Oertzen Compact 120 K Operation Manual

Operation Manual
Compact 120 K
von Oertzen GmbH • Ferdinand-Harten-Str. 10 • 22949 Ammersbek • Tel. +49 40 604110 • Fax +49 40 6041149
www.oertzen-gmbh.de • info@oertzen-gmbh.de
Table of Content
1. Introduction Page 3
2. Safety Instructions Page 4 - 5
3. Design/Configuration/Illustration Page 6 - 7
4. Start-up/Shut-down Page 8 - 11
5. Maintenance and Care Page 12 - 15
6. Electric Wiring Diagram Page 16
7. Technical Data Page 16
8. Trouble Shooting Page 17
9. Declaration of Conformity Page 18
1. Introduction With your OERTZEN high pressure cleaner you have purchased one of the most durable and reliable machines available on the market. Its balanced ratio of water flow (temperature) and working pressure perfectly meets all cleaning requirements. The OERTZEN high pressure cleaners conform to all European safety regulations which is guaranteed by the CE symbol.
This manual to be made available to the operating personnel and to be read completely before start-up. We point out that we cannot be held responsible for any damage or malfunctions as a result of ignoring this manual.
The machine described in this manual to be inspected every year by qualified personnel. Inspection results to be recorded and to be made available to authorities their on request.
The packing materials (plastic foil, wood, cardboard boxes, nails etc.) are potentially dangerous, should be kept away from children and disposed according to environmental requirements.
This symbol appears at all operating and safety instructions dealing with the dangers for personal entirety and life.
This warning symbol appears in the operating manual at all operating safety instructions dealing with risks due to electric power.
This symbol appears at all operating and safety instructions dealing with the fulfilment of rules, regulations and instructions for the proper operation to avoid destruction of the machine.
This manual is subject to technical alteration.
All rights reserved. Any use in other than legally authorised cases requires the prior written approval of ARNDT H. von OERTZEN (GmbH&Co).
2. Safety Instructions
The following instructions to be followed before, during and after work:
This instruct ion manual t o be read com pletely before initial st art-up. If st ric t ly f ollowed, no dangers should occur.
This mach ine must only be run by qualif ied adult pers ons who are fully famili ar with possible dangers. “Di rec t iv es f or Liquid Bl as t ers ” (ZH 1/406) and operation instruc­tions “Work ing with Liqu id Blasters” (BGV D 15) to be f ollowed.
The machine is not suit able for unattended ope rat ion and mus t be operated ac cording to specificat ion. Protect iv e c lothing to b e worn.
The water jet emerging f rom the spray pis t ol has a dangerous cutti ng ef f ec t . T here­fore the wat er jet must never be direct ed onto pers ons , animals or el ec t ric al installa­tions. It must never be use d f or c leaning of c lot hes, foot we ar and the like. Be aware of torque and recoil. Ensure stable foothold.
The max. al lowed pressure which is s t at ed on the ty pe plate must n ot be ex c eeded. The safety/control valve opens, if the max. operating pressure is exceeded by more than 10 % and returns the water back int o t he suction s ide of the hig h pressure pump. The safety/control valve is workshop-set and sealed. Adjustment must not be changed.
Oil heated hi gh pressure c leaners m us t not be run indoors, in c ase exhaust gas evacuatio n is not guaranteed. Carbon monox ide is lethal.
Worn-out or damaged high pressu re hoses mus t nev er be repaire d and reused but t o be replaced by original OERTZEN equipme nt .
Unsuitable respectiv ely defective high pressur e hoses caus e s evere acc idents duri ng operation. Therefore high press ure hoses to be c arefully inspected before start-up and replaced by original OERT ZE N equipment in c as e of damage. Use of other than original OE RTZE N equip ment res ults in expiry of the EC Declarat ion of Confor mity , as well as product liability and warrant y .
Spray pistols with delayed closing m ec hanism must not be use d because of ris k of injuries.
Lever in ope n position m us t never be blocked or fixed in any way. Use of spray wands of a length below 750 mm is prohibited. The machine must not be run in areas jeopardized by fire or explosions. During
operation at filling stations “Technical for flam m able liquids ” (TfbF) to b e observed. Consumables to be h andled thoroughly according to t ec hnical rules a nd s af et y and
environm ental regulat ions to be observed. Machine m us t not be s t arted, if pow er c able, plug, s witc hes, etc. are defective. Only extens ion cables des igned acc ording to VDE t o be us ed. Extens ion cables on
reels to be re eled off durin g operation in order to av oid overheati ng of the reel. Plug, couplings to be watertight. A faulty c urrent prot ec t ion switch to b e added.
Before ope ning the mac hine in case of malfuncti on or emergency, switc h of f by means of t he ON/OFF switch and disconnect it f rom electric power sou rc e.
Electric power can caus e severe inj uries. All sy mp t oms of faulty elec t ric components to be taken s eriously an d pos s ible causes f or accidents t o be elimin at ed immediately. All repair work only to be carried out by q ualified servic e personnel.
Make sure t hat t he machin e c annot move. I f t he m ac hine is equi pped with a br ak e, it must be set during work ing.
Repair wo rk in t he high press ure section of t he machine (p ump, hoses, piping) only t o be carried out by qualified personnel.
Exhaust gas piping is g et t ing hot during operation. Do not touch! During loading hoisti ng device to be f as t ened prop erly at jac k rings. Ens ure balanced
load distri but ion. After work the machin e t o be locked an d s ec ured against unauthoriz ed/accid ent al
operation by means of t he s af et y lever. For immission control purposes oil heated high pressure c leaners to pass a y early
immissio n v alue test, result s of which to be rec orded.
Use of equipment and/or consumables which is not delivered or expressively appr oved by OERTZ EN re sults in ex piry of the EC Declara t ion of Conform ity, as well as product liability and warranty.
3. Design/Configuration/Illustration The hot water cleaners of this series mainly comprise a low speed high pressure inline plunger pump incl. of safety shut-down system and a high performance oil heating unit with vertical double-shell stainless steel heat exchanger.
The high pressure inline plunger pump is directly flanged to the electric motor. It directs the feed water via strainer and a safety/control unit into the heating coil, where the water is heated up to required working temperature. A sealed safety/control valve which is arranged between high pressure pump and heating coil opens as soon the max. operating pressure is exceeded by 10 % and returns the water which cannot be taken by the nozzle back into the suction line of the high pressure pump.
By means of the burner/thermostat switch fuel supply from internal fuel tank can be activated. The fuel pump directs the fuel via a filter into the burner chamber. The oxygen required for the burning process is generated by a blower system and pressed into the burner chamber; here the mixture is atomised and ignited by ignition electrodes which are supplied with continuous voltage by a high voltage transformer. The flame is totally burning inside the burner chamber without touching the heat exchanger shells at high efficiency. the infra-red rays generated by this process and hot exhaust fumes economi­cally heat up the water flowing through the heating coil to the temperature adjusted at the thermostat. At the high pressure outlet he hot water enters the high pressure hose, spray lance and spray nozzle and is pressurised to required working pressure determined by the nozzle diameter.
If required, the working pressure can be reduced at the Vario Jet nozzle and detergent can be fed into the water stream at low pressure.
The machine is equipped with a circulation shut-down system. When closing the spray pistol the machine, the safety/control which is arranged down­streams of the high pressure pump returns the water to the suction line. In parallel a safety/control unit interrupts the fuel supply to the burner so that it is stopped. When releasing the spray pistol again, the machine and burner restart and pressure is generated immediately so that work can be continued without delay.
A wide range of accessories which allow to increase the efficiency of the machine is available. Contact OERTZEN or your local dealer for details.
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