Safety Instructions
The following instructions to be followed before, during and after work:
This instruct ion manual to b e read complet ely before initial s t art-up. If stric t ly f ollowed,
no danger should occur.
This mach ine must only be run by qualifie d adult persons w ho are fully awa re of
possible danger. Directiv es ZH 1/406 an d BGR 500, as well as relevant national
safety rules t o be followed.
The machine is not suitabl e f or unattended operation a nd must be oper at ed according
to specificat ion and intended purpose. Protective c lot hing to be worn.
The water jet emerging fro m the spray pistol has a danger ous c ut t ing effect. Therefore the wat er jet must never be directed ont o persons, ani m als or electrical i ns t allations. It must never be used for c leaning of clot hes, footwe ar and the like. B e aware of
torque and recoil. Ensure s t able foothold.
The max. al lowed pressure which is stated on the type pl at e must not be exceeded.
The safety/control valve opens, if the max. operating pressure is exceeded by more
than 20 bar and returns the water back int o t he s uction side of t he high pressure
pump. The safety/control valve is workshop-set and sealed. Adjust m ent must not be
Machines driven by com bus t ion engines m us t not be run indoors u nles s proper
ventilation and exhaust gas evacuation are guaranteed. Exhaus t gas is harmful,
excessive c oncentration of carbon monox ide is lethal.
Unsuitable respectively defective high pressure hoses often c ause severe ac c idents
during operat ion. Theref ore high pressure hoses to be carefully insp ec t ed before
start-up and replaced by o riginal OER T ZE N equipment in case of damage. Use of
other than original OER T ZE N equipment (hand nut mark ed with OERTZ EN), results
in expiry of t he EC Declaration of Conform it y , as well as product liability and wa rranty.
Used or da m aged high press ure hoses must never be repa ired and reuse d but to be
replaced by original OER T Z EN equipment .
Spray pistols with delayed c los ing mechanism must not be us ed because of ris k of
Lever in ope n position must never be block ed or fixed in any way.
Use of spray wands of a lengt h below 750 m m is prohibited.
The machine must not be r un in areas jeop ardized by f ire or explosions. During
operation at filling stations “Technical Rul es f or f lammable Liquids” (TfbF) t o be
Consumables to be han dled thorough ly ac c ording to tec hnical rules and s af et y and
environm ental regulatio ns t o be observed.