Oertzen M 400, M 500 Operation Manual

Operation Manual
Cold Water High Pressure Clea ner with
Combustion Eng i ne
M 400
To be read carefully before start-up!
von Oertzen GmbH • Ferdinand-Harten-Str. 10 • 22949 Ammersbek • Tel. +49 40 604110 • Fax +49 40 6041149
www.oertzen-gmbh.de • info@oertzen-gmbh.de
Table of Content
1. Introduction page 3
2. Safety Instructions pages 4 – 5
3. Configuration/Illustration pages 6 – 7
4. Start-up/Operation/Shut-down pages 8 – 12
5. Maintenance and Care pages 13 – 14
6. Technical Data page 15
7. Trouble-Shooting pages 16
8. Declaration of Conformity page 17
1. Introduction By buying the OERTZEN equipment you have purchased one of the most
durable and reliable high pressure cleaners available on the market. Its balanced ratio of water flow (temperature) and working pressure perfectly meets all cleaning requirements. The OERTZEN high pressure cleaners and accessories conform to all European safety regulations which is guaranteed by the CE symbol on the type plate. A Declaration of Conformity is part of this manual.
This manual to be made available to the operating personnel and to be read completely before start-up. We point out that we cannot be held responsible for any damage or malfunctions as a result of neglecting this manual.
According to the Directive for Use of Liquid Blasters (ZH 1/406) the machine described in this manual to be inspected every year by qualified personnel. Inspection results to be recorded and to be made available to authorities their on request. OERTZEN offers qualified service personnel to carry out safety inspections at attractive prices.
The packing materials (plastic foil, wood, cardboard boxes, nails etc.) are potentially dangerous, should be kept away from children and disposed according to environmental requirements.
This symbol appears at all operating and safety instructions dealing with risks for personal entirety and life.
This warning symbol appears in the operating manual at all operating safety instructions dealing with risks due to electric power.
This warning symbol appears in the operating manual at all operating safety instructions dealing with risks due to electric power.
This symbol appears at all operating and safety instructions dealing with the fulfilment of rules, regulations and instructions for the proper operation and destruction of the machine.
This manual is subject to technical alteration.
All rights reserved. Any use in other than legally authorised cases requires the written approval of ARNDT H. von OERTZEN (GmbH&Co).
Safety Instructions
The following instructions to be followed before, during and after work:
This instruct ion manual to b e read complet ely before initial s t art-up. If stric t ly f ollowed, no danger should occur.
This mach ine must only be run by qualifie d adult persons w ho are fully awa re of possible danger. Directiv es ZH 1/406 an d BGR 500, as well as relevant national safety rules t o be followed.
The machine is not suitabl e f or unattended operation a nd must be oper at ed according to specificat ion and intended purpose. Protective c lot hing to be worn.
The water jet emerging fro m the spray pistol has a danger ous c ut t ing effect. There­fore the wat er jet must never be directed ont o persons, ani m als or electrical i ns t alla­tions. It must never be used for c leaning of clot hes, footwe ar and the like. B e aware of torque and recoil. Ensure s t able foothold.
The max. al lowed pressure which is stated on the type pl at e must not be exceeded. The safety/control valve opens, if the max. operating pressure is exceeded by more than 20 bar and returns the water back int o t he s uction side of t he high pressure pump. The safety/control valve is workshop-set and sealed. Adjust m ent must not be changed.
Machines driven by com bus t ion engines m us t not be run indoors u nles s proper ventilation and exhaust gas evacuation are guaranteed. Exhaus t gas is harmful, excessive c oncentration of carbon monox ide is lethal.
Unsuitable respectively defective high pressure hoses often c ause severe ac c idents during operat ion. Theref ore high pressure hoses to be carefully insp ec t ed before start-up and replaced by o riginal OER T ZE N equipment in case of damage. Use of other than original OER T ZE N equipment (hand nut mark ed with OERTZ EN), results in expiry of t he EC Declaration of Conform it y , as well as product liability and wa rranty.
Used or da m aged high press ure hoses must never be repa ired and reuse d but to be replaced by original OER T Z EN equipment .
Spray pistols with delayed c los ing mechanism must not be us ed because of ris k of injuries.
Lever in ope n position must never be block ed or fixed in any way. Use of spray wands of a lengt h below 750 m m is prohibited. The machine must not be r un in areas jeop ardized by f ire or explosions. During
operation at filling stations “Technical Rul es f or f lammable Liquids” (TfbF) t o be observed.
Consumables to be han dled thorough ly ac c ording to tec hnical rules and s af et y and environm ental regulatio ns t o be observed.
Before ope ning the machi ne in case of malf unc t ion or emer gency, switch off by means of t he ON/OFF res pec t iv ely the EME R GENCY STOP switch.
Electric power can cause serious dan ger. All symptoms of defective elec t ric al compon ents to be taken se riously and eliminated immediately. Repair works only t o be carried out by qualified pers onnel.
Make sure t hat t he machine cannot move. I f t he unit is equipped with a parking brake, it must be set during working.
During loading hoisting d ev ic e to be fastened properly at jac k rings. Ensur e balanced load.
The exha us t ev ac uation area is h ot ! Do not t ouch!
Repair wo rk in t he high pressur e section of the ma c hine (pump, hos es , piping) only to be carried out by qualified pers onnel.
After work the machine to be locked and s ec ured against unauthorized/accidenta l operation by means of the s af et y lever.
Use of equi pment and/or consumables which i s /are not deli vere d or expres­sively ap proved by OE R TZEN results i n e xpiry of the EC De cl aration of Conformity, as well as product liability and warranty.
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