Oertzen M 320 Operation Manual

To be read carefully before start-up!
Operation Manual
M 320
von Oertzen GmbH • Ferdinand-Harten-Str. 10 • 22949 Ammersbek • Tel. +49 40 604110 • Fax +49 40 6041149
www.oertzen-gmbh.de • info@oertzen-gmbh.de
Table of Content
1. Introduction page 3
2. Safety Instructions pages 4 – 5
3. Configuration/Illustration pages 6 – 7
4. Start-up/Operation/Shut-down pages 8 – 11
5. Maintenance and Care pages 12 – 14
6. Technical Data page 15
7. Trouble-Shooting pages 16
8. Declaration of Conformity page 17
With your OERTZEN high pressure cleaner you have purchased one of the most durable and reliable machines available on the market. Its balanced ratio of water flow (temperature) and working pressure meets all cleaning require­ments. The OERTZEN high pressure cleaners conform to all and European safety regulations which is guaranteed by the CE symbol.
This manual to be made available to the operating personnel and to be read completely before start-up.
We underline that we cannot be held responsible for any damages or malfunctions as a result of ignoring this manual.
OERTZEN offers training courses in order to enable the operating personnel to run the machine in accordance with the instructions laid down in this manual, to carry out all necessary maintenance work described herein and to eliminate minor repair work.
This warning symbol appears in this operating manual at all opera­ting and safety instructions dealing with the dangers for personal entirety and life (DIN 4844).
This warning symbol appears in the operating manual at all opera­ting and safety instructions dealing with the fulfilment of rules, regulations and instructions for the proper operation and to avoid damages or destroying of the machine.
This manual is subject to alteration.
All rights reserved. Any use in other than legally authorised cases requires the prior written approval of ARNDT H. von OERTZEN ( GmbH&Co).
Safety Instructions
This instruction manual should thoroughly and completely be studied and considered prior to initial start-up of the unit. When strictly following the instructions, no danger should occur.
This mac hine must only be operate d by adu lt pers ons who a re fully familiar with the operation and possible dangers. All relevant safety instructions laid down in this manual stric t ly t o be followed.
Protectiv e clothing to be worn duri ng ope rati on. The water j et leavi ng the spray pistol at high vel ocity has a rather da ngerous cut ting
effect! Th erefore, th e water jet nev er to be direc ted onto p ersons, an imals or elec tric units. Wh en s t art ing the machine, be aware of torque and recoil. Take car e of a s t able foothold.
Any repair wo rk within the hig h press ure secti on must only be c arried out by qualifie d personnel.
Before ope ning the mac hine in case of malfuncti ons, emerg ency it must be switched of by means of the ON/O F F switch
The max. pressure stated on the type label must not be exceeded. The unloader valve opens as soon as the max. operating pressure is exceeded by 10 %. The unloader valve is workshop adjusted and sealed. The adjustment must not be changed.
Unsuitable or defective high pressure hoses very often cause accidents during operation of h igh pressur e cleaners. The refore check the hoses for d amages befor e any start-up. Defective high pressure hoses immediately to be replaced by original OERTZEN equipment. Using other materials than original OERTZEN equipment (union respect ively hos e marked with “OE RTZE N”) or using mat erials w hich have not expressiv ely been approv ed by OE RTZEN in wri ting voids all warranty and product liability.
Worn high pressure h os es must never be repaire d and re-used.
Use of repair k its, accessories a nd the like which are not approved by OE RTZEN in writing, voids all warranty and product liability as well as the validity of the Declaration of Conformity.
Spray pistols with delayed closing mechanism must not be used, due to danger of injuries.
Lever in ope n position m us t never be blocked or fixed in any other way. When using spray pistols below of 750 mm length particular dangers to be
considered. After work the spray pistol to be protected against accidental/unauthorised use by
means of t he s af et y lever.
The unit must not b e placed or operat ed in areas jeopar dised by fire or exp losions. During w ork at filli ng stations t he “Tech nical rules for flam mable Li quids (Tfb F) to be considered.
Consumables to be handled thoroughly and strictly in accordance with all relevant safety reg ulations and r ules of environmental protection.
Electrical energy can cause severe injuries. Electrical components thoroughly and frequently t o be i nsp ect ed for dam ages and malf unc tions, in ord er to avoi d a ny caus e for accident s. All repair work to be carried out by qualified pers onnel. Disc onnect the unit from th e electrical network dur ing all repair/maintena nc e work (Z H 1/95).
Extension c abl es t o have a diam eter accor din g to VDE re gulat ions . Ext ens ion c ables on reels to be r eeled of f compl etely durin g oper ation, in or der to avoi d overh eating of the cable re el.
The unit is equipped with a brake. This brake to be fixed when working in steep areas.
During loading suita ble lif t ing eyes t o be f oreseen. Balanced load to be ensured.
Exhaust gas out of comb ustion engines is highly toxic and explosive. Therefore, t he machine never to be operated indoors/non-vented rooms. This would be extremely hazardous. All indic ations of malfunctions/damages to be investig ated and possibl e causes to be eliminated immediately. All repair work to be carried out by qualified personnel.
The waste gas pipe is getting hot during operatio n. Do not touch!
Manufacturer’s instructions to be followed!
+ 11 hidden pages