Kit
· MFP Option Kit (Multi-function PC Peripheral Kit)
· OKI HRS600 [600 dpi TX kit]
(also called 8 MB Memory Expansion)
· Handset
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line
· 500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
· Handset
OKIFAX 5950 T.37
· 500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
· Handset
OKIFAX 5950 T.38
· 500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
· Handset
Feature Set Guide: English 3
Second Tray
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
www .okidata.com
Second Paper Tray
The second paper tray has a 500 sheet paper capacity. With the second paper tray installed, the machine has a 750
sheet paper capacity (250 sheet standard tray plus 500 sheet second tray).
When the main tray runs out of paper, the machine switches to the second tray for uninterrupted printing.
OKIFAX 5750/59504
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the time of purchase.
Use them when installing the option.
Memory Expansion
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
www .okidata.com
Several memory expansion cards are available. Each has a different memory storage capacity. All page numbers given are APPROXIMATES. Your results may vary, depending on the nature of your pages. An expandable memory slot is located under the back cover
of the machine.
Only one memory slot is available in your machine.
Therefore, only one of the available memory options may be installed at one time. You must have the 8 MB expansion card to utilize the 600 dpi TX feature.
Feature Set Guide: English 5
2 MB
Capacity: 160 pages of Option 2 MB memory
4 MB
Capacity: 320 pages of Option 4 MB memory
8 MB
This item is called the OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX) Kit.
Capacity: 640 pages of Option 8 MB memory
You must have the 8 MB expansion card to utilize the
600 dpi TX feature.
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the time of purchase.
Use them when installing the option.
OKIFAX 5750/59506
(600 dpi TX Kit)
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
www .okidata.com
General Information
NOTE: this item is called the OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX Kit), but it is also an 8 MB Memory Expansion Kit.
This option adds 8 MB of memory to your machine. It allows you to
· transmit using high-resolution [600 dots-per-inch (dpi)], to a fax machine capable of receiving at this resolution
· scan documents at 600 dpi resolution
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the time of purchase.
Use them when installing the option.
Feature Set Guide: English 7
To activate high-resolution scanning and faxing:
1 Press Menu. 2 Type 28 on the numeric keypad. 3 Select ON. 4 Press ENTER. 5 Press MENU.
Now you can use the high-resolution scanning/faxing feature.
The full amount of memory is available, regardless of
the setting for User Function 28.
To deactivate high-resolution scanning and faxing:
1 Press Menu. 2 Type 28 on the numeric keypad. 3 Select OFF. 4 Press ENTER. 5 Press MENU.
The full amount of memory is available, regardless of
the setting for User Function 28.
1 Load your document. 2 Press the RESOLUTION button until EX. FINE is lit. 3 Fax as you normally would.
4 MB of memory is reserved for copying and receiving
at 600 dpi. If a portion of that reserved memory is used for storing
faxes, you cannot receive or copy at 600 dpi. You can always scan and transmit at 600 dpi.
OKIFAX 5750/59508
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
www .okidata.com
The optional handset connects directly to your fax machine and works like a telephone.
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the time of purchase.
Use them when installing the option.
Feature Set Guide: English 9
Dual Line
What is Dual Line?
A fax machine with dual line has two modems. Dual line expands the functionality of your machine.
Two phone lines, each with a unique number, must be used with the unit to fully use the dual line feature.
With two phone lines, the unit can handle more fax traffic. The second line may be programmed to send and receive,
send only, or receive only.
For Line 1, you adjust the answering mode, dial, and incoming call options.
For Line 2, you adjust the Option Line Type.
OKIFAX 5750/595010
Benefits of Dual Line
A fax machine with dual line gives you the work capacity of two fax machines in the space of one.
A fax machine with dual line makes an excellent relay key station (hub) for relay faxing. If both lines are available for transmission (sending), the relay fax process is done in half the time of a single-line machine.
A dual line machine makes it possible to always have a line dedicated to receiving faxes.
Basic Operations
· Dual Line requires two telephone lines, each with a unique telephone number.
Both lines must be the same type (PSTN or PBX).
They must both be analog lines.
· All transmissions using the second line are done from memory.
· The second line may be programmed to send and receive, send only, or receive only.
For Line 1, settings are programmed through the answering mode, dial, and incoming call options.
For Line 2, you set the Option Line Type.
Set the Option Line Type before using the second line.
· You control the use of the two lines of your Dual Line machine by the way you
1 program your machine 2 share the telephone numbers of the lines
Be careful how you share the telephone numbers. Make sure the distribution of the numbers matches how
you want to use the machine. If you want one line to only transmit (send) faxes, don’t give out that number!
· The machine will AL WAYS try to transmit (send) using the first line before trying to use the second line.
Feature Set Guide: English 11
· The second line does not have a speaker.
· Do not connect any external devices (such as an external
phone) to the second line.
· When working with a Dual Line fax machine, remember that there are two TSIs (Transmit Sender Identifications). Each line has its own TSI. Refer to the User’s Guide, “Setting Basic Features, Setting Your Fax Machine’s ID.”
· When working with a Dual Line fax machine, remember that there is only one Sender ID, not two. You are sending from one location (Sender ID), which uses two lines.
· Some phone companies offer an automatic rollover feature as a service. Your fax machine will work with this feature. Contact your phone company for more information on the rollover feature.
