© 2012 OJ Electronics A/S
1. Press the OK button to activate the Event settings display.
2. Choose the days for which you want to change the settings,
Mon-Fri or Sat-Sun using the up or down button. Press OK.
3. Now select the time and temperature for each daily event in the
program. Press OK and set the start time for the event concerned.
Confirm with OK. Set the temperature for this event and confirm
with OK.
4. After setting the required events, select Exit in the menu to return
to the initial display.
& &
User settings
In the user settings menu you can change the
following items:
• Time and date
• Child lock
• Display settings
• Event schedule
• Energy monitor
Time and date
Press OK and set the actual time in hours
and minutes.
The date will then be displayed. Set the date
and confirm with OK.
Child lock
Allows you to lock the thermostat settings,
e.g. in public or other places where you do
not want the settings changed.
Press OK and set the child lock to On using
the down button. Confirm with OK.
The child lock can be unlocked by pressing both the Comfort and
Manual buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds.
Display settings
Allows you to select what is shown on the
initial display.
Time/day: Shows the actual time and day at
the top of the display.
Set temp.: Shows the current temperature
Act. temp*.:Shows the actual measured temperature.
Scr. saver: Switches o the display after 30 seconds if no button is
pressed. Any subsequent press of a button reactivates
the display. The thermostat remains on and runs the
selected program.
Press the OK button to select or deselect the display options. Then
select Exit in the menu to return to the initial display and view your
chosen settings.
* Only with floor application.
Event schedule
Allows you to choose the type of weekly
Event schedule you require.
5:2 : Monday to Friday with 4 events
and Saturday to Sunday with 2
Typically used if you work from Monday to Friday.
6:1 : Monday to Saturday with 4 events and Sunday with
2 events. Typically used if you work from Monday to
7:0 : Monday to Sunday with 4 individual events. Allows
you to choose individual programs for each of the 7
days of week.
5:2 6-event : Monday to Friday with 6 events and Saturday and
Sunday with 2 events. Typically used if you work
from Monday to Friday.
6:1 6-event : Monday to Saturday with 6 events and Sunday with
2 events. Typically used if you work from Monday to
7:0 6-event: Monday to Sunday with 6 events. This allows you
to choose individual programs for each day of the
0:7 6-event: Monday to Sunday with 6 events and the same
program for all days of the week.
Select the required 4 or 6 event schedule and confirm with OK.
For instructions on programming the time and temperature for the
Event schedule, see Event settings.
Energy monitor
Allows you to view energy consumption for
the past 2 days, 30 days or 365 days.
Press OK for the chosen period. The value
in per cent (%) shows the relative amount of
time the heating has been on. The following
figure is the cost for the selected period. To ensure correct calculation, check the settings for currency, price per kWh and load.
Currency: Press OK and chose the required currency.
Confirm with OK.
Cost/unit: Press OK and set the actual cost of electricity.
The cost must be entered per kWh. Press OK.
Load: Press OK and enter the connected heating power.
The value must be in watt (W). Press OK.
Leave the menu by pressing Exit.
Engineer settings
The Engineer settings menu contains the
following options:
• Oset temperature
• Adaptive function
• Application
• Temperature scale
• Language
• Factory reset
• Information
Offset temperature
If the actual measured temperature does not
corresponding to the thermostat value, you
can adjust the thermostat by osetting the
Press OK and enter the value of the measured temperature. Confirm with OK.
Adaptive function
Ensures that the required temperature has
already been reached when you get up in the
morning or come home from work. After just
a few days, the adaptive function will have
automatically calculated when the heating
must be turned on.
Press OK and set the function to On. Confirm with OK.
Type OCC4/OCD4 English