OKAYO WT 500T Users Manual

Tour Guide System
(WT -500T )
(WT -500R )
(Fr ont view) (Si de view )
Bat ter y / Signal in dicator
Ant enna
LCD s creen
Aux I n (Transmit ter) Volu me whee l (Rece iver)
UP / DO WN b utton
Hid den Mic . (Transmit ter)
Mic . In (Transmi tter)
Ear ph one jack (R ec eiver )
Mut e bu tto n
Cha rging c ontac ts
Set up/ Instal lations
Pre ss a nd hold ( ) for 1 s ec . and the pow er i s on. Pre ss a nd hold ( ) for 2 s ec . and the pow er i s off. OFF d ispla y on scre en.
Channe l Selec t
Pre ss o r butto n, e nte r into th e select mo de.
Lock / Unl ock Button
Channe l wil l be lock a uto mat ica lly withou t any buttons pres sed. LCD displaye d lock icon. In l ock mode , the power c an be o ff, b ut cha nne l n umber can not b e changed.
When locked, press or button up to 1 sec to unloc k. Unlock icon will not be showing on LCD screen.
LED/ Battery S tatus
Transmi tter: LED l ights b lu e wh en the battery is su ffici ent.
LED l ights r ed when the b attery is insu ffici ent.
Rec eiver :
LED lights off when no signal is received but the battery is sufficient.
LED l ights r ed when sig nal is re ce ived bu t the bat ter y is in suffi ci ent.
Batte ry Saving ( only for Rece iver)
The power will off when no signal is received within 20 mins.
(WT -500T )
(Top vi ew)
(WT -500R )
(Bo ttom view)
Str ap hole
Buc kle cli p
Transmi tter: Power outp ut swit ch (Hi / Low)
(Re ar view)
Rec eiver : Dis tance swi tch (Hi / L ow)
Batter y cover
Power Output
Transmitter : power output switch
Switch UP/ DOWN to desired power outpu t
Receive r: Dista nce switch
Switch UP/ DOWN to desired distance range
Group Channel Setti ng
In OFF mode, press and to enter into setting mode. LCD displays channel numbers. Pre ss and to select .
Press power button ( ) to confirm or quit in 5 seconds without any buttons pressed.
When group channel number is changed, channel default setting is CH1.
Noti ce: The c hange s or modi ficat ions no t expres sly app roved b y the par ty resp onsib le for comp lianc e could v oid the u ser’s au thori ty to ope rate th e equip ment.
IMPO RTANT NOTE : To comply w ith the F CC RF exp osure c omplia nce req uirem ents, n o chang e to the an tenna o r the dev ice is per mitte d. Any ch ange to th e anten na or the devi ce coul d resul t in the de vice exce eding t he RF exp osure r equir ement s and vo id user ’s auth ority t o opera te the dev ice.
Cons umer Al ert Most u sers do n ot need a l icens e to oper ate this w irele ss micr ophon e system . Never thele ss, oper ating t his mic ropho ne syste m witho ut a lice nse is su bject t o certai n restr ictio ns: The s ystem may no t cause h armfu l inter ferenc e; it mus t opera te at a low po wer lev el (not i n excess o f 50 mill iwatt s); and i t has no pr otect ion fro m interf erenc e recei ved fro m any othe r devic e. Purc haser s shou ld also b e aware t hat the F CC is cur rentl y evalu ating u se of wir eless m icrop hone sys tems, a nd thes e rules a re subj ect to ch ange. For mo re info rmati on, call t he FCC at 1 –888– CALL– FCC (TT Y: 1–888 –TELL –FCC) o r visit t he FCC’s wire less mi croph one Web si te at htt p://w ww.fcc. gov/cg b/wir eless micro phone s.
Spe cific ation s are subj ect to ch ange wi thout p rior no tice.
03/ 13
06/ 13