Ocean Sonics icListen AF User Manual

icListen AF User Guide
December 11, 2017
icListen AF Smart Hydrophones
Ocean Sonics Ltd.
Hill House, 11 Lornevale Road,
Phone: +1 902 655 3000
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 i

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ iv
1 icListen Smart Hydrophones ................................................................................................................. 5
2 Features of icListen AF .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 AF – Feature Summary .................................................................................................................. 7
3 Quick Start – Bench Setup..................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Checklist ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Steps .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4 Ocean Sonics’ LucyTM Software ........................................................................................................... 10
5 Processing in icListen .......................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Waveform (Time Domain) Data .................................................................................................. 11
5.1.1 Real-Time Data .................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.2 Stored WAV Data ................................................................................................................ 11
5.1.3 Gain ..................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.4 Duty Cycling......................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Power Spectrum (FFT) Data ........................................................................................................ 13
5.2.1 Real-time Data .................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.2 Stored FFT Data ................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.3 Windowing .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.2.4 FFT Processing Options ....................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Epoch Mode ................................................................................................................................ 16
5.4 Logging Start Time ...................................................................................................................... 17
6 Additional Features of icListen ............................................................................................................ 18
6.1 Temperature and Humidity ........................................................................................................ 18
6.2 Acceleration and Magnetic Field ................................................................................................ 18
6.3 Battery Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 18
6.4 Wake From Standby .................................................................................................................... 19
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 ii
6.5 Buzzer Patterns ........................................................................................................................... 19
6.6 Time Synchronization .................................................................................................................. 19
6.7 Network Discovery ...................................................................................................................... 20
6.8 Low Power -12V Operation ......................................................................................................... 20
7 Logged Data Retrieval ......................................................................................................................... 21
8 Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) .............................................................................................. 22
8.1 Autonomous Data Logger Deployment ...................................................................................... 23
8.2 Autonomous Data Logger Data Recovery ................................................................................... 24
9 Care and Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 25
9.1 Firmware Updates ....................................................................................................................... 25
9.1.1 Firmware Update Using Lucy .............................................................................................. 25
9.1.2 Firmware Update Using an FTP Client and Internet Browser ............................................. 26
9.2 File System Care .......................................................................................................................... 26
9.3 Connector Care ........................................................................................................................... 27
9.4 Retrieval and Storage .................................................................................................................. 27
9.5 Long Term Storage ...................................................................................................................... 28
9.6 Deployment................................................................................................................................. 28
9.7 Long Term Deployment .............................................................................................................. 28
10 Troubleshooting icListen ..................................................................................................................... 29
10.1 Instrument not communicating .................................................................................................. 29
10.2 I need to find out the icListen firmware version and serial number .......................................... 29
10.3 The information displayed on the web interface is blank or not updating ................................ 29
10.4 I’m starting to miss data in my icListen WAV logs ...................................................................... 29
10.5 I can’t connect to my Ethernet icListen’s IP address .................................................................. 30
10.6 The battery charge drops dramatically when using the Reverse Bias Plug ................................ 30
11 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................................... 31
11.1 What happens when the icListen’s internal memory fills during logging? ................................. 31
11.2 What is the login/password/port for SFTP and SCP? .................................................................. 31
11.3 Why are the values in the low frequency bins of my spectrum data so low? ............................ 31
12 Options and Configurations ................................................................................................................ 32
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 iii
13 Wiring Tables for icListen .................................................................................................................... 33
13.1 icListen Ethernet Interface .......................................................................................................... 33
13.2 Ethernet Cable ............................................................................................................................ 34
13.3 icListen Serial Interface ............................................................................................................... 35
13.4 Shorting Jumper .......................................................................................................................... 35
14 Recommended Connectors ................................................................................................................. 36
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Table of Figures

