Octagon Systems Corporation, 7403 Church Ranch Blvd., Westminster, CO 80021-5490
Copyright Information
Reason for Change
Initial production r el e a se
Octagon Systems Corporation and the Octagon logo are registered trademarks of Octagon
Systems Corporation. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Intel® is a
trademark of Intel Corporation.
The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct. However, Octagon assumes
no responsibility for any of the circuits described herein, conveys no license under any patent
or other right, and makes no representations that the circuits are free from patent
infringement. Octagon makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be
suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification.
Octagon Systems Corporation’s general policy does not recommend the use of its products in
life support applications where the failure or malfunction of a component may directly
threaten life or injury. It is a Condition of Sale that the use of Octagon products in life support
applications assumes all the risk of such use and indemnifies Octagon against all damage.
The specifications at the end of the manual are subject to change without notice. Please go to
www.octagonsystems.com to get the current specifications.
Technical Support
Carefully recheck your system before calling Technical Support. Run as many tests as possible;
the more information you can provide, the easier it will be for Technical Support staff to help
you solve the problem. For additional technical assistance, try the following:
Technical Support ................................................................................................................................... 2
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 3
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Using the TRAX-10 ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Power ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
USB ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Serial Communication .............................................................................................................................. 10
Power Management ................................................................................................................................. 10
Digital I/O ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Status LEDs ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Opening the TRAX-10 ................................................................................................................................ 15
Limitations on Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 16
Service Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Returning a Product for Repair ............................................................................................................. 17
Governing Law ....................................................................................................................................... 17
List of Tables
Table 1 - Internal Connectors and Sockets ................................................................................................... 8
The Octagon TRAX-10 incorporates an Intel®, quad-core, 64-bit X86-class computer in a
ruggedized enclosure. The high processing power couples with DirectX 11 video capability
making the TRAX-10 a mobile workstation. The unit has considerable real-world I/O, rich in
serial data pathways like Ethernet, USB, COM ports and CAN as well as wireless technologies.
Other I/O includes Concurrent GPS, high resolution video, and digital. External pow er rang e is
from 9 VDC to 36 VDC.
Internally, the TRAX-10 has a 32 GB (or larger) solid state drive, a PCI-104 interface, a Mini PCI
socket, and Mini PCI Express sockets.
TRAX-10 Major Hardware Features
The quad-core, Intel 3845 processor has a clock speed of 1.91 GHz, integral graphics and
memory controller supplied with 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM soldered to the CPU board.
A solid state SATA Flash drive is installed for fixed disk storage. Read and write speed far
exceed the CompactFlash used in previous generation products. Densities from 32GB to 512GB
are available. Contact Octagon sales for pricing and information.
A 72- channel, concurrent, GPS receiver offers precision location and timing information. The
receiver supports 3.3V powered as well as passive antennas. The system is GPS, GLONASS,
Galileo, BeiDou QZSS and SBAS compatible.
Internal Functional Expansion
The PCI-104 interface accepts industry-standard PCI-104 boards. The Baseboard also
incorporates two Mini PCI Express slots for radios or other communication devices.
Robust Internal Power Supply
The TRAX-10 accepts a DC input voltage which can be powered from fixed supplies, vehicle
batteries or train power systems. It is protected against load dumps, reverse voltage and
transients. It was designed for 24V systems, but operates over a range of 9 to 36 VDC. The
power supply is fully isolated to minimize ground fault problems caused by multiple grounds.
The TRAX-5 has an AMIBIOS BIOS optimized for the device and embedded installations.
Boot Sequence
The TRAX-10 can be configured to boot from native SATA SSD, a network resource, or from a
USB device such as a floppy drive, hard drive, flash device, or a CD–ROM. A USB or network
boot allows software installation without opening the case.
Hardware virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real
computer with an operating system. Software executed on these virtual machines is separated
from the underlying hardware resources. For example, a computer that is running Microsoft
Windows may host a virtual machine that looks like a computer with the Linux Mint operating
system; Linux Mint-based software can be run on the virtual machine.
The TRAX-10 is designed to operate in difficult environments. Proper installation will help ensure
product longevity and adherence to the product standards.
1. System should be connected to the vehicle frame via an earthing or grounding bolt on the
rear of the enclosure. A 14AWG (3.31mm
stud to a suitable chassis grounding point. This wire should be as short as possible. The
inclusion of an internal star washer is recommended. This provides some ground-fault
protection and reduces EMI to meet CE requirements.
2. For tracked vehicles, shock mounting would be prudent.
3. Opening the unit must not be done in the field, but at an approved antistatic workstation.
The unit may be opened to replace/install wireless and/or SIM cards. Instructions for
opening the case are available from Octagon Technical Support.
4. The unit should be mounted so as to not impede the convection cooling. Vertical mount is
preferable. It is strongly recommended that the space between the heat fins and other
objects exceed 100 mm (4”) and there is at least 50 mm (2”) of open space on the other
sides. Avoid “dead air” spaces such as under seats. The unit should not be bolted to any
surface that is hotter than the ambient air surrounding the unit.
5. The protective caps must be left on all unused connectors. Failure to do so may render
those connectors unusable in the future due to corrosive liquids or conductive dust.
6. There are no internal repairable components. Customer field repair is in violation of
Octagon’s warranty.
2) stranded wire should be used to connect this
7. Do not over-tighten the antenna cable connectors.
8. The TRAX-10 includes mounting flanges that must be secured to a surface with ¼ inch or 6
mm bolts or screws.
9. The power supply cable gauge should be as large and as short in as practicable.
10. The TRAX-10 is protected against transient voltages common in mobile applications. It is
recommended that external in-lin e fuses be us ed on bo th in put po wer lin es . Oc t ag o n
recommends standard, fast acting 10A fuses.
11. Proper ESD precautions and method must be followed when installing, servicing, or
otherwise handling the TRAX-10.
12. The USB 2.0 has a maximum cable length of 5M. Cables with built-in repeaters to extend
this length should not be used.
13. The TRAX-10 contains several switching regulators with an inrush requirement of 10A. The
external supply must be capable of supplying this inrush current so as to not “starve” the
startup of the internal supplies. If the power supply is mounted remotely to the TRAX-10,
the wiring size must be increased to prevent excessive drop during startup.
14. Contact Octagon Technical Support for proper disassembly/ access to internal options &
expansion. Storage options must be factory installed.
15. To power down the TRAX-10, turn the ignition switch off. Allow two minutes for the
automatic shut-down sequence (saving data and configuration) to complete. The LED on
the display will go off signaling the completion.
16. High pressure, power washing is prohibited
Warning – During Arc w elding/Electrical Resis tance welding on the vehicle i n which
this product is installed, EVERY and ALL cables to the unit must be disconnected
prior to welding. Otherwise the unit may be s eriously damaged and the warranty is