Okamura Arco 865JAT Assembly Manual

【W1280mm】 【W1350mm】 【W1600mm】
Assembly Final Drawing
(Name of each part)
screwdriver is required for
assembly. Please have one available.
* Do not use an electric screwdriver
because it may damage the
persons should
assemble this
Swing hook
Support leg
Side cabinet
Shelf unit (upper)
Shelf unit (lower)
Movable divider
lower shelf
Assembly Instruction Manual
Special Edition
Thank you very much for purchasing the OKAMURA Study DESK. Before using this product, care fully read this Assembly Instruction Manual in order to fully under­stand and correctly assemble the product.
This desk can be re-combined. There­fore, make sure to store the Assembly Instruction Manual.
Desk layout example
Check before assembling
To Use Safely
This indicates that improper handling due to disregard of this warning may result in injury or damage to property.
Fully read the instruction manual before assembly, securely tighten the bolts with a screwd river, and us e all o f the assembly parts w ithout leaving any parts unused to assemble correctly.
When assembling, do not use an electric screwdriver. When any force more than necessary is applied, the product may be broken or the bolt may not be removed.
After assembling, fully tighten the product on a flat surface, an d mak e sur e tha t eac h part is secure ly installed.
This product uses natural wood. Each prod uct will ha ve a slightly different appear­ance and may differ in wood grain and color from the catalog and sample products.
There may be som e parts and members wh ich are not used depending on the assembling pattern. Store them in a s afe plac e as the se par ts w ill al ways be ne cess ary when re-combining. Purchase parts again when they are lost.
Immed iatel y a fter pu rcha se, th is prod uct may em it adh esive or p aint odors . In such a case, suf ficiently ventilate and aerate. Periodically allow for ventilation.
Do not instal l the assembled upper and lower shel f units onto the desktop. It may result in turnover or breakage.
When installing and moving this product, make sure two persons carry the product without dragging it. (Dragging the product may result in damage to floors.)
When the product is installed in a high humidity location, mold, etc., may grow. Periodically allow for ventilation.
Cautions for assembly
Do not handle this product roughly or use for any other purpose than speci­fied. Never app ly body weigh t to an y point on the produ ct, or ri de on i t. It may result in turnover or breakage, and is extremely dangerous.
Cautions for handling
Sele ct a horiz ontal and stab le lo cation for ins talla tion. Use in a locat ion where the floor is inclined or unstable may result in turnover or an accident, and is dangerous.
Avo id us ing th is product in a loca tion sub jec t to direc t sun light , hi gh tempe ratures or high hu midity or in a loc ation subject to direct heat and wind from a h eati ng st ove or ai r co nditi oner. It may resu lt i n alt erat ion, deformation or discoloration.
Do not place any hot object directly on the product. It may result in alteration, deformation or discoloration.
Do not rub the product with hard material, and do not write with a writing instrument s uch as a ball- point pen with a hard tip without using a desk mat. It may result in deformation or flaws.
Periodicall y inspect f or loosenes s of t he bolts an d con necti ng pa rts o f the memb ers, and securely re-tighten them when there is any looseness. Use while th ere is loosen ess may result in ri sks of deformation, breakage and turnover.
Do not allow the product to become wet and remain wet and do not leave a wet cloth on th e pro duct. It ma y res ult i n def ormat ion, c racks , swel ling, stains or corrosion of the surface material. When the surface becomes wet, immediately wipe so that no moisture is left.
Do not attach any seals or cellophane tape, etc., to the product. It may result in removal of the surface material.
Cautions for installation
To ensure long-term use
Make sure to wipe with a dr y and soft cloth along the wood grain. Use with a wet clot h may result in crack s and swel ling. Wh en th e pro duct is very dirty, moisten a soft cloth with a di luted neutral agent (dishwashing soap), and tig htly squeeze it t o wipe a way dirt complete ly. And then, wipe with a soft dry cl oth so that no soa py residue remains. When a large amount of moisture remains, deformation and discoloration may result.
Natural wood is natural material, therefore, the material will have its own unique grain and color. In other words, each product may differ slightly in color due to the characteristics of natural wood. In addition, natural wood is a material which breathes. Therefore, warpage or distortion may occur depending on use environment. These features give natural wood its attractive quality. The longer the product is used, the greater these features will be enhanced. * Natural wood means solid wood, back piece, laminated wood and sliced veneer, etc.