Figure 2-1: icListen AF ................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3-1: Lucy Ethernet connection display ............................................................................................... 8
Figure 3-2 : Lucy status display ..................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3-3: Lucy example display .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4-1: Lucy main display ...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5-1: FFT’s with 0% Overlap ............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5-2: FFT’s with 50% Overlap............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 5-3: Epoch Triggers .......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10-1: Lucy status bar ........................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 13-1: Subconn MCBH8M male face ................................................................................................. 33
Figure 13-2: Subconn MCIL8F female face ................................................................................................. 34
Figure 13-3: RJ-45 Pin positions .................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 13-4: Subconn MCBH8M male face ................................................................................................. 35
Figure 13-5: Subconn MCDC8F female face................................................................................................ 35
Figure 14-1: Subconn MCBH8M male face ................................................................................................. 36
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 5

1 icListen Smart Hydrophones

The concept of the icListen Smart Hydrophone has been in development since 2005. Smart Hydrophones take the work out of gathering acoustic data in the ocean. They supply data in real units, processing it as needed before it is stored or sent to the operator.
These hydrophones are ideal for a range of passive acoustic applications, such as:
Environmental assessments of underwater acoustic noise
Monitoring for marine life, including sea mammals and spawning fish
Laboratory reference hydrophone
Locating sound sources, such as malfunctioning equipment, or flight data recorders
Locating leaks in underwater pipes, and identifying machine noises
Users communicate with icListen through a PC program called Lucy, or using the web interface. Lucy allows users to view instrument data in real-time, retrieve and play stored data, and perform housekeeping functions, such as checking the status & configuration. Ethernet icListen models contain a web interface which can be used for device configuration and for viewing real-time spectral data.
We hope you enjoy your experience with icListen AF, and look forward to receiving your feedback.
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 6

2 Features of icListen AF

The icListen AF combines high signal integrity, data storage capacity, low power and small size with the ability to process sound data in real-time.
The icListen AF can be used in a tethered mode, or as an acoustic data logger.
In tethered mode, real-time waveform or spectral data can be continuously streamed to a host PC running the Lucy program.
As a data logger, icListen AF can be configured using Lucy or its web interface, then left for extended periods under water to collect waveform or spectral data, storing it internally.
The amount of recording time is dependent upon the sample rate, as seen in the following table.
Figure 2-1: icListen AF
How Sample Rate Affects Storage Time
Sample Rate
24 Bit Data
16 Bit Data
GB per day
Days with 256 GB
GB per day
Days with 256 GB
1 kS/sec
2 kS/sec
4 kS/sec
8 kS/sec
16 kS/sec
32 kS/sec
*GB per day values are calculated based on logging 1 minute wav files
Note that storage time can be increased significantly by: enabling Duty Cycle Logging to record data periodically, logging based on epoch triggers rather than logging continuously, or by storing processed power spectrum data instead of waveform data.
Waveform data is logged in the standard “.wav” format, making it accessible from a wide range of
software programs. Spectral data is in a tab-separated .txt format, suitable for spreadsheet viewing. See the icListen Log File Formats document for more detailed descriptions of the log files. The Lucy program is ideal for viewing stored waveform or spectral data.
Spectral analysis of data is optionally performed in the instrument, and can be averaged for up to one minute to reduce the quantity of data transferred or stored.
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 7

2.1 AF – Feature Summary

Frequency Range: 10 Hz - 10 kHz (1Hz - 10kHz option is available)
Low power, approximately 2 W
Battery Life: 8+ hours (operating), 4+ days (standby)
Power input (with internal battery), 24 VDC +/-25%
Power input (without internal battery), 12 VDC +/-20%
Supplies real-time waveform and processed data, in tethered mode
Processed data in tab separated spreadsheet .TXT format
Waveform data in WAV format, with meta data stored in file header
256GB of internal storage capacity
Event detection, up to 5 bandwidth configurable triggers
Monitors internal temperature and humidity
Monitors battery charge state
Indicates startup/shutdown through buzzer patterns
Seconds can be aligned to falling edge of PPS
Time of day can be synchronized through messages encoded in PPS
Interfaces – Ethernet, Serial RS232/RS422
Maximum depth: 3500 meters
Size: 48 mm dia., 267 mm long
Depth rating: 200 or 3500 meters
Available as of hardware rev 5
icListen AF previously shipped with 128GB and 32GB of internal storage
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 8

3 Quick Start – Bench Setup

It is important to test icListen when it is first unpacked and before each deployment, for best results.
The hydrophone works in air well enough to provide a good functional test. Arrange a work surface large enough to hold the hydrophone, cables and the PC used to run the Lucy software.

