Octek DUMBMODE User Manual

Dumb Mode Guide
Using Your Modem with
Synchronous and Mainframe Computers
Revision B
YML199-3 B
January 1994
ISBN 0 947206 89 2
This manual is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of NetComm Limited.
NetComm Limited accepts no liability or responsibility, for consequences arising from the use of this product. NetComm Limited reserves the right to change the specifications and operating details of this product without notice.
NetComm is a registered trademark of NetComm Limited SmartModem, ProRack and Cooee are trademarks of NetComm Limited Pocket Rocket is a registered trademark of NetComm Limited MNP is a registered trademark of Microcom Inc Microcom Networking Protocol is a trademark of Microcom Inc Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
©1993 NetComm Limited ACN:002490486 PO Box 379, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia Incorporated in New South Wales Australia
Written by Bruce McKinnon Version: 250892
Dumb Mode Guide i
Introduction .......................................................................... 1
Conventions ........................................................................... 1
What is Dumb Mode? ........................................................... 3
Selecting Dumb Mode on Desktop Modems ........................... 3
Selecting Dumb Mode on ProRack Modems ........................... 4
Setting Up your Modem ......................................................... 4
Selecting Communications Speeds on Desktop Modems ......... 5
Selecting Communications Speeds on ProRack Modems ......... 6
Hints for Unix Computers and Multiplexers........................... 7
I Want More Information ....................................................... 7
Leased Line Operation ............................................................ 8
Dialling in Dumb Mode ........................................................ 9
Dialling with a Telephone Handset ........................................ 9
Using the Talk/Data Button to Dial ..................................... 10
Using DTR to Dial .............................................................. 12
Answering Calls in Dumb Mode ........................................ 14
Automatic Answering .......................................................... 14
Manual Answering ............................................................... 16
The Option Switches .......................................................... 18
Modems with Rear Panel Option Switches ........................... 18
Modems without Rear Panel Option Switches ...................... 19
ProRack Modems ................................................................. 20
Dumb Mode Guideii
Welcome to the Dumb-Mode Guide. This guide shows you how to use your modem in “dumb mode”. Before reading any further, you should install your modem — refer to the Installation Guide provided with your modem.
Throughout this guide, we use certain symbols, typestyles and conventions to help you. For example, you might find a line that looks like this:
• Type:
When we want you to press the ENTER key, we use a symbol:
On some keyboards the or ENTER, as appropriate for your keyboard. The same is true for keyboards showing a symbol, rather than
In some cases where the <E> symbol might be confusing, we will tell you to ‘Press the
When you see the bullet (•), it usually starts an action statement. We want you to take some specific action, such as:
ATI3 <E>
What you actually type appears in a special typeface:
Whatever appears on your screen will also be displayed in this manual in this special typeface — for example: messages:
<E> (which means ‘and press
ENTER key is labelled RETURN. You press RETURN
ENTER key’.
• Switch your computer on
• Type:
Dumb-Mode Guide 1
ATI3 <E>
Note that we do not use a (.) full stop after an action statement. We do that to avoid confusion when you are asked to type commands and other information.
When we list general information, we use a box (), like this:
How to begin diallingUsing error-free communication
When we have special information we want you to take NOTE of,
we use a pointing finger (), like this:
Before proceeding, complete both copies of the Warranty form.
Information we want you to pay special attention to is placed in a WARNING box, like this:
Regulations require that the modem,
when operating in originate mode, waits no
longer than 30 seconds for a carrier to be
detected from a remote modem.
Dumb-Mode Guide2
What is Dumb Mode?
Your modem has two methods of operating with your computer. The commonly used method is “smart mode”, where the computer issues “AT” commands to the modem to make it dial and hang up (refer to the Modem User’s Guide for an explanation of the AT commands).
For computers which do not offer an asynchronous port or cannot communicate synchronously using V.25bis commands, dumb mode permits manual control of your modem.
Selecting Dumb Mode on Desktop Modems
To select Dumb mode:
• Place front panel Option switch 4 in the Down position
To select Smart mode:
• Place front panel Option switch 4 in the Up position
The Option switches and Mode and Talk/Data buttons
Some modems also have rear panel Option switches — check the rear panel of your modem. Details of the use of each Option switch is provided at the end of this guide.
To restore the factory settings of your modem, switch it on holding the Mode button in, until the modem “beeps” twice.
Dumb-Mode Guide 3
Selecting Dumb Mode on ProRack Modems
To select Dumb mode on a ProRack modem:
• Place front panel Option switch 6 in the On (or Left) position
To select Smart mode:
• Place front panel Option switch 6 in the Off (or Right) position
ProRack Modem Option Switches
Setting Up your Modem
In most instances, your modem will need to be configured prior to entering Dumb mode. All configuration of your modem is performed using the AT commands.
For example, if you wish to have your modem dial a stored telephone number when the computer asserts (or “raises”) the DTR signal, you must first store the telephone number in the modem and select stored number dialling operation, using the AT commands.
Details of how to use the AT commands are found in the Modem User’s Guide. Detailed information about the commands supported by your modem are found in the Modem Reference Guide, available from Telesales or your modem dealer.
Dumb-Mode Guide4
+ 16 hidden pages