
Wireless Handheld Microphone
3 4 5 6 7
Mes h head
Han dheld t ube
Set up but ton
LCD s cree n
(Ch annel / F req. / ba ttery e nergy )
Up/ Down bu tton
Power indicato r
Power ON/OFF button
Hi/ Low/M ute
(se nsiti vity se lecto r)
Set up/ Installation
Power ON
1. Pr ess po wer button an d hold 1 se cond to t urn on .
2. Wh en powe r is on, t he pot er ind icato r lits b lue.
Power OFF
Pre ss power button 2 sec onds t o turn t he dev ice off.
Channel select
1. Pr ess an d hold S etup b utton for 2 sec onds ; enter i nto
the c hanne l selec t mode.
2. W hen channel numbers flash es, press U p/Dow n to
sel ect preferre d chan nel. To co nfirmed, press Se tup
but ton.
Chargi ng mo de
1. LE D light s red wh en cha rging.
2. LE D light s green when b atter y is ful ly cha rged.
3. Ba ttery error :
LCD b atter y symbo l ligh ts fla shes , and it caused by:
(1)T he battery charge te mperature i s excee ded 60 C.
(2)T he duration of charg ing tim e for cha rger st and is
exceeded seven h ours.
(3)T he battery is defected.
Bat tery door
Cha rging p ort
Synchronizati on
1. Wh en turn o n the dev ice, i t will synchroniz ed automaticall y.
2. LE D flash es blue a nd then s tead y when s ucce ed.
3. Pr ess sh ort Se tup bu tton to r esynchron ization.
If fa iled , it wil l return to the o rigin al cha nnel .
4. Sy nchroniza tion range in 3 meters.
Noti ce: The ch ange s or modi ficat ions no t expres sly app roved by th e par ty resp onsib le for co mplia nce
coul d void th e user ’s autho rity to op erate th e equi pment .
IMPO RTANT NOTE : To comply wi th the FC C RF exp osure co mpli ance req uireme nts, no c hang e to the
ante nna or th e device is p ermi tted. An y chan ge to the an tenna or t he dev ice coul d
resu lt in the de vice exc eedi ng the RF ex posur e requi rement s and vo id user ’s
auth ority to op era te the de vice.
Cons umer Al ert
Most us ers do no t need a l icens e to oper ate this wi rele ss micr ophon e system. N ever thele ss, ope ratin g
this mi crop hone sy stem wit hout a li cense is s ubje ct to cer tain res trict ions: Th e syste m may not ca use
harmf ul int erfere nce; it mu st ope rate at a l ow power le vel (n ot in exce ss of 50 mi lliwa tts); an d it has no
prot ectio n from int erfer ence re ceive d from any o ther de vice. Pu rcha sers sh ould al so be awa re that th e
FCC is c urrent ly eva luati ng use of wi rele ss micr ophon e systems , and th ese rul es are su bject to ch ange .
For mo re info rmati on, call th e FCC at 1– 888– CALL– FCC (TT Y: 1–888 –TELL –FCC) or v isit th e FCC’s
wire less mi croph one Web si te at htt p://w ww.fcc. gov/cg b/wir eless micro phone s.
Spe cifica tion s are subj ect to ch ange wi thout p rior no tice.
12/ 13
03/ 13