Excluding RH telescopes, where there are only cooling fans, your Officina Stellare telescope is
always provided with one of the following electronics packages:
TC01 – The basic model.
ATC-02 – The advanced model, that allows also to control all functions of your telescope from
a remote PC.
Both require 12Vdc. The power consumption of the electronic itself (and fans) is minimal, but
shutters and heaters may be a bit energy hungry, especially in big telescopes. Provide a 6A PSU
(Power Supply Unit) for telescopes up to 400 mm, 10A for the bigger models.
TC01 – (Telescope Control 01) –Controls only the primary and secondary mirror heaters and
cooling fans. You see it in the following photo.
On the left side you see the connectors for 12V dc
power and the on/off switch, if present. Units with no
on/off switch on/off switch are turned on and off simply
plugging in the power cable.
Some units have an internal fuse (you must open the
box to change it), while some other have the fuse on the
power cable.
On the TC-01 you also see the connectors for the flat cables that power the primary and
secondary mirror heaters. Cables have different connectors, so it is not possible to make wrong
connections. The three knobs control the power to the heaters and the fans speed. As a general
rule, do not use the heaters, unless you see some mist on the mirrors. If you turn on the heaters,
try to keep them at the lowest temperature that avoid the mist. The intensity of the LED is
proportional to the power of each heater. Regarding the fans, run them at maximum until the
seeing stabilizes. After that point run them at half or one third power, or even turn them off until the
end of the night. The use of cooling fans is proportional to the temperature change that the
telescope suffers from day to night. The higher the temperature change, the longer you have to
run fans to reach equilibrium.
ATC-02 – (Advanced Telescope Controller 02) –
The ATC02 is provided with a serial cable to
connect is to a Windows computer, physically
located in the vicinity of the telescope.
This PC, usually, will also manage a CCD camera,
the mount, the dome, autoguide, and so on, and in
case of a remote installation, it is remotely
controlled via a dedicated software, like Remote
Desktop, VNC or others.
On the ATC-02 you see the power connector,
on/off switch and mirrors heaters connectors, that are identical to those of the TC-01, and works
the same ways. The other connectors present are:
Environmental: to connect a humidity / temperature sensor, embedded in the telescope
body. Since those parameter are enough to compute the dew temperature, this sensor
allows the telescope to keep its mirrors just "warm enough" to avoid condensation
automatically, following the changes of the conditions during the night.
Hand: connector for the optional hand pad (keyboard).