2. Safety Instructions
The following instructions to be followed before, during and after work:
This instruct ion manual t o be read co m pletely before initial st art-up. If s t ric t ly f ollowed,
no dangers should occur.
This mach ine must only be run by qua lif ied adult p ers ons who are fully famili ar with
possible dangers. “Di rec t iv es f or Liquid Blasters” (Z H 1/406) and operation ins t ructions “Work ing with Liqu id Blasters ” (BGV D 15) to be f ollowed.
The machine is not suit able for unatt ended ope rat ion and m us t be operate d ac c ording
to specificat ion. Protect iv e c lothing to be worn.
The water jet emerging f rom the spray pistol has a dangerous c ut t ing effect. T herefore the wat er jet must never be direc t ed onto pers ons , animals or electrical i ns t allations. It must never be use d f or c leaning of c lot hes, shoes and the like. Be aware of
torque and recoil. Ensure stable f oothold.
The max. al lowed pressure which is s t at ed on the ty pe plate must not be exceeded.
The safety/control valve opens, if the max. operating pressure is exceeded by more
than 10 % and returns the water int o t he s uc t ion side of t he high pressure pump. The
safety/c ont rol valve is wo rk s hop-set and leaded. Adjustme nt must not be c hanged.
Unsuitable respectiv ely defective high pres s ure hoses of t en c ause sev ere accident s
during operat ion. Therefore hig h pressure hoses to be ca ref ully inspec t ed before
start-up and replaced by original OERTZE N equipment in case of dam age. Use of
other than original OERTZEN equipment results in expiration of t he EC Declarat ion of
Confor mity , as w ell as product lia bilit y and warr anty.
Worn-out or damaged high pressure hoses m us t nev er be repaired and reused but to
be replaced by original OERTZ EN equipme nt .
Spray pistols with delayed closing mechanism mus t not be us ed because of risk of
Lever in ope n position m us t never be blocked or fixed in any way.
When usi ng s pray wands of a length be low 750 mm, p articular risks t o be observed.
The machine must not be run in areas jeopardized by fire or explosions . During
operation at filling stations “Tec hnical for fla m m able liquids” (TfbF) to be observed.
Consumables to be h andled thro roughly according t o t ec hnical rules and safety and
environm ental regulat ions to be observed.
Machine m us t not be s t arted, if pow er c able, plu g, s witc hes, etc. are defective.
Only extens ion cables des igned according to VDE to be use d. Ex t ension cables on
reels to be re eled off durin g operatio n in order to avoid overheat ing of the reel. Plug,
couplings to be watertight. A faulty c urrent protection switc h t o be added.
Before ope ning the mac hine in case of malfuncti on or emer gency, switc h of f by
means of t he ON/OFF switch and disconnect it f rom electric power sou rc e.