OKIFAX 5750/595012
Remove contents from the carton. Be sure that all the items listed below are included.
If any items are missing, contact Oki Data immediately.
Keep your packing materials and carton in case you need to ship or transport the unit.
1 Fax Machine 2 Toner cartridge 3 Image drum (inside machine) 4 Power cord 5 Telephone line cord(s) 6 Document Stacker 7 Documentation
User’s Guide Features Set Guide W arranty Information
Feature Set Guide: English 13
Connecting to the Second Telephone Line
1 The primary / first telephone line is connected to the LINE
(1). See the User’s Guide, “Installation, Setting Up Your
Machine, Connecting to the Telephone Line.”
2 The second telephone line is connected to the second line
jack [dual line access] (2).
3 Insert the other end into the wall jack for the second
telephone line.
Displays, Reports, and Beeps
The display usually shows the status of the first telephone line. Press HELP to display the status of the second telephone line.
The end of a communication (a fax is sent or received) is indicated by a beep. Any beeps are for the line (first or second) being displayed. No beeps sound for the line not being displayed.
Continuous Tone, Speed Access no. 63 must be set to ON if you want to know when the second line is active. The second line does not have a separate audible alarm.
When looking at a report, any information related to the second line is marked with a “#” symbol.
OKIFAX 5750/595014
Setting the Option Line Type for the Second Line
Setting Memory Transmissions to Use the Second Line
The second line type may be set to:
· Send (transmit) only (TX)
· Receive only (RX)
· Send and Receive (ALL)
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu. 2 Input speed access no. 31 (Option Line Type). 3 Press Ä or to select the desired mode, press Enter. 4 Press Menu/Exit to return to standby mode.
You must set the Option Line Type for the Second Line
before programming Delayed Transmissions (Memory) to use the Second Line.
The Option Line Type must be set to TX or ALL for use with the Delayed Transmission (Memory) function.
For more information on Delayed Transmission, see the User’s Guide, “Advanced Operations, Delayed Fax Transmissions.”
Feature Set Guide: English 15
T.37 Internet Fax
T.37 Internet Fax is an easy-to-use feature that is difficult to explain.
This overview has several sections to help you understand T .37 Internet Fax.
· Operation Overview (End User)
· Information Provided
· Components of an Internet Fax
· What Your T.37 Internet Fax Machine Can Do
OKIFAX 5750/595016
Operation Overview (End User)
This section should be used as a quick-reference for using the your T.37 Internet Fax.
This section does not provide detailed explanations of features or settings. Other sections provide these details.
Operation Overview (End User)
Information Provided
The following items provide the information you will need to use your fax machine.
· User’s Guide
· W arranty Document
· Feature Set Guide
· OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide
· Software Utilities CD-ROM
General Conditions
T o use Internet Fax,
· a Network Card must be installed in the machine
· the machine must be connected to a LAN
The Network Card for this machine can be connected to a
· 10 BaseT or
· 10/100baseTX LAN.
To make a LAN connection, the following information must be configured on this machine. Ask your network administrator about these settings.
· an IP Address
· SubnetMask
· Default Gateway
If the LAN uses a DHCP server , it is not necessary to configure these settings as the server will do it automatically.
Internet Fax settings can be configured either using the network tool or on the machine itself, but DHCP settings are supported by the network tool only.
After setting the correct IP Address, SubnetMask and Default Gateway, configure the machine for Internet Fax transmission/reception.
Feature Set Guide: English 17
Internet Fax Transmission
General Information
T o send an Internet Fax message, you need a mail server from which to send e-mail.
Please consult your network administrator about the settings listed below, which are required in order to make a connection to the mail server.
· SMTP Server Address / Name
· DNS Server’s IP Address
· Host Name
· e-mail Address
OKIFAX 5750/595018
These settings are similar to those of popular mail clients such as Netscape Messenger, Outlook and Eudora.
You can start transmission when these settings have been configured.
To send a fax, place a document on the machine and press the one-touch button on which the e-mail address of the recipient has been registered; the document will be scanned into memory and before transmission.
The data will be converted into a TIFF file and sent to the recipient.
SMTP Server Address / Name
Host Name
Enter the SMTP server name or IP Address. If entering the server’s IP Address, be sure to type the dots
(full-stops) dividing the numbers. Example: You may enter a server name only if a DNS server has been
This setting is not required if the SMTP server has been specified by its IP ADDRESS.
A DNS server can convert a server name into an IP ADDRESS.
Enter the host name of this machine. If you do not know the host name, enter the e-mail address
of this machine instead.
E-mail Address
Enter the e-mail address assigned to this machine.
Feature Set Guide: English 19
Internet Fax Reception
General Information
T o receive an Internet Fax message, you need a mail server for sending e-mail.
Please consult your network administrator about the settings listed below, which are required in order to make a connection to the mail server.
· POP Server Address / Name
· DNS Server’s IP Address
· POP Server User Name
· POP Server Password
The machine is ready to receive Internet Fax messages when these settings have been configured.
T o receive a fax message, the machine will access the server automatically at regular intervals according to the POP Interval Time setting.
If there is mail, the machine will print it out automatically. This machine only receives TIFF files and text-format mail.
It cannot receive files in other formats (such as Word, Excel, and certain formats of TIFF files).
OKIFAX 5750/595020
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