Plug-in UHF Wireless Audio Link Transmitter Module
(Display Channel / Frequency)
B. TX AF signal indicator
C. AF signal indicator
AF volume level indicator
D. Frequency Set
E. Channel selector
F. Transmitting power on / off control
and volume adjustment
1. Turn (F) clockwise (you will hear a “click”), then LCD will turn on and show the
channel number, it means transmitting module is on. You can adjust the volume
by keeping turning (F) clockwise. (Vice versa, turn counter clockwise till you hear
a click and then LCD will show , after 2 or 3 seconds LCD will turn off.)
2. Set & Adjust channel:
Turn on transmitting module, LCD will show channel number such as
To adjust channel number please hole on “SET” (D) for one second, then channel
number in LCD will start flashing like , press “channel selector” (E) button
and adjust to the channel number you want (1~16 or 1~96). Press “SET” (D) to
finish your setting.
Notice: The changes o r mo di fi cations not expressly approved by the party re sp on si ble for
com pl ia nc e co ul d void the user’s authority to operate the equipment .
To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, the antenna(s) used for this
transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and
must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. No change
to the antenna or the device is permitted. Any change to the antenna or the device could result in the
device exceeding the RF exposure requirements and void user’s authority to operate the device.
Consumer Alert
Most users do not need a license to operate this wireless microphone system.
Nevertheless, operating this microphone system without a license is subject to certain restrictions:
The system may not cause harmful interference; it must operate at a low power level (not in excess
of 50 milliwatts); and it has no protection from interference received from any other device.
Purch as ers should also be aware th at the FCC is current ly e valuating use of wire le ss
micro ph on e syste ms , an d th es e ru le s are subject to change.
For m ore infor ma ti on , call the FCC at 1–888–CALL–FC C (T TY: 1–
wirel es s mi crophone We b si te at htt p: // ww w.fcc. gov/cgb/wirel es sm ic rophones.
888–TELL–FC C) o r vi si t th e FC C' s