Do n ot u se alc oho l- ba se d or t hin ne r- bas ed solvent/chemical waste cloth or commercial cleaner since i t wi ll d amag e th e surf ace. It m ay r esul t in discoloration, etc.
About care
Characteristics of natural woods
Make sure to only place an object on the product within the maximum loading mass. Placing an object on the produc t heavi er th an t he maximu m loadi ng mass m ay resu lt in t urnover o r break age, a nd i s extremely dangerous. Desktop maximum loading mass = 40kg (Uniformly distributed mass) * Uniformly distributed mass means placing a mass uniformly on the desktop and shelf plate.
Diluted solvent
Neutral agent
(dishwashing soap)
Assembly Instruction Manual
Viewed from desktop back face
Check before assembling
Locations of Caution Seals
Quality labeling seal
(Attached to the
back side)
Product No. seal
(Attached to the desktop back side)
Warning label
(Attached to the desktop surface)
Warning label
(Attached to the surface)
Quality labeling seal
(Attached to the desktop back side)
Product No. seal
(Attached to the desktop back side)
Warning label
(Attached to the desktop surface)
× 9
× 4
× 4
× 2
× 2
× 1
× 2
× 1
× 4
× 1
× 4
× 1
× 4
Details of Parts (make sure to check before assembly)
Actual sizeConnecting bolt
(M6 × 30mm)
Plug cap
Actual sizeConnecting bolt
(M6 × 80mm)
Positioning guide dowel
Cap for insert nut
Connecting nut
(M16 × 12mm)
Actual sizeConnecting bolt
(M6 × 60mm)
Single-end connection bolt
k l
Swing hook
Actual size
Connecting bolt
(M6 × 35mm)
Desktop L-shape fitting
Urea screw
(M6 × 15mm)
Simplified screwdriver
Leg ×1
Rear panel (upper) ×1
Rear panel (lower) ×1
Support leg ×1
Desktop ×1
Extension desktop ×1
Side cabinet
Parts breakdown
(Make sure to check before assembly)
Shelf unit
Parts breakdown
(Make sure to check before assembly)
Organizer tray
Side cabinet ×1
* The parts are packaged in an assembled state.
Shelf unit (upper) ×1Shelf unit (lower) ×1
Movable divider ×2
Plug cap
Cap for insert nut
Upper fixing fitting
Actual sizeConnecting bolt
(M6 × 50mm)
Actual sizeConnecting bolt
(M6 × 15mm)
* Set the protective material on the floor and carry out parts installation work on the material so as not to damage the members.
Install the leg, rear panel (upper) and
Install the support leg, rear panel (upper)
* When assembling the side cabinet on the
* Select the type which you want to assemble from the following, and proceed to the page of the appropriate assembling method. * This section introduces assemblies in which the side cabinet is on the right side. However, each type can be assembled with the side cabinet
placed on the left side.
Use a cross slot screwdriver for assembly.
* An electric screwdriver or electric tool may damage the product, therefore, use a manual screwdriver.
[About screw-type connector]
Screw-type connector
The screw-type connector is tightened by turning clockwise. The screw-type connector is loosened by turning counterclockwise.
Single-end connection bolt
(Embedded into the members)
When the a rrow is set to the single­end co nnection bolt, the c onnecting bolt is inserted (removed).
【W1030mm】 【W1280mm】 【W1350mm】 【W1600mm】
Assembly of leg, rear panel and support leg
* Set the protective material on the floor and carry out parts installation work on the material so as not to damage the members.
(When the side cabinet is on the right side)
Install the leg, rear panel (upper) and
rear panel (lower) with the connecting bolts of
󱤏. (4 locations)
Install the support leg, rear panel (upper)
and rear panel (lower) with the connect­ing bolts of
󱤐. (4 locations)
* When assembling the side cabinet on the
left side, assemble it from right-left reverse.
Rear panel (upper)
Rear panel (lower)
Support leg
* Select the type which you want to assemble from the following, and proceed to the page of the appropriate assembling method. * This section introduces assemblies in which the side cabinet is on the right side. However, each type can be assembled with the side cabinet
placed on the left side.
Go to page 6. Go to page 8. Go to page 10. Go to page 12.
Check the type to be assembled.
+ 11 hidden pages