3.1 Checklist

1. Hydrophone to be tested (note its serial number).
2. A PC (ideally the same portable one used to deploy the hydrophone), with the Lucy software
already installed. Ensure the PC has a suitable data port interface for the icListen instrument.

3.2 Steps

1. Connect the icListen to the link cable, and the data link to the PC.
2. Start up the Lucy program on the PC.
3. Click the icListen Setup button in the lower right. In the popup window, select the Link tab and
chose the appropriate connection type. To find your icListen, click “Find All Units”. To connect, double click the unit from the found units list.
Figure 3-1: Lucy Ethernet connection display
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 9
4. Click the ‘Enquire’ button in the middle top of the display. A message to the right will display if
the enquire was successful. Note the serial number in the displayed message, to ensure it matches the number on the hydrophone. The message also displays the sensor temperature (which may be slightly different from that outside the instrument), the internal humidity, and the battery charge state.
Figure 3-2 : Lucy status display
5. The humidity is an indication of the seal quality. A humidity reading of 50% or less is acceptable.
Higher readings indicate a possible leak in the seal. Contact Ocean Sonics if the humidity is higher than 80%. Close the Setup window if it is still open.
6. Click the ‘Start’ button in the top left corner. The display should begin to show data in the
charts. Gently tap the hydrophone, or whistle near it, to cause a change in the display. If the display is black/red, change the reference setting on the bottom left until blue or green is visible.
7. If a changing data display is seen, the hydrophone is ready to put in the water. Events will show
up on the display approximately 1 second after they have occurred. See the following display for an example.
Figure 3-3: Lucy example display
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 10
4 Ocean Sonics’ Lucy
The PC software used to talk to the icListen hydrophones is called Lucy. It presents data to the operator in a graphical and numerical format.
Lucy allows a user to fully configure, monitor status, and retrieve live and logged data from icListen. It is also capable of logging live data as it is retrieved and later viewing and analyzing logs created either by icListen or Lucy.
The interaction of the software has been designed for field operations personnel, making it simple to use once configured.
Figure 4-1: Lucy main display
Please refer to the Lucy User’s Guide for instructions on operating the Lucy software.
icListen AF User Guide © December, 2017 11

5 Processing in icListen

One thing that makes icListen hydrophones smart is their ability to process data. Several types of processing are available to icListen devices, all of which add value to the data.
icListen is capable of transmitting real-time waveform data, and storing this data for later analysis. All icListen smart hydrophones can also convert incoming data to power spectrum frequency data. This
data can be processed in different ways, transmitted in real-time, stored, or used to trigger various effects in Epoch mode. In icListen AF, waveform and spectrum data can be streamed, logged, or collected through the command and control channel. Data cannot be streamed and logged simultaneously (but can be collected from the command and control channel while logging).

5.1 Waveform (Time Domain) Data

Waveform data represents the raw signal detected by a hydrophone. Acoustic data is converted from analog to digital, where it can then be processed by icListen.

5.1.1 Real-Time Data

icListen AF is capable of transmitting real-time waveform data to users, using software such as Lucy. Along with the digital waveform data, icListen will also transmit information on how the unit was configured when the data was collected, which can be used to convert the received numbers to voltage or pressure measurements.

5.1.2 Stored WAV Data

Waveform data may also be stored by icListen AF in standard uncompressed WAV files. This makes data recorded by icListen readable by many third-party sound editing programs and analysis tools, as well as by Ocean SonicsLucy software.
In addition to the waveform data, icListen will store additional metadata in the WAV file’s LIST chunk, which can prove to be useful for analysis. For more information on the WAV file format, and the additional information provided in the LIST chunk, please refer to the icListen Log File Formats document.
Data can be retrieved using the web interface or through FTP, SFTP, and SCP using an FTP client such as FileZilla. Data may also be retrieved from Ethernet units using Lucy. For SFTP and SCP, the username is “icListen”, the port is 22, and by default there is no password. FTP requires no user name or password.
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