OJ Electronics WLM-1FS, WLM-3FS User Manual

Master with display type WLM
Lagernummer: 57543A 10/04 (BJ)
Day temperatur
Temperature set point for all thermostats not part of a clock thermostat group. Push ( ) accept and ( ) ( ) to adjust the set point.
When activated via an external timer, this action is valid for all thermostats connected to the master. Night setback can also be activated on individual thermostats (WLTM & WLTD) by using the selector switch and setting to the “night” position. A clock thermostat (WLCT) will automatically switch to night setback at the times programmed into it, as will all the other thermostats which are included in its group.
OFF temperature (frost protection)
All thermostats with an override switch (WLTM & WLTD) can be set to an OFF position. This is known as a frost protection position, and if the temperatur
e in the room shoud fall as low as 5°C, the heating will be enabled to prevent frost damage.
The 5°C level can be changed in the master module.
Max limit temperatur
e for ther
mostats with limit sensor (floor sensor)
Min limit for thermostats with limit sensor (floor sensor)
The masters type WLM-1FS and WLM-3FS are provided with graphic display to enable simple pr
ogramming and operations of the unit to be achieved using
simple and easy to understand icons and symbols.
Moving around in the menu
By using the ( ) (UP), and the ( ) (DOWN) you move through the main menu into sub menus. The description of these submenus can be seen below. If a value needs to be changed, then press ( ) (CONFIRM) button once, and alter the value with the ( ) (UP) and ( ) (DOWN ) buttons. Then press ( ) (CONFIRM) to accept the new value.
If you wish to reset the master to factory settings, then push the ( ) (CONFIRM) button for 10 sec. until the 6 outputs starts blinking. The master has now been reset to factory settings.
Control of room temperature
Within the memory of the master, there is a room temperature Setpoint which will apply for all rooms connected to the system. This setting is at 20°C when the unit leaves the factory, but it can be increased or decreased as required. Any change will apply to all rooms on the system unless a clock thermostat is employed (see next para).
Using clock thermostat (WLCT-19):
If a clock thermostat is used as a zone control for one room or a group of rooms, then all the thermostats within this zone will operate according to the temperatures and times defined in the clock thermostat. However the local thermostats within the group are still capable of being adjusted by ± 4˚C so that some r
ooms can be set higher or lower than others. The decision as to which thermostats will form part of the clock thermostats group is made by programming the clock thermostat (see instructions for WLCT unit). Any thermostats that are not part of the clock thermostats’ group will operate to the temperature as defined in the master control, but again with the option of local ±4°C adjustment.
Using external switch for night setback:
The day temperature set point is defaulted to 20°C and the night temperature to 15°C. These default settings can be changed on the master. The current operating set point of the master can be changed from the day temperature into night temperature, by connecting a separate timing device to the master. When the external switch or timer is used to switch to night setback, this will override any time settings in a WLCT clock thermostat, including any thermostats that are part of a group allocated to that clock thermostat.
Return to main menu
If you are in a submenu and push UP ( ) and DOWN ( ) at the same time you jump back to the menu start position.
Limitation of floor temperatur
Max allowed supply water temperatur
Outdoor temperatur
Design supply water temperature at outdoor temperature –3°C Design supply water temperature if used
without outdoor compensation module.
Outdoor temperature
Supply water temperature at outdoor temperature 25ºC
Supply Water Temperature Control Using supply water sensor for limitation of supply water:
A limit sensor should be used with the WLM 1FS & WLM 3FS, but can be used without the weather compensation module (WLOC). In this case the master will control the supply water temperature flowing into the system via the 3 or 4 port mixing valve and actuator. The factory default setting is 45°C, but can be changed via the master display.
Using outdoor compensation module for weather compensation
When the outdoor compensation module (WLOC) is connected to the system, the master calculates the cor
rect temperature, taking into account the heat losses that will vary depending on the outdoor temperature, and the room temperature requirements of the system. For example, on a day when the outdoor temperature is 12°C, it is possible to run the heating system with a supply water temperature of only 35°C. this ensures economical running of the boilers, and comfortable room conditions throughout the year. The max allowed supply water temperatur prevents excessive water temperatures if the outdoor temperature becomes extremely cold, e.g. - 30°C.
Max supply temper
The max allowed supply water temperature is set according to the design requirements of the installation (line A on the curve). This is the safely maximum.
Weather compensation W
A design outdoor temperature and the corresponding design supply water temperature are set (point B). To increase the heat output, adjust the supply water temperatur
e higher
, until you feel comfor
table (we recommend only a 2 degree adjustment of this temperature at a time, and timer allowed for the system to respond).
An outdoor temperature and the corresponding supply water temperature ar
e set (point C). T
o incr
ease the heat output, adjust the supply water temperature higher (we recommend only a 2 degree adjustment of this temperature at a time, and timer allowed for the system to respond)
The master calculates the intersection point D
Compensation for outdoor temperature can only be done if an outdoor compensation module (WLOC) is installed. W
ithout outdoor compensation module the Master will adjust after allowed supply water temperature 45°C.
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